1995 Chilean telethon

Chilean Telethon's logo

The 1995 Chilean telethon was the 13th version of the solidarity campaign held in Chile since 1978. The theme of this version was "Our great work." The event took place on 1–2 December 1995. The chosen poster boy for the campaign was Marcel Cáceres.

The event, broadcast over twenty seven consecutive hours, was conducted primarily at the Teatro Teleton and the closing of the programme was broadcast from the National Stadium, the first time that the closing of the program was held there. During the early hours of Sunday, 3rd. December the final count was given, a total of CL$ 5,005,253,668. Although that figure far exceeded the amount collected from the last telethon (CL$ 3,138,513,916), the goal was to double that amount, so it was the first and, so far, the only telethon that has failed the objective.


As usual, the Telethon was opened in the presence of various authorities with an emotional keynote address by Don Francisco, where he announced that the goal for this year would be double the amount raised in the previous edition, making the goal CL$ 6,277,027,832. In the first count, held at 23.15, the enthusiasm was high as the figure given by the Bank of Chile reached $ 32,357,523, more than double the proceeds from the 1994 Telethon at the same time. But as the next few hours passed, the donations began to wane, and at 00.17, the second count nearly equalled the figure of last year's event, and by 10am it had not even surpassed 700 million pesos. During that time, a group of government politicians and members of the government opposition did a comic piece called "Policoro."

The figures throughout the day were not encouraging, at 17.42, a new total showed only CL$ 1,879,164,121.

When the final leg of the presentation started at the Teatro Teleton (about 19.00), Don Francisco asked TV channels for a one hour delay in transmission of their newscasts to urge Chileans to go to the bank. The channels accepted the proposal and, at 22.00, Francisco gave the new total CL$ 3,208,291,257.

The likelihood that the goal would not be reached became more and more apparent, two hours before the end of the event and the total had only just passed the previous events, half of the goal. In an interview on Channel 13 newscast, Teletrece, Don Francisco, before going to the National Stadium, stating that nothing had worked as planned, and asking people to go back to the bank if possible, and that he did not think the goal would be met, although he hoped at least to get close to it.[1]

For the first time the closing event was at the National Stadium, which was filled to capacity. At 23.26, a new total was given, CL$ 3,908,243,017. Don Francisco finally admitted that the goal will not be reached, which was confirmed when at 00.33, the numbers barely exceeded $ 4,200 million.

The transmission extended for an hour and at 2.06 the final count was CL$ 5,005,253,668, nearly 1,200 million pesos less than expected. Prior to closing, Don Francisco thanked all those involved and expressed his respect for those who did not. Days later, the Bank of Chile gave the final count of $ 5,534,774,829, which would become the goal for the next edition.


Time (UTC-3)Amound in pesos
22.15 (Dec. 1, 1995)[2] $ 130,540
23.13 $ 32,357,523
00.17 (Dec.2, 1995) $ 182,532,939
01.34 $ 288,372,298
04.43 $ 380,352,436
06.59 $ 407,024,989
09.42 $ 539,352,313
10.44 $ 689,900,247
11.43 $ 782,686,275
13.14 $ 918,448,845
15.14 $ 1,324,047,202
17.42 $ 1,879,164,121
19.42 $ 2,128,736,935
20.57 $ 2,880,979,153
21.59 $ 3,208,291,257
23.26 $ 3,908,243,017
00.33 (Dec.3, 1995) $ 4,204,332,866
00.56 $ 4,663,423,859
02.06 $ 5,005,253,668


Company Product Donation (in pesos)
BabysanBaby Nappies$37.867.930
Banco de ChileBanking$52.940.759
CachantúnMineral Water$34.980.000
Cerveza CristalBeer$55.798.283
Coca-ColaSoft Drinks$45.100.000
ConfortToilet Paper$40.000.000
CTC MundoTelephone Services$87.566.406
Dos en Uno (Chubi)Preserves and Sweets$32.199.000
Dos en Uno (Selz, Mamba y Holanda)Biscuits$41.290.000
Johnson's ClothesClothing$32.110.000
NovaSanitary towels$34.000.000
Omo MaticDetergent$40.230.780
Otto KrausToys$30.250.000
Pisco ControlFish Products$37.280.552
Super PolloChicken Products$40.502.000
Té SupremoTea$34.674.470
ZukoPowdered Drinks$37.175.450


National singers

International singers



Children's Section



  1. Teletrece, edición central, 2 de diciembre de 1995. on YouTube
  2. First donation made in the 1995 Telethon.

External links