1983 Beirut barracks bombing

1983 Beirut barracks bombings
Part of the Lebanese Civil War

A smoke cloud rises from the rubble of the bombed barracks at Beirut International Airport (BIA).
Date October 23, 1983
Attack type
Suicide truck bombs, Terrorism, Mass murder
Deaths 241 American Military Servicemen
58 French Paratroopers[1]
6 civilians
2 suicide bombers
Total: 307
Non-fatal injuries
Perpetrators Islamic Jihad Organization

The Beirut Barracks Bombings (October 23, 1983, in Beirut, Lebanon) occurred during the Lebanese Civil War when two truck bombs struck separate buildings housing United States and French military forces—members of the Multinational Force (MNF) in Lebanon—killing 299 American and French servicemen. An obscure group calling itself 'Islamic Jihad' claimed responsibility for the bombings.[2]

The chain of command likely ran from Tehran, to Iran's Ambassador to Syria, Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur in Damascus, to IRGC commander Hossein Dehghan, in Beirut, as the Iranians drew on assets in Lebanon.[3] Hezbollah, Iran and Syria have continued to deny any involvement in any of the bombings; even though, in 2004, the Iranian government erected a monument in Tehran to commemorate the 1983 bombings and its "martyrs".[4]

Suicide bombers detonated each of the truck bombs. In the attack on the building serving as a barracks for the 1st Battalion 8th Marines (Battalion Landing Team - BLT 1/8), the death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and three soldiers, making this incident the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States Marine Corps since World War II's Battle of Iwo Jima, the deadliest single-day death toll for the United States military since the first day of the Vietnam War's Tet Offensive, and the deadliest single attack on Americans overseas since World War II.[5] Another 128 Americans were wounded in the blast. Thirteen later died of their injuries, and they are numbered among the total number who died.[6] An elderly Lebanese man, a custodian/vendor who was known to work and sleep in his concession stand next to the building, was also killed in the first blast.[7][8][9] The explosives used were later estimated to be equivalent to as much as 9,525 kg (21,000 pounds) of TNT.[10][11]

In the attack on the French barracks, the nine-story 'Drakkar' building, 55 paratroopers from the 1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment and 3 paratroopers of the 9th Parachute Chasseur Regiment were killed and 15 injured by a second truck bomb. This attack occurred just minutes after the attack on the American Marines. It was France's single worst military loss since the end of the Algerian War.[12] The wife and four children of a Lebanese janitor at the French building were also killed, and more than twenty other Lebanese civilians were injured.[13]

These attacks eventually led to the withdrawal of the international peacekeeping force from Lebanon, where they had been stationed since the withdrawal of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.

The bombings: Sunday, October 23, 1983

The USMC barracks in Beirut
The building in 1982
This is the Drakkar building the French paratroopers were using for a barracks in October, 1983.
Sketch map of the route taken by the suicide bomber on the morning of October 23, 1983. [From the Long Commission Report].

At around 06:22, a 19-ton yellow Mercedes-Benz stake-bed truck drove to the Beirut International Airport (BIA), where the U.S. 24th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) was deployed. The 1st Battalion 8th Marines (BLT), commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Larry Gerlach, was a subordinate element of the 24th MAU. The truck was not the water truck they had been expecting. Instead, it was a hijacked truck carrying explosives. The driver turned his truck onto an access road leading to the compound. He drove into and circled the parking lot, and then he accelerated to crash through a 5-foot-high barrier of concertina wire separating the parking lot from the building. The wire popped "like somebody walking on twigs."[14] The truck then passed between two sentry posts and through an open vehicle gate in the perimeter chain-link fence, crashed through a guard shack in front of the building and smashed into the lobby of the building serving as the barracks for the 1st Battalion 8th Marines (BLT). The sentries at the gate were operating under rules of engagement which made it very difficult to respond quickly to the truck. Sentries were ordered to keep their weapons at condition four (no magazine inserted and no rounds in the chamber). Only one sentry, LCpl Eddie DiFranco, was able to load and chamber a round. However, by that time the truck was already crashing into the building's entryway.[15]

The suicide bomber, an Iranian national named Ismail Ascari,[16][17] detonated his explosives, which were later estimated to be equivalent to approximately 9,525 kilograms (21,000 pounds) of TNT.[10][11] The force of the explosion collapsed the four-story building into rubble, crushing many inside. According to Eric Hammel in his history of the U.S. Marine landing force,

"The force of the explosion initially lifted the entire four-story structure, shearing the bases of the concrete support columns, each measuring fifteen feet in circumference and reinforced by numerous one-and-three-quarter-inch steel rods. The airborne building then fell in upon itself. A massive shock wave and ball of flaming gas was hurled in all directions."[18]

The explosive mechanism was a gas-enhanced device consisting of compressed butane in canisters employed with pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) to create a fuel-air explosive.[10][11] The bomb was carried on a layer of concrete covered with a slab of marble to direct the blast upward.[19] Despite the lack of sophistication and wide availability of its component parts, a gas-enhanced device can be a lethal weapon. These devices were similar to fuel-air or thermobaric weapons, explaining the large blast and damage.[20] An after-action forensic investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) determined that the bomb was so powerful that it probably would have brought down the building even if the sentries had managed to stop the truck between the gate and the building.[21]

Less than ten minutes later, a similar attack occurred against the barracks of the French 3rd Company of the 1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment, 6 km away in the Ramlet al Baida area of West Beirut.[22] As the suicide bomber drove his pickup truck toward the "Drakkar" building, French paratroopers began shooting at the truck and its driver.[22] It is believed that the driver was killed and the truck was immobilized and rolled to stop about fifteen yards from the building.[22] A few moments passed before the truck exploded, bringing down the nine-story building and killing 58 French paratroopers.[22] It is believed that this bomb was detonated by remote control and that, though similarly constructed, it was smaller than and slightly less than half as powerful as the one used against the Marines at the Beirut International Airport.[22] Many of the paratroopers had gathered on their balconies moments earlier to see what was happening at the airport.[23] It was France's worst military loss since the end of the Algerian War in 1962.[24]

