11th Parliament of Kenya

The 11th Parliament of Kenya is the meeting of the legislative branch of the national government of Kenya, which began on 28 March 2013. It is the first Parliament to incorporate the structural reforms laid out in the 2010 Constitution. The constitution re-established the Senate and increased the size of the National Assembly from 224 seats to 349 seats.

In the 2013 parliamentary elections, the Jubilee Alliance won a majority of seats in both the National Assembly and the Senate.

Major events

Party summary


Senate Party standings (at the beginning of this Parliament)
   30 Jubilee
   6 Amani
   3 Unaffiliated
   28 CORD
(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Total Vacant
Jubilee Amani Jubilee-Affiliated CORD
Begin 30 6 3 28 67 0
27 April 2013 27 66 1
1 August 2013 28 67 0
16 October 2013 27 66 1
4 February 2014 28 67 0

National Assembly

National Assembly Party standings (at the beginning of this Parliament)
   167 Jubilee
   17 Unaffiliated
(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Total Vacant
Jubilee Amani Jubilee-Affiliated CORD Unaffiliated
Begin 167 24 21 133 4 349 0
20 August 2013 132 348 1
22 August 2013 3 347 2
2 October 2013 25 20
10 October 2013 131 346 3
25 October 2013[note 1] 166 130 344 5
30 October 2013 131 345 4
5 November 2013 4 346 3
5 December 2013 132 347 2
11 February 2014 167 21 349 0



Majority (Jubilee) leadership

Minority (CORD) leadership

National Assembly

Majority (Jubilee) leadership

Minority (CORD) leadership



Elected Senators are listed by county.

  • 1. Mombasa — Hassan Omar (WDM-K)
  • 13. Tharaka — Kithure Kindiki (TNA)
  • 14. Embu — Lenny Kivuti (APK)
  • 16. Machakos — Johnstone Muthama (WDM-K)
  • 17. MakueniMutula Kilonzo (WDM-K), until 27 April 2013
    • Mutula Kilonzo, Jr. (WDM-K), since 1 August 2013
  • 22. Kiambu — Paul Kimani (TNA)

  • 31. Laikipia — Geoffrey Gitahi Kariuki (TNA)
  • 32. Nakuru — James Kiarie Mungai (TNA)
  • 33. Narok — Stephen Kanyinge ole Ntutu (URP)
  • 34. Kajiado — Peter Mositet (TNA)
  • 47. Nairobi — Gideon Mbuvi (TNA)

Nominated Senators are listed by category and appointing party.

  • 1. Beatrice Elachi (Women, APK)
  • 3. Janet Ongera (Women, ODM)
  • 4. Elizabeth Ongoro Masha (Women, ODM)
  • 5. Halima Abdille Mohamud (Women, ODM)
  • 6. Agnes Zani (Dr.) (Women, ODM)
  • 7. Beth Wambui Mugo (Women, TNA)
  • 8. Emma Mbura Gertrude (Women, TNA)
  • 9. Naisula Lesuuda (Women, TNA)
  • 10. Joy Adhiambo Gwendo (Women, TNA)

  • 11. Martha Wangari (Women, UDF)
  • 12. Mshenga Mvita Kisasa (Women, URP)
  • 13. Chelule Liza (Women, URP)
  • 14. Dullo Fatuma Adam (Women, URP)
  • 15. Judith Achieng Sijeny (Women, WDM-K)
  • 16. Zipporah Jepchirchir Kittony (Women, KANU)
  • 17. Kanainza Nyongesa Daisy (Youth, ODM)
  • 18. Hosea Onchwangi (Youth, TNA)
  • 19. Linet Kemunto Nyakeriga (Persons with disabilities, TNA), until 15 October 2013.
    • Ben Njoroge (TNA), since 15 October 2013.
  • 20. Harold Kimunge Kipchumba (Persons with disabilities, ODM), until 15 October 2013.
    • Godliver Nanjira Omondi (ODM), since 15 October 2013.

