187th New York State Legislature

187th New York State Legislature

New York State Capitol (2009)

Duration: January 1, 1987 – December 31, 1988

President of the State Senate: Lt. Gov. Stan Lundine (D)
Temporary President of the State Senate: Warren M. Anderson (R)
Speaker of the State Assembly: Mel Miller (D)
Members: 61 Senators
150 Assemblymen
Senate Majority: Republican
Assembly Majority: Democratic
1987: (94–56)
1988: (93–57)

1st: January 7 – July 11, 1987
2nd: January 6 – August 25, 1988
3rd: November 28 – December 1, 1988
4th: December 28, 1988
<186th 188th>

The 187th New York State Legislature, consisting of the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly, met from January 7, 1987, to December 31, 1988, during the fifth and sixth years of Mario Cuomo's governorship, in Albany.


Under the provisions of the New York Constitution of 1938 and the U.S. Supreme Court decision to follow the One man, one vote rule, re-apportioned in 1982 by the Legislature, 61 Senators and 150 assemblymen were elected in single-seat districts for two-year terms. Senate and Assembly districts consisted of approximately the same number of inhabitants, the area being apportioned contiguously without restrictions regarding county boundaries.

At this time there were two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Conservative Party, the Right to Life Party, the Liberal Party, the New Alliance Party and the Socialist Workers Party also nominated tickets.


The New York state election, 1986, was held on November 4. Governor Mario Cuomo was re-elected, and Congressman Stan Lundine was elected Lieutenant Governor, both Democrats. The elections to the other three statewide elective offices resulted in the re-election of the three incumbent officeholders: a Republican Comptroller, a Democratic Attorney General and a Republican U.S. Senator. The approximate party strength at this election, as expressed by the vote for Governor, was: Democrats 2,655,000; Republicans 1,212,000; Conservatives 152,000; Right to Life 131,000; Liberals 120,000; New Alliance 24,000. The Socialist Workers' candidate for U.S. Senator polled about 7,300 votes.

21 of the 24 women members of the previous legislature—State Senators Mary B. Goodhue (Rep.), a lawyer of Mount Kisco; Nancy Larraine Hoffmann (Dem.), of Syracuse; Olga A. Méndez (Dem.), of East Harlem; Velmanette Montgomery (Dem.), of Brooklyn; and Suzi Oppenheimer (Dem.), of Mamaroneck; and Assemblywomen Elizabeth Connelly (Dem.), of Staten Island; Pinny Cooke (Rep.), of Rochester; Geraldine L. Daniels (Dem.), of the Bronx; Gloria Davis (Dem.), of the Bronx; Eileen C. Dugan (Dem.), of Brooklyn; Aurelia Greene (Dem.), of the Bronx; Rhoda S. Jacobs (Dem.), of Brooklyn; Cynthia Jenkins (Dem.), a librarian of Queens; Gerdi E. Lipschutz (Dem.), of Queens; Helen M. Marshall (Dem.), a teacher and librarian of Queens; Nettie Mayersohn (Dem.), of Queens; Mary M. McPhillips (Dem.), of Middletown; Catherine Nolan (Dem.), of Queens; Barbara Patton (Dem.), a lawyer of Hempstead; Toni Rettaliata (Rep.), of Huntington; and Helene Weinstein (Dem.), a lawyer of Brooklyn—were re-elected. Barbara M. Clark (Dem.), of Queens, was also elected to the Assembly.

On April 28, 1987, Audrey Pheffer (Dem.), of Queens, was elected to fill the vacancy in the Assembly caused by the resignation of Gerdi E. Lipschutz.

On June 16, 1987, Patricia McGee (Rep.), of Franklinville, was elected to fill a vacancy in the Assembly.

The New York state election, 1987, was held on November 3. Assemblywoman Toni Rettaliata (Rep.) was elected as Supervisor of the Town of Huntington.

On March 15, 1988, Earlene Hill Hooper (Dem.), of Hempstead, was elected to fill the vacancy in the Assembly caused by the appointment of Barbara Patton to the NYS Workers' Compensation Board. Thus a total of 25 women were members of this Legislature, but not more than 23 at the same time.


