142 (number)

141 142 143
Cardinal one hundred forty-two
Ordinal 142nd
(one hundred and forty-second)
Factorization 2 × 71
Divisors 1, 2, 71, 142
Roman numeral CXLII
Binary 100011102
Ternary 120213
Quaternary 20324
Quinary 10325
Senary 3546
Octal 2168
Duodecimal BA12
Hexadecimal 8E16
Vigesimal 7220
Base 36 3Y36

142 (one hundred [and] forty-two) is the natural number following 141 and preceding 143.

In mathematics

There is no answer to the equation φ(x) = 142, making 142 a nontotient. There are 142 planar graphs with 6 unlabeled vertices.[1]

In astrophysics

In business and accounting

In chemistry

In geography

In media

In literature and publications

In the military

In music

In timekeeping

In transportation

In other uses

See also


  1. Erich Friedman, "What's Special About This Number": 142. Accessed 5 JAN 2008.