National Assembly


(5 ODM, 2 WDM-K)

  • Changamwe — Omar Mwinyi (ODM)
  • Jomvu — Badi Twalib (WDM-K)
  • Kisauni — Rashid Bezimba (ODM)
  • Nyali — Hezron Awiti (WDM-K)
  • Likoni — Masoud Mwahima (ODM)
  • Mvita — Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Mishi Juma (ODM)



  • Msambweni — Suleiman Dori Ramadhani (ODM)
  • Lunga Lunga — Khatib Abdallah Mwashetani (FORD-KENYA), until 10 October 2013
    • Khatib Abdallah Mwashetani (FORD-KENYA), since 5 December 2013
  • Matuga — Hassan Mohamed Mwanyoha (ODM)
  • Kinango — Gonzi Rai (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Zainab Kalekye (ODM)


(5 ODM, 1 FPK, 1 KADU-ASIL, 1 URP)

Tana River

(1 TNA, 1 UDF, 1 URP, 1 WDM-K)

  • Garsen — Ibrahim Ahmed Sane (URP)
  • Galole — Hassan Dukicha (UDF)
  • Bura — Ali Wario (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Halima Ware (WDM-K)


(1 KNC, 1 UDF, 1 WDM-K)

  • Lamu East — Ali Sharif Athman (UDF)
  • Lamu West — Julius Kariuki Ndegwa (KNC)
  • Women County Rep. — Shakila Abdalla (WDM-K)


(4 ODM, 1 TNA)


(3 ODM, 2 URP, 1 TNA, 1 WDM-K)


(6 ODM, 1 URP)


(7 URP)

  • Mandera West — Mohamed Maalim (URP)
  • Banissa — Mohamed Abdi Haji Mohamed (URP)
  • Mandera North — Adan Mohamed Nooru (URP)
  • Mandera South — Mohamed Adan Huka (URP)
  • Mandera East — Abdulaziz Ali Farah (URP)
  • Lafey — Shaaban Ali Isaack (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Mahbub Fathia (URP)


(3 ODM, 1 UDF, 1 URP)


(2 URP, 1 TNA)


(5 TNA, 2 APK, 2 ODM, 1 Independent)

Tharaka Nithi

(2 TNA, 1 APK, 1 URP)

  • Maara — Kareke Mbiuki (TNA)
  • Chuka/Igambang'ombe — Muthomi Njuki (APK)
  • Tharaka — Mburi Muiru (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Beatrice Nkatha (TNA)


(4 TNA, 1 APK)


(8 WDM-K, 1 NARC)

  • Mwingi North — John Munure (WDM-K)
  • Mwingi West — Bernard Kitungi (WDM-K)
  • Mwingi Central — Joe Mutambu (WDM-K)
  • Kitui West — Francis Nyenze (WDM-K)
  • Kitui Rural — Charles Mutisya Nyamai (WDM-K)
  • Kitui Central — Makali Mulu (WDM-K)
  • Kitui East — Marcus Mutua Muluvi (WDM-K)
  • Kitui South — Rachael Nyamai (NARC)
  • Women County Rep. — Nyiva Mwendwa (WDM-K)


(4 WDM-K, 2 CCU, 1 FORD-P, 1 MP, 1 TIP)

  • Masinga — Itwiku Mbai (FORD-P)
  • Yatta — Francis Mwangangi (MP)
  • Kangundo — Maweu Katatha (TIP)
  • Matungulu — Stephen Mule (WDM-K), until 20 August 2013
    • Stephen Mule (WDM-K), since 30 October 2013
  • Kathiani — Robert Mbui (WDM-K)
  • Mavoko — Patrick Makau (WDM-K)
  • Machakos Town — Victor Munyaka (CCU)
  • Mwala — Vincent Musyoka (CCU)
  • Women County Rep. — Susan Musyoka (WDM-K)


(6 WDM-K, 1 Independent)

  • Mbooni — Michael Kisio Munyao (WDM-K)
  • Kilome — Regina Nthambi Muia (WDM-K)
  • Kaiti — Richard Makenga (WDM-K)
  • Makueni — Daniel Maanzo (WDM-K)
  • Kibwezi West — Patrick Maweu Musimba (Independent), until 22 August 2013
    • Patrick Maweu Musimba (Independent), since 5 November 2013
  • Kibwezi East — Jessica Mbalu (WDM-K)
  • Women County Rep. — Rose Mumo Museo (WDM-K)


(5 TNA, 1 APK)