The Legislature met for the first regular session (the 210th) at the State Capitol in Albany on January 7, 1987;[1] and recessed indefinitely in the morning of July 11.[2]

Mel Miller (Dem.) was elected Speaker of the Assembly.

Warren M. Anderson (Rep.) was re-elected Temporary President of the Senate.

The Legislature met for the second regular session (the 211th) at the State Capitol in Albany on January 6, 1988;[3] and recessed indefinitely in the morning of August 25.[4]

The Legislature met again from November 28, to December 1, 1988. This session was called, among other issues, to consider legislation concerning the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant.[5]

The Legislature met again on December 28, 1988, to increase the salaries of the next session's state legislators, and the state commissioners.[6]

State Senate


The asterisk (*) denotes members of the previous Legislature who continued in office as members of this Legislature. Nicholas A. Spano and Randy Kuhl changed from the Assembly to the Senate.

Note: For brevity, the chairmanships omit the words "...the Committee on (the)..."

District Senator Party Notes
1st Kenneth LaValle* Rep./Cons.
2nd James J. Lack* Rep./Cons.
3rd Caesar Trunzo* Rep./Cons.
4th Owen H. Johnson* Rep./Cons.
5th Ralph J. Marino* Rep./Cons.
6th John R. Dunne* Rep./Cons. Chairman of Judiciary; Deputy Majority Leader
7th Michael J. Tully Jr.* Rep./Cons.
8th Norman J. Levy* Rep./Cons. Chairman of Transportation
9th Dean Skelos* Rep./Cons.
10th Andrew Jenkins* Democrat
11th Frank Padavan* Rep./Cons.
12th Leonard P. Stavisky* Dem./Rep./Lib.
13th Emanuel R. Gold* Democrat
14th George Onorato* Democrat
15th Martin J. Knorr* Rep./Cons./RTL
16th Jeremy S. Weinstein* Dem./Lib.
17th Howard E. Babbush* Dem./Lib.
18th Donald Halperin* Democrat
19th Martin M. Solomon* Democrat
20th Thomas J. Bartosiewicz* Democrat
21st Marty Markowitz* Democrat
22nd Velmanette Montgomery* Dem./Lib.
23rd Christopher J. Mega* Rep./Cons.
24th John J. Marchi* Rep./Dem./Lib. Chairman of Finance
25th Martin Connor* Dem./Lib.
26th Roy M. Goodman* Rep./Lib.
27th Manfred Ohrenstein* Dem./Lib. Minority Leader
28th Franz S. Leichter* Dem./Lib.
29th David Paterson* Democrat
30th Olga A. Méndez* Dem./Lib.
31st Joseph L. Galiber* Dem./Lib.
32nd Israel Ruiz, Jr.* Dem./Lib.
33rd Abraham Bernstein* Dem./Lib.
34th Guy J. Velella* Rep./Cons./RTL
35th Nicholas A. Spano* Rep./Cons.
36th Suzi Oppenheimer* Dem./Lib.
37th Mary B. Goodhue* Rep./Cons.
38th Eugene Levy* Rep./Cons.
39th Richard E. Schermerhorn* Rep./Cons.
40th Charles D. Cook* Rep./Cons.
41st Jay P. Rolison Jr.* Rep./Cons.
42nd Howard C. Nolan Jr.* Democrat
43rd Joseph Bruno* Rep./Cons.
44th Hugh T. Farley* Rep./Cons. Chairman of Environmental Conservation
45th Ronald B. Stafford* Rep./Cons.
46th John M. McHugh* Rep./Cons.
47th James H. Donovan* Rep./Cons. Chairman of Education
48th Nancy Larraine Hoffmann* Democrat
49th Tarky Lombardi Jr.* Rep./Cons.
50th James L. Seward Rep./Cons.
51st Warren M. Anderson* Rep./Cons. re-elected Temporary President
52nd Randy Kuhl* Rep./Cons.
53rd L. Paul Kehoe* Rep./Cons.
54th John D. Perry* Democrat
55th Ralph E. Quattrociocchi* Dem./Cons.
56th Jess J. Present* Republican
57th William Stachowski* Dem./Cons.
58th Anthony M. Masiello* Dem./Lib.
59th Dale M. Volker* Rep./Cons.
60th Walter J. Floss Jr.* Rep./Cons.
61st John B. Daly* Rep./Cons./RTL


State Assembly


The asterisk (*) denotes members of the previous Legislature who continued in office as members of this Legislature.