Beirut: June 1982 to October 1983


6 June 1982 -- Israel invaded Lebanon: Operation "Peace for Galilee."
23 August 1982 -- Bachir Gemayel was elected to be Lebanon's president.
25 August 1982 -- A MNF of approximately 400 French, 800 Italian soldiers and 800 Marines of the 32d Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) were deployed in Beirut as part of a peacekeeping force to oversee the evacuation of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) guerrillas.
10 September 1982 -- The PLO retreats from Beirut under MNF protection. Subsequently, the 32d MAU was ordered out of Beirut by the President of the United States.
14 September 1982 -- Lebanon's President, Bachir Gemayel, was assassinated.
16 September to 18 September 1982 -- The Sabra and Shatila massacres.
21 September 1982 -- Bachir Gemayel's brother, Amine Gemayel, was elected to be Lebanon's president.
29 September 1982 -- The 32d MAU was redeployed to Beirut (primarily at the BIA) rejoining 2,200 French and Italian MNF troops already in place.
30 October 1982 -- The 32d MAU was relieved by the 24th MAU.
15 February 1983 -- The 32d MAU, redesignated as the 22d MAU, returned to Lebanon to relieve the 24th MAU.
17 May 1983 -- May 17 Agreement of 1983
30 May 1983 -- The 24th MAU relieved the 22d MAU.


On June 6, 1982, Israel initiated Operation "Peace for Galilee" and invaded Lebanon ostensibly to create a 40 km buffer zone between the PLO and Syrian forces in Lebanon and Israel.[26][27][28] The Israeli invasion was tacitly approved by the U.S., and the U.S. provided overt military support to Israel in the form of arms and matériel.[29] However, what the U.S. agreed to support and what Israel did were altogether two separate matters.[26][30] Nevertheless, the U.S.' 'apparent support' for Israel's invasion of Lebanon taken in conjunction with U.S. support for Lebanese President Bachir Gemayel and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) alienated many.[31] Bachir Gemayel was the legally elected president, but he was a partisan Maronite Christian and covert associate of Israel.[32] These factors served to disaffect the Lebanese Muslim and Druze communities in Lebanon. This animosity was made worse by the Phalangist, a right-wing, largely Maronite-Lebanese militia force closely associated with U.S. backed President Gemayel. The Phalangist militia was responsible for multiple, bloody attacks against the Muslim and Druze communities in Lebanon and for the 1982 atrocites committed in the PLO refugee camps, Sabra and Shatila, while the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) provided security and looked on.[33][34] The Phalangist militia's attacks on Sabra and Shatila were puportedly a response to the September 14, 1982, assassination of President-elect Bachir Gemayel.[33][35][36] Amine Gemayel, Bachir's brother, succeeded Bachir as the elected president of Lebanon, and Amine continued to represent and advance Maronite interests.

All of this, according to British foreign correspondent Robert Fisk, served to generate ill will against the MNF among Lebanese Muslims and especially among the Shiites living in the slums of West Beirut and around the Beirut International Airport where the U.S. Marines were located. Lebanese Muslims were manipulated into believing the MNF, and the Americans in particular, were unfairly siding with the Maronite Christians in their attempt to dominate Lebanon.[37][38][39] Muslim feelings against the American presence were "exacerbated when counter-battery missiles lobbed by the U.S. Sixth Fleet hit innocent by-standers in the Druze-dominated Shuf mountains."[40]

Colonel Timothy J. Geraghty, the commander of the U.S. 24th Marine Amphibious Unit (MAU) deployed as peacekeepers in Beirut during the incident, has said that the American and the French headquarters were targeted primarily because of "who we were and what we represented"[41] and that,

It is noteworthy that the United States provided direct naval gunfire support—which I strongly opposed for a week—to the Lebanese Army at a mountain village called Suq-al-Garb on 19 September and that the French conducted an air strike on 23 September in the Bekaa Valley. American support removed any lingering doubts of our neutrality, and I stated to my staff at the time that we were going to pay in blood for this decision.[42]

The naval gunfire support Colonel Geraghty referenced was from four U.S. warships: the USS Virginia, USS Arthur W. Radford, USS Bowen, and USS John Rodgers. Prior to September 19, the USS Bowen had fired an interdiction mission on September 7, and the USS Bowen and USS John Rodgers had together fired another interdiction mission on September 16 to intimidate Syrian and Druze militia firing on the Marines.[43]

Some authors, including Thomas Friedman, point to the use of this naval gunfire on September 19 as the beginning point of the U.S. forces being seen as participants in the civil war rather than peace keepers and opening them up to retaliation.[44][45] In his memoir, General Colin Powell (at the time an assistant to Caspar Weinberger) noted, as Colonel Geraghty had already projected, that "When the shells started falling on the Shiites, they assumed the American ‘referee’ had taken sides."[46] Some analysts subsequently criticized the decision to have U.S. warships shell Druze and Syrian forces. They claim that this action forced a shift in the previously neutral U.S. forces by convincing local Lebanese Muslims that the U.S. had sided with the Lebanese Christians.[47]

In 1982, the Islamic Republic of Iran established a base in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. That base is still operational today. From that base, Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) "founded, financed, trained and equipped Hezbollah to operate as a proxy army" for Iran.[48] Some analysts believe the newly formed Islamic Republic of Iran was heavily involved in the bomb attacks and that a major factor leading it to orchestrate the attacks on the barracks was America's support for Iraq in the Iran–Iraq War and its extending of $2.5 billion in trade credit to Iraq while halting the shipments of arms to Iran.[49] A few weeks before the bombing, Iran warned that providing armaments to Iran's enemies would provoke retaliatory punishment.[Notes 1] On September 26, 1983, "the National Security Agency (NSA) intercepted an Iranian diplomatic communications message from the Iranian intelligence agency, the Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS)," to its ambassador, Ali Akbar Mohtashemi, in Damascus. The message directed the ambassador to "take spectacular action against the American Marines."[50] The intercepted message, dated September 26, would not be passed to the Marines until October 26: three days after the bombing.[51]

Much of what is now public knowledge of Iranian involvement, e.g., PETN purportedly supplied by Iran, the suicide bomber's name and nationality, etc., in the bombings was not revealed to the public until the 2003 trial, Peterson, et al v. Islamic Republic, et al.[10] Testimony by Admiral James "Ace" Lyon's, U.S.N. (Ret), and FBI forensic explosive investigator Danny A. Defenbaugh, plus a deposition by a Hezbollah operative named Mahmoud (a pseudonym) were particularly revealing.[52]

Rescue and recovery operations: October 23 to 28, 1983


Marine Gen. P.X. Kelley (left) and Col. Tim Geraghty (right) take Vice President George H.W. Bush on a tour around the site of the Beirut barracks bombing two days after the explosion.