  • Kinangop — Stephen Kinyanjui (TNA)
  • Kipipiri — Samuel Gichigi — (APK)
  • Ol Kalou — David Kiaraho (TNA)
  • Ol Jorok — JM Waiganjo (TNA)
  • Ndaragwa — Waweru Nderitu (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Wanjiku Muhia (TNA)


(6 TNA, 1 NARC)

  • Tetu — Ndung’u Gethenji (TNA)
  • Kieni — James Mathenge Kanini Kega (TNA)
  • Mathira — Peter Weru — (NARC)
  • Othaya — Mary Wambui (TNA)
  • Mukurweini — Kabando wa Kabando (TNA)
  • Nyeri Town — Esther Murugi (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Priscilla Nyokabi (TNA)


(5 TNA)

  • Mwea — Peter Njuguna Gitau (TNA)
  • Gichugu — Ejidious Barua (TNA)
  • Ndia — Stephen Muriuki Ngari (TNA)
  • Kirinyaga Central — Joseph Gitari (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Winnie Karimi (TNA)


(7 TNA, 1 NARC)

  • Kangema — Tirus Ngahu (TNA)
  • Mathioya — Clement Wambugu (TNA)
  • Kiharu — Irungu Kangata (TNA)
  • Kigumo — Jamleck Kamau (TNA)
  • Maragwa — Peter Kamande (TNA)
  • Kandara — Alice Muthoni (TNA)
  • Gatanga — Humphrey Njuguna — (NARC)
  • Women County Rep. — Wanjiru Chege (TNA)


(13 TNA)

  • Gatundu South — Jossy Ngugi (TNA)
  • Gatundu North — Francis Kigo Njenga (TNA)
  • Juja — Francis Waititu (TNA)
  • Thika Town — Alice Wambui (TNA)
  • Ruiru — Esther Gathogo (TNA)
  • Githunguri — Njoroge Baiya (TNA)
  • Kiambu — Jude Njomo (TNA)
  • Kiambaa — Paul Koinange (TNA)
  • KabeteGeorge Muchai (TNA)
  • Kikuyu — Kimani Ichung'wah (TNA)
  • Limuru — John Kiragu (TNA)
  • Lari — Mburu Kahangara (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Annah Gatheca (TNA)



West Pokot

(4 URP, 1 KANU)

  • Kapenguria — Samuel Moroto Chumel — (KANU)
  • Sigor — Philip Lotiolo Ruto Rotino (URP)
  • Kacheliba — Mark Lomunokol (URP)
  • Pokot South — David Pkosing Losiakou (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Regina Nyeris Changorok (URP)


(3 TNA, 1 URP)

  • Samburu West — Jonathan Lelelit (URP)
  • Samburu North — Musa Lentoimanga (TNA)
  • Samburu East — Raphael Letimalo (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Maison Leshoomo (TNA)

Trans Nzoia

(2 FORD-KENYA, 2 NFK, 1 Independent, 1 URP)

Uasin Gishu

(7 URP)

  • Soy — Edwin Barchilei (URP)
  • Turbo — Elisha Busienei (URP)
  • Moiben — Sila Tiren (URP)
  • Ainabkoi — Samwel Chepkonga (URP)
  • Kapseret — Osac Sudi (URP)
  • Kesses — James Bett (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Eusila Ngeny (URP)

Elgeyo Marakwet

(5 URP)


(7 URP)

  • Tinderet — Julius Kibiwott Melly (URP)
  • Aldai — Cornelly Serem (URP)
  • Nandi Hills — Alfred Kiptoo Keter (URP)
  • Chesumei — Elijah Kiptarbei Lagat (URP)
  • Emgwen — Alexander Kosgey (URP)
  • Mosop — Kirwa Stephen Bitok (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Zipporah Kering (URP)


(6 URP, 1 KANU)


(3 TNA, 1 ODM)

  • Laikipia West — Stephen Wachira Karani (TNA)
  • Laikipia East — Anthony Kimaru (TNA)
  • Laikipia North — Mathew Lekidime Lempurkel (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Jane Machira Appolos (TNA)


(8 TNA, 2 KANU, 1 ODM, 1 URP)