Note: For brevity, the chairmanships omit the words "...the Committee on (the)..."

District Assemblymen Party Notes
1st Joseph Sawicki Jr.* Rep./Cons.
2nd John L. Behan* Rep./Cons.
3rd Icilio W. Bianchi, Jr.* Democrat
4th Robert J. Gaffney* Rep./RTL
5th Paul E. Harenberg* Democrat
6th Robert C. Wertz* Rep./Cons./RTL
7th Thomas F. Barraga* Rep./Cons./RTL
8th John C. Cochrane* Rep./Cons.
9th John J. Flanagan Rep./Cons./RTL
10th Toni Rettaliata* Rep./Cons. on November 3, 1987, elected as Supervisor of Huntington
James D. Conte Republican on March 15, 1988, elected to fill vacancy
11th Patrick G. Halpin* Democrat on November 3, 1987, elected as Suffolk County Executive
Robert K. Sweeney Democrat on March 15, 1988, elected to fill vacancy
12th Philip B. Healey* Rep./Cons.
13th Lewis J. Yevoli* Democrat
14th Frederick E. Parola* Rep./Cons.
15th Daniel Frisa* Rep./Cons.
16th Thomas DiNapoli Dem./Lib.
17th Kemp Hannon* Rep./Cons.
18th Barbara Patton* Dem./Lib. in January 1988 appointed to the NYS Workers' Compensation Board[7]
Earlene Hill Hooper Democrat on March 15, 1988, elected to fill vacancy
19th Armand P. D'Amato* Republican resigned on February 23, 1987.[8]
Charles J. O'Shea Republican on April 7, 1987, elected to fill vacancy[9]
20th Arthur J. Kremer* Dem./Lib. resigned on December 14, 1988[10]
21st Gregory R. Becker* Rep./Cons.
22nd George H. Madison* Rep./Cons.
23rd Gerdi E. Lipschutz* Dem./Lib. resigned on March 9, 1987[11]
Audrey Pheffer Democrat on April 28, 1987, elected to fill vacancy[12]
24th Saul Weprin* Democrat Chairman of Ways and Means[13]
25th Douglas Prescott* Rep./Cons./RTL
26th Morton C. Hillman Democrat
27th Nettie Mayersohn* Democrat
28th Alan G. Hevesi* Democrat
29th Cynthia Jenkins* Dem./Lib.
30th Joseph Crowley Democrat
31st Anthony S. Seminerio* Dem./Cons.
32nd Edward Abramson* Democrat
33rd Barbara M. Clark Democrat
34th Ivan C. Lafayette* Democrat
35th Helen M. Marshall* Democrat
36th Denis J. Butler* Democrat
37th Catherine Nolan* Democrat
38th Frederick D. Schmidt* Dem./RTL
39th Anthony J. Genovesi Democrat
40th Edward Griffith* Dem./Lib.
41st Helene Weinstein* Democrat
42nd Rhoda S. Jacobs* Dem./Lib.
43rd Clarence Norman Jr.* Democrat
44th Mel Miller* Dem./Lib. elected Speaker[14]
45th Daniel L. Feldman* Democrat
46th Howard L. Lasher* Dem./Lib.
47th Frank J. Barbaro* Dem./Lib.
48th Dov Hikind* Democrat
49th Peter J. Abbate Jr. Democrat
50th Joseph R. Lentol* Democrat
51st James F. Brennan* Dem./Lib.
52nd Eileen C. Dugan* Dem./Lib.
53rd Vito J. Lopez* Dem./Lib.
54th Thomas F. Catapano* Dem./Lib.
55th William F. Boyland* Dem./Lib.
56th Albert Vann* Liberal[15]
57th Roger L. Green* Liberal
58th Elizabeth Connelly* Democrat
59th Eric N. Vitaliano* Dem./Cons.
60th Robert A. Straniere* Rep./Cons./RTL
61st William F. Passannante* Dem./Lib.
62nd Sheldon Silver* Dem./Lib. Chairman of Codes
63rd Steven Sanders* Dem./Lib.
64th Richard N. Gottfried* Dem./Lib.
65th Alexander B. Grannis* Dem./Lib.
66th Mark Alan Siegel* Dem./Lib.
67th Jerrold Nadler* Dem./Lib.
68th Angelo Del Toro* Democrat
69th Edward C. Sullivan* Dem./Lib.
70th Geraldine L. Daniels* Dem./Lib.
71st Herman D. Farrell, Jr.* Democrat
72nd John Brian Murtaugh* Dem./Lib.
73rd José E. Serrano* Dem./Lib.
74th Hector L. Diaz* Dem./Lib.
75th John C. Dearie* Dem./Lib.