Organized rescue efforts began immediately—within three minutes of the bombing—and continued for days.[53] Unit maintenance personnel were not billeted in the BLT building, and they rounded up pry bars, torches, jacks and other equipment from unit vehicles and maintenance shops and began rescue operations.[54] Meanwhile, combat engineers and truck drivers began using their organic assets, i.e., trucks and engineering equipment, to help with the rescue operations.[55] 24th MAU medical personnel, Navy dentists LT Gil Bigelow and LT Jim Ware, established two aid stations to triage and treat casualties.[56][57][58] Medevac helicopters, CH-46s from Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 162, were airborne by 6:45 AM.[59] U.S. Navy medical personnel from nearby vessels of the U.S. Sixth Fleet went ashore to assist with treatment and medical evacuation of the injured,[60][61] as did sailors and shipboard Marines who volunteered to assist with the rescue effort.[62] Lebanese, Italian, British, and even French troops, who had suffered their own loss, provided assistance.[63][64]

Many Lebanese civilians voluntarily joined the rescue effort.[65] Especially important was a Lebanese construction contractor, Rafiq Hariri of the firm Oger-Liban, who provided heavy construction equipment, e.g., a 40-ton P & H crane, etc., from nearby BIA worksites. Hariri's construction equipment proved vitally necessary in lifting and removing heavy slabs of concrete debris at the barracks site just as it had been necessary in assisting with clearing debris after the April U.S. Embassy attack.[65][66]

While the rescuers were at times hindered by hostile sniper and artillery fire, several Marine survivors were pulled from the rubble at the BLT 1/8 bomb site and airlifted by helicopter to the USS Iwo Jima, located offshore. U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and Royal Air Force medevac planes transported the seriously wounded to the hospital at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus and to U.S. and German hospitals in West Germany.[62][67] A few survivors, including LTC Gerlach, were sent to the Italian MNF dispensary and to Lebanese hospitals in Beirut.[68][69] Israel's offers to medevac the wounded to hospitals in Israel were rejected as politically unacceptable even though Israeli hospitals were known to provide excellent care and were considerably closer than hospitals in Germany.[25][70]

At about noon Sunday, October 23, the last survivor was pulled from the rubble; he was LTJG Danny G. Wheeler, Lutheran chaplain for BLT 1/8.[71] Other men survived beyond Sunday, but they succumbed to their injuries before they could be extracted from the rubble.[72] By Wednesday, the majority of the bodies and body parts had been recovered from the stricken barracks, and the recovery effort ended on Friday.[73][74] After five days, the FBI came in to investigate, and the Marines returned to normal duties.[74]


"The explosion at the French barracks blew the whole building off its foundations and threw it about 6 meters (20 feet) westward, while breaking the windows of almost every apartment house in the neighborhood...Grim-faced French paratroopers and Lebanese civil defense workers aided by bulldozers also worked under spotlights through the night at the French barracks, trying to pull apart the eight stories of 90 centimeter (3 foot) thick cement that had fallen on top of one another and to reach the men they could still hear screaming for help. They regularly pumped oxygen into the mountain of rubble to keep those who were still trapped below alive."[13]

American and French response

President Ronald Reagan's keynote speech to the Rev. Jerry Falwell's "Baptist Fundamentalism '84" convention: the marines and their chaplains at the scene of the bombing

U.S. President Ronald Reagan called the attack a "despicable act"[75] and pledged to keep a military force in Lebanon. U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who had privately advised the administration against stationing U.S. Marines in Lebanon,[76] said there would be no change in the U.S.'s Lebanon policy. French President François Mitterrand and other French dignitaries visited both the French and American bomb sites to offer their personal condolences on Monday, October 24, 1983. It was not an official visit, and President Mitterrand only stayed for a few hours, but he did declare "We will stay."[77] During his visit, President Mitterrand visited each of the scores of American caskets and made the sign of the cross as his mark of respectful observance for each of the fallen peacekeepers.[78] U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush arrived and made a tour of the destroyed BLT barracks on Wednesday, October 26, 1983. Vice President Bush toured the site and said the U.S. "would not be cowed by terrorists."[77] Vice President Bush also visited with wounded U.S. personnel aboard the U.S.S. Iwo Jima (LPH-2), and he took time to meet with the commanders of the other MNF units (French, Italian and British) deployed in Beirut.[79]

In retaliation for the attacks, France launched an airstrike in the Beqaa Valley against alleged Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) positions. President Reagan assembled his national security team and planned to target the Sheik Abdullah barracks in Baalbek, Lebanon, which housed Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) believed to be training Hezbollah militants.[80] A joint American-French air assault on the camp where the bombing was planned was also approved by Reagan and Mitterrand. U.S. Defense Secretary Weinberger lobbied successfully against the mission, because at the time it was not certain that Iran was behind the attack.[81]

Some of the U.S. Marines in Beirut were moved to transport vessels offshore where they could not be targeted; yet, they would be ready and available to serve as a ready reaction force in Beirut if needed.[82] For protection against snipers and artillery attacks, the Marines remaining at the airport built and moved into bunkers in the ground employing 'appropriated' Soviet-bloc CONEXes.[83][84]

Col Geraghty requested and received reinforcements to replace his unit losses.[85] BLT 2/6, the Division Marine Air Alert Battalion stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC, and commanded by LtCol Edwin C. Kelley, was dispatched and flown into Beirut by four C-141s in less than 36 hours after the bombing.[86] LtCol Kelley officially replaced the seriously injured BLT 1/8 commander, LtCol Gerlach. LtCol Kelley quietly redesignated his unit, BLT 2/6, as BLT 1/8 to help bolster the morale of the BLT 1/8 survivors.[87] On November 18, 1983, the 22d MAU rotated into Beirut and relieved in place the 24th MAU.[88] The 24th MAU returned to Camp Lejeune, NC, for training and refitting.