  • Molo — Jacob Macharia (TNA)
  • Njoro — Joseph Kiuna (TNA)
  • Naivasha — John Karanja Kihagi (TNA)
  • Gilgil — Samuel Nderitu (TNA)
  • Kuresoi South — Zakayo Cheruiyot (URP)
  • Kuresoi North — Moses Kipkemboi (KANU)
  • Subukia — Nelson Gaichuhie (TNA)
  • Rongai — Raymond Moi (KANU)
  • Bahati — Kimani Ngunjiri (TNA)
  • Nakuru Town West — Samuel Arama (ODM)
  • Nakuru Town East — David Gikaria (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Mary Mbugua (TNA)


(5 URP, 1 KNC, 1 TNA)


(5 TNA, 1 ODM)

  • Kajiado North — Joseph Manje (TNA)
  • Kajiado Central — Joseph Nkaissery (ODM)
  • Kajiado East — Peris Tobiko (TNA)
  • Kajiado West — Moses ole Sakuda (TNA)
  • Kajiado South — Katoo Metito (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Mary Yiane Seneta (TNA)


(6 URP, 1 KANU)

  • Kipkelion East — Kirui Joseph Limo (URP)
  • Kipkelion West — Jackson Kipkorir Rop (URP)
  • Ainamoi — Benjamin Kipkirui Langat (URP)
  • Bureti — Leonard Kipkosgei Sang (URP)
  • Belgut — Eric Keter (KANU)
  • Sigowet/Soin — Justice Kipsang Kemei (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Hellen Chelangat Chepkwony (URP)


(6 URP)

  • Sotik — Joyce Cherono Abonyo Laboso (URP)
  • Chepalungu — Paul Kipchirchir Bii (URP)
  • Bomet East — Benard Bett (URP)
  • Bomet Central — Ronald Kiprotich Tonui (URP)
  • Konoin — Sammy Cheruiyot Koech (URP)
  • Women County Rep. — Cecilia Ngetich (URP)


(7 ODM, 4 UDF, 1 MDP, 1 NFK)

  • Lugari — Ayub Savula Angatia (UDF)
  • Likuyani — Enoch Wamalwa Kibunguchy (ODM)
  • Malava — Injendi Malulu (MDP)
  • Lurambi — Raphael Milikau Otaalo (ODM)
  • Navakholo — Emmanuel Wangwe (UDF)
  • Mumias West — Johnson Manya Naicca (ODM)
  • Mumias East — Benjamin Washiali (UDF)
  • Matungu — David Were (NFK)
  • Butere — Andrew Toboso Anyanga (ODM)
  • Khwisero — Benjamin A. Andayi (ODM)
  • Shinyalu — Lisamula Silverse Anami (ODM)
  • Ikolomani — Benard Masaka Shinali (UDF)
  • Women County Rep. — Rachel Amolo (ODM)


(3 ODM, 2 UDF, 1 FPK)

  • Vihiga — Yusuf Kifuma Chanzu (UDF)
  • Sabatia — Alfred Agoi Masadia (UDF)
  • Hamisi — Charles Gumini Gimose (FPK)
  • Luanda — Christopher Omulele (ODM)
  • Emuhaya — Wilbur Otichilo (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Dorcas Kedogo (ODM)


(4 FORD-KENYA, 3 NFK, 1 Independent, 1 ODM, 1 UDF)


(4 ODM, 2 URP, 1 FPK, 1 UDF)

  • Teso North — Arthur Papa Odera (URP)
  • Teso South — Mary Emaase Otuch (URP)
  • Nambale — Sakwa John Bunyasi (UDF)
  • Matayos — Geoffrey Makokha Odanga (ODM)
  • Butula — Michael Aringo Onyura (FPK)
  • Funyula — Paul Otuoma (ODM)
  • Budalangi — Ababu Namwamba (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Florence Mwikali (ODM)


(6 ODM, 1 WDM-K)

  • Ugenya — David Ouma Ochieng' (ODM)
  • Ugunja — James Opiyo Wandayi (ODM)
  • Alego Usonga — George Washington Mallan Omondi (WDM-K)
  • Gem — Washington Jakoyo Midiwo (ODM)
  • Bondo — Gideon Ochanda Ogolla (ODM)
  • Rarieda — Nicolas O. Gumbo (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Christine Omabaka (ODM)