76th Aurelia Greene* Dem./Lib.
77th Jose Rivera* Dem./Lib. on November 3, 1987, elected to the New York City Council
Israel Martinez Democrat on March 15, 1988, elected to fill vacancy
78th Gloria Davis* Democrat
79th George Friedman* Dem./Lib.
80th G. Oliver Koppell* Dem./Lib. Chairman of Judiciary
81st Eliot Engel* Dem./Lib. on November 8, 1988, elected to the 101st U.S. Congress
82nd Larry Seabrook* Dem./Lib.
83rd Terence M. Zaleski Democrat
84th Gordon W. Burrows* Rep./Cons. on November 8, 1988, elected to the New York Supreme Court[16]
85th Ronald C. Tocci* Democrat
86th Richard L. Brodsky* Democrat
87th Peter M. Sullivan* Rep./Cons.
88th Gregory P. Young* Dem./Lib.
89th Henry William Barnett* Rep./Cons.
90th Vincent Leibell* Rep./Cons.
91st George E. Pataki* Rep./Cons.
92nd Robert J. Connor* Dem./Lib.
93rd Samuel Colman* Dem./Lib.
94th Mary M. McPhillips* Democrat
95th William J. Larkin, Jr.* Rep./Cons.
96th Lawrence E. Bennett* Democrat
97th Stephen M. Saland* Rep./Cons.
98th Richard I. Coombe* Rep./Cons.
99th Glenn E. Warren* Rep./Cons.
100th Neil W. Kelleher* Rep./Cons./RTL
101st Maurice D. Hinchey* Dem./Lib.
102nd John Faso Republican
103rd Arnold W. Proskin* Rep./Cons.
104th Richard J. Conners* Dem./Lib.
105th Paul D. Tonko* Dem./Lib.
106th Michael R. McNulty* Dem./Lib. on November 8, 1988, elected to the 101st U.S. Congress
107th James Tedisco* Rep./Cons.
108th Robert A. D'Andrea* Rep./Cons.
109th Glenn H. Harris* Rep./Cons.
110th Chris Ortloff Rep./Cons.
111th John W. McCann* Rep./Cons.
112th John G. A. O'Neil* Rep./Cons.
113th Anthony J. Casale* Rep./Cons.
114th H. Robert Nortz* Rep./Cons.
115th William R. Sears* Rep./Cons./RTL
116th Ralph J. Eannace Jr. Rep./Cons.
117th Ray T. Chesbro* Rep./Cons.
118th Michael J. Bragman* Democrat
119th William E. Bush* Rep./Cons.
120th Melvin N. Zimmer* Democrat
121st Hyman M. Miller* Rep./Cons.
122nd Clarence D. Rappleyea Jr.* Republican Minority Leader
123rd Richard H. Miller* Rep./Cons.
124th James R. Tallon Jr.* Democrat Majority Leader from April 28, 1987[17]
125th Hugh S. MacNeil* Republican
126th George H. Winner, Jr.* Rep./Cons.
127th Donald R. Davidson Republican
128th Michael F. Nozzolio* Rep./Cons.
129th Frank G. Talomie Sr.* Rep./Cons.
130th Robert L. King Rep./Cons.
131st Gary Proud* Dem./Rep.
132nd Pinny Cooke* Rep./Cons.
133rd David F. Gantt* Democrat
134th Roger J. Robach* Dem./Cons.
135th James F. Nagle* Rep./Cons.
136th John W. Hasper Republican
137th R. Stephen Hawley* Rep./Cons.
138th Joseph T. Pillittere* Dem./Lib.
139th Matthew J. Murphy, Jr.* Dem./Cons./RTL
140th Robin L. Schimminger* Democrat
141st Arthur O. Eve* Dem./Lib.
142nd John B. Sheffer II* Rep./Cons.
143rd Dennis T. Gorski* Dem./Cons. on November 3, 1987, elected as Erie County Executive
Paul Tokasz Democrat on March 15, 1988, elected to fill vacancy
144th William B. Hoyt* Dem./Lib.
145th Richard J. Keane* Dem./Cons.
146th Francis J. Pordum* Dem./Cons.
147th L. William Paxon* Rep./Cons./RTL on November 8, 1988, elected to the 101st U.S. Congress
148th Vincent J. Graber Sr.* Dem./Cons.
149th Daniel B. Walsh* Democrat Majority Leader; resigned his seat effective April 26, 1987[18]
Patricia McGee Republican on June 16, 1987, elected to fill vacancy[19]
150th William L. Parment* Dem./Lib.