Eventually, it became evident that the U.S. would launch no serious and immediate retaliatory attack for the Beirut Marine barracks bombing beyond naval barrages and air strikes used to interdict continuous harassing fire from Druze and Syrian missile and artillery sites.[89] A true retaliatory strike failed to materialize because there was a rift in White House counsel (largely between George P. Shultz of the Department of State and Weinberger of the Department of Defense) and because the extant evidence pointing at Iranian involvement was circumstantial at that time: the Islamic Jihad, which took credit for the attack, was a front for Hezbollah which was acting as a proxy for Iran; thus, affording Iran plausible deniability.[10] Secretary of State Schultz was an advocate for retaliaton, but Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger was against retaliation. Secretary of Defense Weinberger, in a September 2001 FRONTLINE interview, reaffirmed that rift in White House counsel when he claimed that the U.S. still lacks "'actual knowledge of who did the bombing' of the Marine barracks."[81]

The USS New Jersey had arrived and taken up station off Beirut on September 25, 1983. Special Representative in the Middle East Robert McFarlane's team had requested the New Jersey after the August 29th Druze mortar attack that killed two Marines.[90] After the October 23rd bombing, on November 28, the U.S. government announced that the New Jersey would remain stationed off Beirut although her crew would be rotated. It wasn't until December 14 that the New Jersey finally joined the fray and fired 11 projectiles from her 16-inch guns at hostile targets near Beirut. "This was the first time 16-inch shells were fired for effect anywhere in the world since the New Jersey ended her time on the gunline in Vietnam in 1969."[91] Also in December 1983, U.S. aircraft from the USS John F. Kennedy and USS Independence battle groups attacked Syrian targets in Lebanon, but this was ostensibly in response to Syrian missile attacks on American warplanes.

In the meantime, the attack boosted the prestige and growth of the Shiite organization Hezbollah. Hezbollah officially denied any involvement in the attacks, but was seen by Lebanese as involved nonetheless as it praised the "two martyr mujahideen" who "set out to inflict upon the U.S. Administration an utter defeat, not experienced since Vietnam."[92] Hezbollah was now seen by many as "the spearhead of the sacred Muslim struggle against foreign occupation".[93]

The 1983 report of the U.S. Department of Defense Commission's on the attack recommended that the National Security Council investigate and consider alternative ways to reach "American objectives in Lebanon" because, "as progress to diplomatic solutions slows," the security of the USMNF base continues to "deteriorate." The commission also recommended a review for the development of a broader range of "appropriate military, political, and diplomatic responses to terrorism." Military preparedness needed improvement in the development of "doctrine, planning, organization, force structure, education, and training" to better combat terrorism, while the USMNF was "not prepared" to deal with the terrorist threat at the time due to "lack of training, staff, organization, and support" specifically for defending against "terror threats."[94]

Amal Movement leader Nabih Berri, who had previously supported U.S. mediation efforts, asked the U.S. and France to leave Lebanon and accused the two countries of seeking to commit 'massacres' against the Lebanese and of creating a "climate of racism" against Shias.[95] Islamic Jihad phoned in new threats against the MNF pledging that "the earth would tremble" unless the MNF withdrew by New Year's Day 1984.[96]

USS New Jersey fires a salvo against anti-government forces in the Shouf, January 9, 1984

On February 7, 1984, President Reagan ordered the Marines to begin withdrawing from Lebanon largely because of waning congressional support for the mission after the attacks on the barracks.[97][98][99][100][101][102] The withdrawal of the 22d MAU from the BIA was completed 12:37 PM on February 26, 1984.[103] "Fighting between the Lebanese Army and Druze militia in the nearby Shouf mountains provided a noisy backdrop to the Marine evacuation. One officer commented: 'This ceasefire is getting louder.'"[104]

On February 8, 1984, the U.S.S. New Jersey fired almost 300 shells at Druze and Syrian positions in the Beqaa Valley east of Beirut. This was the heaviest shore bombardment since the Korean War.[105] "In a nine-hour period, the U.S.S. New Jersey fired 288 16-inch rounds, each one weighing as much as a Volkswagen Beetle. In those nine-hours, the ship consumed 40 percent of the 16-inch ammunition available in the entire European theater...[and] in one burst of wretched excess," the New Jersey seemed to be unleashing eighteen months of repressed fury.[106]

"Many Lebanese still recall the 'flying Volkswagens,' the name given to the huge shells that struck the Shouf."[107] In addition to destroying Syrian and Druze artillery and missile sites, approximately 30 of these behemoth projectiles rained down on a Syrian command post, killing the senior commanding Syrian general in Lebanon along with several of his senior officers.[108] Some of New Jersey's shells missed their intended targets and killed non-combatants, mostly Shiites and Druze.[109]

Following the U.S.' lead, the rest of the multinational force, the British, French and Italians, was withdrawn by the end of February 1984.[110][111] The ship borne 22d MAU contingent remained stationed offshore near Beirut while a detached 100 man ready reaction force remained stationed ashore near the U.S./U.K. Embassy.[112] The 22d MAU was relieved in place by the 24th MAU on April 10, 1984. On April 21, the ready reaction force in Beirut was deactivated and its men were reassigned to their respective ships. In late July, 1984, the last Marines from the 24th MAU, the U.S./U.K. Embassy guard detail, was withdrawn from Beirut.[25][112]


