1931 Menshevik Trial

Audience at the 1931 Menshevik show trial held in the House of the Unions

The Menshevik Trial was one of the early purges carried out by Stalin in which 14 former members of the Menshevik party were put on trial and convicted for trying to re-establish their party.[1] It was held 1 - 8 March, 1931 in the House of Unions.

When the defendants were accused of setting up the "All-Union Bureau of Mensheviks", Rafail Abramovich denied they were involved in the underground Menshevik organisation that existed in the Soviet Union.[2]


See also


  1. Litvin, A. L. "Men`shevistskii Protsess 1931 Goda". Retrieved 14 December 2013.
  2. Abramovich, Rafail (14 March 1931). "Against Fascism and Bolshevik Slander!". Sotsialistichesky Vestnik (5 (243)): 11 - 12.