  1. CUOMO EMPHASIZES CURB ON SPENDING by Jeffrey Schmalz, in the New York Times on January 8, 1987
  2. PAY RAISES VOTED AS BITTER SESSION CLOSES IN ALBANY by Jeffrey Schmalz, in the New York Times on July 12, 1987
  3. CUOMO ISSUES CALL TO HELP CHILDREN by Jeffrey Schmalz, in the New York Times on January 7, 1988
  4. Albany Passes Numerous Bills Prior to Recess by Elizabeth Kolbert, in the New York Times on August 26, 1988
  5. Shoreham Closing Still Uncertain As the Legislators Leave Albany by Elizabeth Kolbert, in the New York Times on December 2, 1988
  6. Gap Remains as Albany Votes Stipend Increase by Elizabeth Kolbert, in the New York Times on December 29, 1988
  7. New York Red Book (pg. 808)
  8. D'Amato's Brother Quits Assembly Post in the New York Times on February 24, 1987
  9. L.I. Official Elected To State Assembly in the New York Times on April 9, 1987
  10. After Fall From Power, an Assemblyman Resigns by Frank Lynn, in the New York Times on December 15, 1988
  11. A LEGISLATOR QUITS AS PANEL URGES PENALTY in the New York Times on March 10, 1987
  12. DEMOCRAT WINS QUEENS RACE FOR A VACANT ASSEMBLY SEAT in the New York Times on April 29, 1987
  13. DEPOSED PANEL CHIEF ASSAILS SPEAKER OF ASSEMBLY by Elizabeth Kolbert, in the New York Times on January 9, 1987
  14. ASSEMBLY'S NEW SPEAKER DISAGREES WITH CUOMO by Frank Lynn, in the New York Times on January 8, 1987
  15. Vann and Green were denied to run in the Democratic primary, on technicalities, and were re-elected on the Liberal ticket only, see CANDIDATES RULED OFF PRIMARY BALLOT in the New York Times on September 5, 1986
  16. G. W. Burrows, 70, Lawmaker And State Supreme Court Justice by John T. McQuiston, in the New York Times on January 20, 1997
  17. New Majority Leader For Assembly Named in the New York Times on April 29, 1987
  18. DROP IN SEAT-BELT USE CITED AS STATE'S ROAD DEATHS RISE; ...Daniel B. Walsh, the majority leader...resigned...effective April 26... in the New York Times on April 15, 1987
  19. ALBANY SURROGACY BILL IS WITHDRAWN; ...Patricia McGee, the Republican candidate...defeated Gloria Bilotta, the Democrat...' by Jeffrey Schmalz, in the New York Times on April 15, 1987