Search for perpetrators

At the time of the bombing, an obscure group called the "Islamic Jihad" claimed responsibility for the attack.[113][114] There were many in the U.S. government, such as Vice President Bush, Secretary of State George P. Shultz, and National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane (who was formerly Reagan's Mideast envoy), who believed Iran and/or Syria were/was responsible for the bombings.[115][116] After some years of investigation, the U.S. government now believes that elements of what would eventually become Hezbollah, backed by Iran and Syria, were responsible for these bombings[114][117] as well as the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Beirut earlier in April.[118][119] It is believed that Hezbollah used the name "Islamic Jihad" in order to remain anonymous. Hezbollah eventually announced its existence in 1985.[120][121] To date, Hezbollah, Iran and Syria have continued to deny any involvement in any of the bombings; even though, in 2004, the Iranian government erected a monument in Tehran to commemorate the 1983 bombings and its "martyrs".[16]

Lebanese author Hala Jaber claims that Iran and Syria helped organize the bombing which was run by two Lebanese Shia, Imad Mughniyah and Mustafa Badr Al Din:

Imad Mughniyeh and Mustafa Badr Al Din took charge of the Syrian-Iranian backed operation. Mughniyeh had been a highly trained security man with the PLO's Force 17 . . . Their mission was to gather information and details about the American embassy and draw up a plan that would guarantee the maximum impact and leave no trace of the perpetrator. Meetings were held at the Iranian embassy in Damascus. They were usually chaired by the ambassador, Hojatoleslam Ali-Akbar Mohtashemi, who played an instrumental role in founding Hezbollah. In consultation with several senior Syrian intelligence officers, the final plan was set in motion. The vehicle and explosives were prepared in the Bekaa Valley which was under Syrian control.[122]

Two years after the bombing, a U.S. grand jury secretly indicted Imad Mughniyah for his terrorist activities.[123] Mughniyah was never captured, but he was killed by a car bomb in Syria on February 12, 2008.[123][124][125][126]

Commentators argue that the lack of a response by the Americans emboldened terrorist organizations to conduct further attacks against U.S. targets.[8][127] Along with the U.S. embassy bombing, the barracks bombing prompted the Inman Report, a review of the security of U.S. facilities overseas for the U.S. State Department.

Alleged retaliation

On March 8, 1985, a truck bomb blew up in Beirut killing more than 80 people and injuring more than two hundred. The bomb detonated near the apartment block of Sheikh Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, a Shia cleric thought by many to be the spiritual leader of Hezbollah. Although the U.S. did not engage in any direct military retaliation to the attack on the Beirut barracks, the 1985 bombing was widely believed by Fadlallah and his supporters to be the work of the United States; Sheikh Fadlallah stating that "'They sent me a letter and I got the message,' and an enormous sign on the remains of one bombed building read: 'Made in the U.S.A.'" Robert Fisk also claims that CIA operatives planted the bomb and that evidence of this is found in an article in The Washington Post newspaper.[128] Journalist Robin Wright quotes articles in The Washington Post and The New York Times as saying that according to the CIA the "Lebanese intelligence personnel and other foreigners had been undergoing CIA training"[129] but that "this was not our [CIA] operation and it was nothing we planned or knew about."[130] "Alarmed U.S. officials subsequently canceled the covert training operation" in Lebanon, according to Wright.[131]

Lessons learned

Shortly after the barracks bombing, President Ronald Reagan appointed a military fact-finding committee headed by retired Admiral Robert L. J. Long to investigate the bombing. The commission's report found senior military officials responsible for security lapses and blamed the military chain of command for the disaster. It suggested that there might have been many fewer deaths if the barracks guards had carried loaded weapons and a barrier more substantial than the barbed wire the bomber drove over easily. The commission also noted that the "prevalent view" among U.S. commanders was that there was a direct link between the navy shelling of the Muslims at Suq-al-Garb and the truck bomb attack.[132][133]

Following the bombing and the realization that insurgents could deliver weapons of enormous yield with an ordinary truck or van, the presence of protective barriers (bollards) became common around critical government facilities in the United States and elsewhere, particularly Western civic targets situated overseas.[134]

An article in Foreign Policy titled "Lesson Unlearned" argues that the U.S. military intervention in the Lebanese Civil War has been downplayed or ignored in popular history - thus unlearned - and that lessons from Lebanon are "unlearned" as the U.S. militarily intervenes elsewhere in the world.[135]

Civil suit against Iran

On October 3 and December 28, 2001, the families of the 241 servicemen who were killed as well as several injured survivors filed civil suits against Islamic Republic of Iran and the Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS) in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. [136] In their separate complaints, the families and survivors sought a judgment that Iran was responsible for the attack and relief in the form of damages (compensatory and punitive) for wrongful death and common-law claims for battery, assault, and intentional infliction of emotional distress resulting from an act of state-sponsored terrorism.[136]

Iran (the defendant) was served with the two complaints (one from Deborah D. Peterson, Personal Representative of the Estate of James C. Knipple, et al., the other from Joseph and Marie Boulos, Personal Representatives of the Estate of Jeffrey Joseph Boulos) on May 6 and July 17, 2002.[136] Iran denied responsibility for the attack[137] but did not file any response to the claims of the families.[136] On December 18, 2002, Judge Royce C. Lamberth entered defaults against defendants in both cases.[136]

On May 30, 2003, Lamberth found Iran legally responsible for providing Hezbollah with financial and logistical support that helped them carry out the attack.[136][138] Lamberth concluded that the court had personal jurisdiction over the defendants under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, that Hezbollah was formed under the auspices of the Iranian government and was completely reliant on Iran in 1983, and that Hezbollah carried out the attack in conjunction with MOIS agents.[136]

On September 7, 2007, Lamberth awarded $2,656,944,877 to the plaintiffs. The judgment was divided up among the victims; the largest award was $12 million to Larry Gerlach, who became a quadriplegic as a result of a broken neck he suffered in the attack.[139]

The attorney for the families of the victims uncovered some new information, including a U.S. National Security Agency intercept of a message sent from Iranian intelligence headquarters in Tehran to Hojjat ol-eslam Ali-Akbar Mohtashemi, the Iranian ambassador in Damascus. As it was paraphrased by presiding U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth, "The message directed the Iranian ambassador to contact Hussein Musawi, the leader of the terrorist group Islamic Amal, and to instruct him ... 'to take a spectacular action against the United States Marines.'"[140] Musawi's Islamic Amal was a breakaway faction of the Amal Movement and an autonomous part of embryonic Hezbollah.[141]

