193 (number)

192 193 194
Cardinal one hundred ninety-three
Ordinal 193rd
(one hundred and ninety-third)
Factorization prime
Prime 44th
Divisors 1, 193
Roman numeral CXCIII
Binary 110000012
Ternary 210113
Quaternary 30014
Quinary 12335
Senary 5216
Octal 3018
Duodecimal 14112
Hexadecimal C116
Vigesimal 9D20
Base 36 5D36

193 (one hundred [and] ninety-three) is the natural number following 192 and preceding 194.

In mathematics

In geography

In the military


In sports

In telephony

In transportation

In other fields

193 is also:

See also

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to 193 (number).


  1. E. Friedman, "What's Special About This Number" Accessed 2 January 2006 and again 15 August 2007.