Homa Bay

(9 ODM)

  • Kasipul — Joseph O. Magwanga (ODM)
  • Kabondo Kasipul — Silvance Osele Onyango (ODM)
  • Karachuonyo — James Gordon Kwanya Rege (ODM)
  • Rangwe — George Oner Ogalo (ODM)
  • Homa Bay Town — George Peter Opondo Kaluma (ODM)
  • Ndhiwa — Aghostinho Neto Oyugi (ODM)
  • Mbita — Millie Odhiambo (ODM)
  • Suba — Mbadi John Ng'ongo (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Gladys Atieno Nyasuna (ODM)


(5 ODM, 1 FORD-P, 1 KANU, 1 ODM, 1 URP)

  • Rongo — Dalmas Otieno (ODM)
  • Awendo — Jared Odhiambo Opiyo (FORD-P)
  • Suna East — Junet Sheikh Nuh (ODM)
  • Suna West — Joseph Obiero Ndiege (ODM)
  • Uriri — John Owuor Onyango Kobado (ODM)
  • Nyatike — Peter Edick Omondi Anyanga (ODM)
  • Kuria West — Mathias Robi (URP)
  • Kuria East — Shadrack Manga (KANU)
  • Women County Rep. — Dennitah Ghati (ODM)


(5 ODM, 2 TNA, 1 FORD-P, 1 KANU, 1 NARC-Kenya)

  • Bonchari — John Zebedeo Opore (FORD-P), until 2 October 2013.
    • John Oroo Oyioka (KANU), since 2 October 2013.
  • South Mugirango — Manson Nyamweya (ODM)
  • Bomachoge Borabu — Joel Onyancha (TNA), until approximately 25 October 2013.[note 1]
    • Joel Onyancha (TNA), since 11 February 2014.
  • Bobasi — Stephen Manoti (FORD-P)
  • Bomachoge Chache — Simon Ogari (ODM)
  • Nyaribari Masaba — Elijah Moindi (NARC-Kenya)
  • Nyaribari Chache — Chris Bichage (ODM), until approximately 25 October 2013.[note 1]
    • Tong'i Richard Nyagaka (FORD-P), since 11 February 2014.
  • Kitutu Chache North — Jimmy Angwenyi (TNA)
  • Kitutu Chache South — Richard Onyonka (ODM)
  • Women County Rep. — Mary Keraa-Otara (ODM)


(3 ODM, 1 WDM-K)


(10 TNA, 7 ODM)

  • Westlands — Timothy Wanyonyi Wetangula (ODM)
  • Dagoretti North — Paul Simba Arati (ODM)
  • Dagoretti South — Dennis Kariuki Waweru (TNA)
  • Langata — Joash Olum (ODM)
  • Kibra — Kenneth Okoth (ODM)
  • Roysambu — Waihenya Ndirangu (TNA)
  • Kasarani — John Njoroge Chege (TNA)
  • Ruaraka — Tom Kajwang (ODM)
  • Embakasi South — Irshadali Sumra (ODM)
  • Embakasi North — James Mwangi Gakuya (TNA)
  • Embakasi Central — John Ndirangu (TNA)
  • Embakasi East — John Omondi (ODM)
  • Embakasi West — George Theuri (TNA)
  • Makadara — Benson Mutura (TNA)
  • KamukunjiYusuf Hassan Abdi (TNA)
  • Starehe — Maina Kamanda (TNA)
  • Mathare — George Mike Wanjohi (TNA)
  • Women County Rep. — Rachel Shebesh (TNA)


(3 ODM, 3 TNA, 3 URP, 1 FORD-KENYA, 1 UDF, 1 WDM-K)

  • Patrick Wangamati (FORD-KENYA)
  • Oburu Odinga (ODM)
  • Isacc Mwaura (ODM)
  • Zulekha Hassan Juma (ODM)
  • Amina Abdalla (TNA)
  • Johnson Arthur Sakaja (TNA)
  • Janet Marania Teiyaa (TNA)
  • Hassan Aden Osman (UDF)
  • Korere Sara Paulata (URP)
  • Abdi Noor Mohammed Ali (URP)
  • Sunjeev Kour Birdi (URP)
  • Bishop Robert Mutemi Mutua (WDM-K)