In July 2012, federal Judge Royce Lamberth ordered Iran to pay more than $813m in damages and interest to the families of the 241 U.S. servicemen that were killed, writing in a ruling that Tehran had to be "punished to the fullest extent legally possible... Iran is racking up quite a bill from its sponsorship of terrorism."[142][143][144][145]

Mossad conspiracy theory

Former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky, in his 1990 book By Way of Deception, has accused the Mossad of knowing the specific time and location of the bombing, but only gave general information to the Americans of the attack, information which was worthless. According to Ostrovsky, then Mossad head Nahum Admoni decided against giving the specific details to the Americans on the grounds that the Mossad's responsibility was to protect Israel's interests, not Americans. Admoni denied having any prior knowledge of the attack.[146] Ostrovsky further claimed that among the high level officers of the Mossad there was a view that if the Americans "wanted to stick their nose into this Lebanon thing, let them pay the price."[147] Benny Morris, in his review of Ostrovsky's book, wrote that Ostrovsky was "barely a case officer before he was fired; most of his (brief) time in the agency was spent as a trainee" adding that due to compartmentalization "he did not and could not have had much knowledge of then current Mossad operations, let alone operational history." Benny Morris wrote that the claim regarding the barracks was "odd" and an example of one of Ostrovsky's "wet" stories which were "mostly fabricated."[148]

Terrorism classification

The bombing was categorized by the U.S. as an act of terrorism.[149] However, according to academic Oded Lowenheim, the U.S. Marines had become allied with the Maronite Christians in Lebanon and were actively engaging in battles, thus waiving their non-combatant status.[149] The U.S. still categorized this attack as an act of terrorism as it was directed against off-duty servicemen, whom the U.S. defines as non-combatants.

Memorials and remembrance

Main article: Beirut Memorial
Beirut Memorial, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune

A Beirut Memorial has been established at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, and has been used as the site of annual memorial services for the victims of the attack.[150] A Beirut Memorial Room at the USO in Jacksonville, North Carolina has also been created.[151]

The Armed Forces Chaplaincy Center, the site of Chaplain Corps training for the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force at Fort Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina, includes the partially destroyed sign from the Beirut barracks chapel as a memorial to those who died in the attack.[152] According to Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, one of the navy chaplains present during the attack, "Amidst the rubble, we found the plywood board which we had made for our "Peace-keeping Chapel." The Chaplain Corps Seal had been hand-painted, with the words "Peace-keeping" above it, and "Chapel" beneath. Now "Peace-keeping" was legible, but the bottom of the plaque was destroyed, with only a few burned and splintered pieces of wood remaining. The idea of peace - above; the reality of war - below."[152]

Sign from the "Peacekeeping Chapel" at the Marine Barracks, on display at the Armed Forces Chaplaincy Center, Fort Jackson.

Other memorials to the victims of the Beirut barracks bombing have been erected in various locations within the U.S., including one at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and one in Florida.[153] Additionally, a Lebanese cedar has been planted in Arlington National Cemetery near the graves of some of the victims of the attack, in their memory.[154] A plaque in the ground in front of the tree, dedicated in a ceremony on the first anniversary of the attack, reads: "Let peace take root: This cedar of Lebanon tree grows in living memory of the Americans killed in the Beirut terrorist attack and all victims of terrorism around the world." [155] The National Museum of the Marine Corps, in Quantico, Virginia, unveiled an exhibit in 2008 in memory of the attack and its victims.[156]

One memorial to the attack is located outside the U.S., where Gilla Gerzon, the director of the Haifa, Israel USO during the time of the attack coordinated the creation of a memorial park that included 241 olive trees, one for each of the U.S. military personnel who died in the attack.[157] The trees lead to an overpass on Mount Carmel looking toward Beirut.[157][158]

There is also an ongoing effort on the part of Beirut veterans and family members to convince the U.S. Postal Service and Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee to create a stamp in memory of the victims of the attack, but the recommendation has not yet been approved.[159][160] In the meantime, Beirut veterans have created a "PC Postage" commercially produced Beirut Memorial statue private vendor stamp (with or without the words "They Came in Peace") that is approved for use as postage by the U.S. Postal Service.[160]

Tribute to 58 French paratroopers of the 1st and 9th RCP who died for France in the 'Drakkar' building in Beirut on October 23, 1983.

See also


  1. For Iran's threat of retaliatory measures; see Ettela'at, 17 September 1983; Kayhan, 13 October 1983; and Kayhan, 26 October 1983, quoted in Ranstorp, Magnus, Hizb'allah in Lebanon : The Politics of the Western Hostage Crisis, New York, St. Martins Press, 1997, p. 117


