1909 in Afghanistan

See also: 1908 in Afghanistan, other events of 1909, and 1910 in Afghanistan.

In order to secure greater tranquility on the frontier the special governor is sent to the Khost Valley with a force of cavalry and infantry. He holds a durbar (Imperial Assemblage) of the tribesmen, at which he reads a firman from the amir, enjoining them to cease their feuds amongst themselves and to prevent raids into British territory, and of course they promise obedience. A telephone system is installed in various districts in order to ensure speedy communication between the frontier and Kabul.

March 1909

A plot against the life of the amir and his brother Nasrullah Khan is said to have been discovered from information given by the tutor of the heir apparent. It is promptly suppressed by the "vigorous action" taken by the amir. But there is no sort of public inquiry or trial, and it is impossible to say what was the real object of the plot or who was concerned in it.