Changes in membership


County Vactor Reason for Change Successor Date Successor
Makueni Mutula Kilonzo
Died 27 April 2013.[6] Mutula Kilonzo, Jr.
1 August 2013
Bungoma Moses Wetangula
Election nullified by the Bungoma High Court on 30 September 2013.[7]
Seat officially declared vacant on 16 October 2013.[8]
Moses Wetangula
4 February 2014[9]
(Nominated) Linet Kemunto Nyakeriga
Nomination nullified by the Milimani High Court on 1 October 2013.[10] Ben Njoroge
15 October 2013[11]
(Nominated) Harold Kimunge Kipchumba
Nomination nullified by the Milimani High Court on 1 October 2013.[10] Godliver Nanjira Omondi
15 October 2013[11]

National Assembly

County Constituency Vactor Reason for Change Successor Date Successor
Machakos Matungulu Stephen Mule
Election nullified by the Machakos High Court on 30 July 2013.[12]
Seat officially declared vacant on 20 August 2013.[13]
Stephen Mule [14]
30 October 2013[15]
Makueni Kibwezi West Patrick Maweu Musimba
Election nullified by the Machakos High Court on 15 August 2013.[16]
Seat officially declared vacant on 22 August 2013.[17]
Patrick Maweu Musimba[14]
5 November 2013[18]
Kisii Bonchari John Zebedeo Opore
After a court-ordered recount, on 20 September 2013 the Kisii High Court declared that John Oroo Oyioka had defeated Opore.[19] John Oroo Oyioka
2 October 2013[20]
Kwale Lunga Lunga Khatib Abdallah Mwashetani
Election nullified by the Mombasa High Court on 26 September 2013.[21]
Seat officially declared vacant on 10 October 2013.[22]
The High Court's ruling was overturned on 27 November 2013 by the Malindi Court of Appeal, which declared Mwashetani duly elected.[23]
Khatib Abdallah Mwashetani
5 December 2013[24]
Kisii Bomachoge Borabu Joel Onyancha
Election nullified by the Kisii High Court on 7 October 2013.[25]
Seat officially declared vacant on or near 25 October 2013.[note 1]
Joel Onyancha
11 February 2014[26]
Kisii Nyaribari Chache Chris Bichage
Election nullified by the Kisii High Court on 7 October 2013.[27]
Seat officially declared vacant on or near 25 October 2013.[note 1]
Tong'i Richard Nyagaka
11 February 2014[26]



House Keeping Committees

  • Rules and Business Committee
  • Liaison Committee

Standing/Portfolio Committees

  • Committee on Education, Information and Technology
  • Committee on Energy, Roads and Transportation
    • Chair — Gideon Moi (KANU)
    • Vice Chair — Mwakulegwa Danson Mwazo (ODM)
  • Committee on Finance, Commerce and Economic Affairs
    • Chair — Billow Kerrow (URP)
    • Vice Chair — Peter Mositet (TNA)
  • Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare
  • Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
  • Committee on National Security and Foreign Relations
    • Chair — Yusuf Haji (TNA)
    • Vice Chair — Dullo Fatuma (URP)
  • Committee on Agriculture, Land and Natural Resources

Sessional Committees

  • Delegated Legislation Committee
    • Chair — Kisasa Mshenga Mvita (URP)
    • Vice Chair — Sijeny Judith Achieng (WDM-K)
  • Senate Implementation Committee
  • Devolved Government Committee
    • Chair — Murkomen Kipchumba (URP)
    • Vice Chair — Wangari Martha (UDF)

National Assembly

House Keeping Committees

  • House Business Committee
  • Committee on Selection
    • Chair — Aden Duale (URP)
    • Vice Chair — Francis Nyenze
  • Procedure and House Rules Committee
  • Liaison Committee
    • Chair — Joyce Laboso
  • Catering and Health Club Committee
    • Chair — Janet Nangabo Wanyama
    • Vice Chair — Elijah Lagat