  1. List of fallen and injured paratroopers by rank within regiment respectively of the 1st Parachute Chasseur Regiment and 9th Parachute Chasseur Regiment
  2. Bret Stephens, "Iran's Unrequited War / The mullahs are at war with us. Maybe we should return the favor", Wall Street Journal (October 22 2012).
  3. now.mmedia.me 30 October 2014
  4. Geraghty, Timothy J.; (2009). Peacekeepers at War: Beirut 1983--The Marine Commander Tells His Story p.185, Potomac Books. ISBN 978-1-59797-425-7.
  5. Geraghty, Timothy J.; Alfred M. Gray Jr. (Foreword) (2009). Peacekeepers at War: Beirut 1983--The Marine Commander Tells His Story. Potomac Books. ISBN 978-1-59797-425-7. p. xv.
  6. Hammel, Eric M. The Root: The Marines in Beirut, August 1982-February 1984. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985. ISBN 015179006X. p. 386.
  7. Hammel, op. cit., p. 394.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Geraghty, op. cit., p. xv.
  9. "Part 8 - Casualty Handling". Report of the DoD Commission on Beirut International Airport Terrorist Act, October 23, 1983. Archived from the original on 11 October 2007. Retrieved September 30, 2007.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 "Peterson v. Islamic Republic of Iran, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia" (PDF). Perles Law Firm. Washington, DC. 2003. Archived (PDF) from the original on 5 May 2006. Retrieved 23 December 2014.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 185-86.
  12. Wright, Robin, Sacred Rage, Simon and Schuster, 2001, p.72
  13. 13.0 13.1 "On This Day: October 23". The New York Times (New York: NYTC). October 23, 1983. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved June 13, 2014.
  14. Martin, David C. and John Walcott. Best Laid Plans: The Inside Story of America's War Against Terrorism. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1988. Pp. xxii, 392. ISBN 0-06-015877-8. p. 125.
  15. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 293-94.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Geraghty, op. cit., p. 185.
  17. Hammel, op. cit. p. 306.
  18. Hammel, op. cit. p. 303.
  19. Time Magazine Jan 2, 1984 Beirut: Serious Errors in Judgment - TIME
  20. Paul Rogers(2000)"Politics in the Next 50 Years: The Changing Nature of International Conflict"
  21. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 183-85.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Geraghty, op. cit., p. 188.
  23. "1st Parachute Regiment, Third Company". French Army. Retrieved January 9, 2010.
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  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 Frank, Benis M. (1987). "US Marines In Lebanon 1982-1984" (PDF). Washington, D.C.: History and Museums Division Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 1-6.
  27. Martin, op. cit., pp. 88.
  28. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 3-9; 11-12.
  29. Martin, op. cit., pp. 87-88.
  30. Martin, op. cit., pp. 88-95.
  31. Martin, op. cit., p. 192.
  32. Martin, op. cit., p. 91.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Martin, op. cit., p. 95.
  34. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 6.
  35. Hammel, op. cit., p. 33.
  36. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 5-7.
  37. Fisk, Robert (2002). Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon. Nation Books.
  38. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 276-77.
  39. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 57 & 152.
  40. "Marine Barracks Bombing (Lebanon) answers.com". Archived from the original on May 7, 2009. Retrieved March 8, 2009.
  41. Michael Robert Patterson. "Terrorist Bombing Of The Marine Barracks, Beirut, Lebanon". Arlington Cemetery. Retrieved September 17, 2011.
  42. Colonel Timothy J. Geraghty (October 2008). "25 Years Later: We Came in Peace". U.S. Naval Institute's Proceedings. Retrieved 24 December 2009.
  43. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 62, 69, & 72.
  44. Friedman, Thomas L. (July 1990). From Beirut to Jerusalem. Anchor Books. ISBN 9780385413725. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  45. Major Ronald F. Baczkowski, USMC. "Tactical Lessons For Peacekeeping U.S. Multinational Force in Beirut 1982-1984". globalsecurity.org. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  46. Powell, Colin A.; Persico, Joseph E.. My American Journey. Ballantine. p. 291. ISBN 978-0-345-40728-3.
  47. U.S. Library of Congress. "Lebanon - United States". Retrieved May 25, 2007.
  48. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 165.
  49. Anthony H. Cordesman, The Iran-Iraq war and Western Security, 1984-1987: Strategic Implications and Policy Options, Janes Publishing Company, 1987
  50. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 77 & 185.
  51. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 78.
  52. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 183-5.
  53. Hammel, op. cit. p. 329.
  54. Hammel, op. cit. p. 334.
  55. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 338-39.
  56. Hammel, op. cit. p. 331-32.
  57. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 95-6 & 99.
  58. Hammel, op. cit. p. 353.
  59. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 366-67.
  60. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 101.
  61. 62.0 62.1 Hammel, op. cit. pp. 353-95.
  62. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 104.
  63. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 349,377 & 388.
  64. 65.0 65.1 Geraghty, op. cit., p. 99.
  65. Hammel, op. cit. p. 350.
  66. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 101-04.
  67. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 378-95.
  68. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 100-01.
  69. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 381-82.
  70. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 376 & 387-88.
  71. Hammel, op. cit. p. 388.
  72. Hammel, op. cit. p. 386.
  73. 74.0 74.1 Cpl. Chelsea Flowers Anderson (October 22, 2012). "The Impact of the Beirut Bombing". Official Blog of the United States Marine Corps. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  74. Friedman, Thomas E. "Beirut Death Toll at 161 Americans; French Casualties Rise in Bombings; Reagan Insists Marines Will Remain," in The New York Times
  75. Weinberger, Caspar (2001). "Interview: Caspar Weinberger". PBS Frontline. Retrieved 8 March 2009.
  76. 77.0 77.1 Harris, S. (2010) The watchers: the rise of America's surveillance state, Penguin. ISBN 978-1-59420-245-2
  77. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 107-08.
  78. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 111-12.
  79. Bates, John D. (Presiding) (September 2003). "Anne Dammarell et al. v. Islamic Republic of Iran" (PDF). District of Columbia, U.S.: The United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 September 2006. Retrieved September 21, 2006.
  80. 81.0 81.1 "Terrorist Attacks On Americans, 1979-1988". PBS FRONTLINE. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  81. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 409-19.
  82. Martin, op. cit., p. 147.
  83. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 405-06 & 421.
  84. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. 94, 109 & 111.
  85. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 401-02.
  86. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 402-03.
  87. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 421.
  88. McFarlane, Robert C., "From Beirut To 9/11", The New York Times, October 23, 2008, p. 37.
  89. Martin, op. cit., pp. 115-16.
  90. "History". Battleship New Jersey. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  91. quote from FBIS, August 1994, quoted in Ranstorp, Hizb’allah in Lebanon (1997), p.38
  92. Ranstorp, Magnus (1997). Hizb'allah in Lebanon: the politics of the western hostage crisis. Palgrave Macmillan. p. 38. ISBN 978-0-312-16491-1. Retrieved 1 March 2011.
  93. "Report of the DoD commission on Beirut International Airport terrorist act, December 20, 1983
  94. statement from November 22, 1983. Wright, Sacred Rage, (2001), p.99
  95. statement from December 1983, from Wright, Sacred Rage, (2001), p.99
  96. Roberts, Steven V. (October 29, 1983). "O'neill Criticizes President; War Powers Act Is Invoked". The New York Times.
  97. Tolchin, Martin (January 27, 1984). "O'neill Predicts House Will Back Resolution On Lebanon Pullout". The New York Times.
  98. Roberts, Steven V. (February 1, 1984). "House Democrats Draft Resolution On Beirut Pullout". The New York Times.
  99. Martin, op. cit., pp. 144-50.
  100. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 162.
  101. Hammel, op. cit. p. 423.
  102. Martin, op. cit., p. 152.
  103. "US role in Beirut goes on despite exit of marines from peace force". CSMonitor.com. 27 February 1984. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  104. "USS New Jersey (BB 62)". navysite.de. Retrieved May 27, 2005.
  105. Martin, op. cit., p. 151.
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  108. Glass, Charles (July 2006). "Lebanon Agonistes". CounterPunch. Retrieved October 17, 2009.
  109. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 179.
  110. Hammel, op. cit. pp. 423-25.
  111. 112.0 112.1 Hammel, op. cit. p. 425.
  112. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 197.
  113. 114.0 114.1 Martin, op. cit., p. 133.
  114. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 172, 195-97 & 209.
  115. Martin, op. cit., pp. 132-33.
  116. Morley, Jefferson (July 17, 2006). "What Is Hezbollah?". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on May 7, 2009. Retrieved September 30, 2007.
  117. Geraghty, op. cit., p. 190.
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  120. Geraghty, op. cit., pp. xv & 181.
  121. Jaber, Hala. Hezbollah: born with a vengeance, New York: Columbia University Press, c1997. p.82
  122. 123.0 123.1 "Bomb kills top Hezbollah leader". BBC News. February 13, 2008.
  123. Hampson, Rick, "25 Years Later, Bombing In Beirut Still Resonates", USA Today, October 16, 2008, p. 1.
  124. "Hezbollah Militant Accused of Plotting Attacks Killed". NPR. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
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  126. McFarlane, Robert C., "From Beirut To 9/11", The New York Times, October 22, 2008, p. 37.
  127. Robert Fisk, Pity the Nation, 1990, p. 581, paragraph 4
  128. The Washington Post, May 12, 1985
  129. The New York Times may 13, 1985
  130. Wright, Robin, Sacred Rage : The Wrath of Militant Islam, Simon and Schuster, 2001 p. 97.
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  133. "Hospital ships in the war on terror: sanctuaries or targets? | Naval War College Review | Find Articles at BNET". Findarticles.com. Retrieved September 17, 2011.
  134. Nir Rosen (October 29, 2009). "Lesson Unlearned". Foreign Policy. Archived from the original on 7 January 2010. Retrieved December 24, 2009.
  135. 136.0 136.1 136.2 136.3 136.4 136.5 136.6 "Memorandum Opinion (Royce C. Lambert, judge), Deborah D. Peterson, Personal Representative of the Estate of James C. Knipple, et al., v. the Islamic Republic of Iran, et al. (Civil Action No. 01-2684 (RCL)) and Joseph and Marie Boulos, Personal Representatives of the Estate of Jeffrey Joseph Boulos v. the Islamic Republic of Iran, et al. (2003).
  136. "Iran must pay $2.6 billion for attack on U.S. Marines, judge rules." CNN September 7, 2007. Archived July 25, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  137. "Iran responsible for 1983 Marine barracks bombing, judge rules. CNN May 30, 2003. Archived December 6, 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  138. Kessler, Glenn. "Iran Must Pay $2.6 Billion for '83 Attack." The Washington Post September 8, 2007.
  139. Timmerman, Kenneth R. (December 22, 2003). "Invitation to September 11". Insight on the News. Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved September 30, 2007.
  140. "Lebanon: Islamic Amal". Country Studies. Library of Congress. Retrieved September 30, 2007.
  141. "US orders Iran to pay for 1983 Lebanon attack - Americas". Al Jazeera. Retrieved 2012-10-07.
  142. "U.S. court fines Iran $813 mn for 1983 Lebanon attack". The Daily Star. Retrieved 2012-10-07.
  143. "Breaking News". The Straits Times. Retrieved 2012-10-07.
  144. "U.S. court fines Iran $813 million for 1983 Lebanon attack". English.alarabiya.net. 2012-07-07. Retrieved 2012-10-07.
  145. Kahana, Ephraim (2006). Historical dictionary of Israeli intelligence 3. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-8108-5581-6. Retrieved 29 July 2010.
  146. Thomas, Gordon (2009). Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad. St. Martin's Press. p. 83. ISBN 978-0-312-53901-6. Retrieved 29 July 2010.
  147. "The Far Side of Credibility, Benny Morris". Links.jstor.org. Retrieved September 17, 2011.
  148. 149.0 149.1 Oded Lowenheim (2006). Predators and Parasites: Persistent Agents of Transnational Harm and Great Power Authority. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-06953-8.
  149. Memorial description, Camp Lejeune website, retrieved December 15, 2011.
  150. Description of the USO Beirut Memorial Room, from www.beirutveterans.org, retrieved December 15, 2011l.
  151. 152.0 152.1 Resnicoff, Arnold, "With the Marines in Beirut," "The Jewish Spectator," Fall 1984, retrieved December 16, 2011.
  152. List of memorials on Beirut Memorial website, retrieved December 15, 2011.
  153. Description of memorial to Beirut barracks victims buried in Arlington Cemetery, from www.arlingtoncemetery.net, retrieved December 15, 2011.
  154. Page with photo of Arlington Cemetery plaque, on www.arlingtoncemetery.net, retrieved December 15, 2011.
  155. Serena Jr., Jimmy, LCpl, "Quantico remembers Beirut," dcmilitary.com, October 23, 2008, retrieved December 16, 2011.
  156. 157.0 157.1 "The Mother of the Sixth Fleet," July 23, 2006, retrieved December 16, 2011.
  157. Kolb, Richard K., "Armegeddon: The Holy Land as Battlefield," VFW Magazine, September 1, 2000, retrieved December 16, 2011.
  158. Description of effort to create stamp, from www.beirut-documentary.org site, retrieved December 15, 2011.
  159. 160.0 160.1 Baines, Christopher, Pfc, "Beirut veterans, fallen, honored with memorial stamp," August 6, 2010, retrieved December 15, 2011.

Further reading

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1983 Beirut barracks bombing.