Standing Committees

  • Committee on Appointments
  • Public Accounts Committee
    • Chair — Ababu Namwamba
    • Vice Chair — Cecily Mbarire
  • Public Investments Committee
    • Chair — Adan Keynan
    • Vice Chair — Kimani Ichung'wah
  • Budget and Appropriations Committee
    • Chair — Mutava Musyimi
    • Vice Chair — Mary Emaase
  • Committee on Implementation
    • Chair — Roselinda Soipan
    • Vice Chair — David Gikaria
  • Committee on Delegated Legislation
    • Chair — William Cheptumo
    • Vice Chair — Joseph Gitari
  • Committee on Regional Integration
    • Chair — Florence Kajuju
    • Vice Chair — Christopher Nakuleu

Departmental Committees

  • Defence and Foreign Relations Committee
    • Chair — Ndungu Gethenji
    • Vice Chair — Elias Bare Shill
  • Administration and National Security Committee
    • Chair — Asman Kamama
    • Vice Chair — Alois Lentoimanga
  • Agriculture, Livestock and Cooperatives Committee
    • Chair — Ayub Savula
    • Vice Chair — Kareke Mbiuki
  • Environment and Natural Resources Committee
    • Chair — Amina Abdalla
    • Vice Chair — Alexander Kosgey
  • Education, Research and Technology Committee
    • Chair — Sabina Chege
    • Vice Chair — Julius Melly
  • Energy, Communication and Information Committee
    • Chair — Jamleck Kamau
    • Vice Chair — Jackson Kiptanui
  • Finance, Planning and Trade Committee
    • Chair — Benjamin Langat
    • Vice Chair — Nelson Gaichuhie
  • Health Committee
    • Chair — Rachel Nyamai
    • Vice Chair — Robert Pukose
  • Justice and Legal Affairs Committee
    • Chair — Samuel Chepkong'a
    • Vice Chair — Priscilla Nyokabi
  • Labour and Social Welfare Committee
    • Chair — David Were
    • Vice Chair — Tiyah Galgalo
  • Lands Committee
    • Chair — Alex Mwiru
    • Vice Chair — Moses Ole Sakuda
  • Transport, Public Works and Housing Committee
    • Chair — Maina Kamanda
    • Vice Chair — Amb. M. Maalim

Other Committees

  • Committee on Constituency Development Fund
    • Chair — Moses Lessonet
    • Vice Chair — Esther Gathogo
  • Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee
    • Chair — Njoroge Baiya
    • Vice Chair — Joyce Akai Emanikor
  • Pensions Committee
    • Chair — Justin Muturi

Joint Committees

  • Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity
  • Committee on Parliamentary Broadcasting and Library

Administrative officers

  • Parliamentary Joint Services Director General — Clement Nyandiere
  • Parliamentary Joint Services - Litigation and Compliance Director — Anthony Thiong'o Njoroge
  • Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training Director — Nyokabi Kamau
  • Finance and Accounting Services Director — Paul Onyangoh
  • Information and Research Services Director — Paul Ngetich
  • Maintenance and Buildings Chief Engineer — Eng. Pius Kioko
  • Commission Secretariat Head — Shadia Faryd
  • Chief Security Officer — Maj. Solomon Obange (acting)
  • Internal Audit Head — Amos Guchu (acting)


  • Clerk — Jeremiah Nyegenye
  • Senior Deputy Clerk — Consolata Waithera Munga
  • Legal Services Director — Eunice Gichangi
  • Committee Services Director — Samuel Njenga Njuguna
  • Legislative and Procedural Services Director — Serah Kioko
  • Speaker's Office Director — Mohammed Ali Mohammed
  • Chief Serjeant-at-Arms — Maj. Solomon Obange
  • Hansard Editor — Gladys Ingoyi Ndenda

National Assembly

  • Clerk — Justin Bundi
  • Senior Deputy Clerk — Michael Rotich Sialai
  • Legal Services Director — Jeremiah Ndombi
  • Committee Services Director — Florence Abonyo
  • Committee Services Deputy Director- Peter Chemweno
  • Legislative and Procedural Services Director — James Mwangi
  • Legislative and Procedural Services Deputy Director - Samuel Njoroge
  • Speaker's Office Director — Nancy Mukunya
  • Chief Serjeant-at-Arms — Aloisie Lekulo
  • Hansard Editor — Jeremiah Kiema

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Except in the case of death, official vacancy dates are listed as the date in which the Speaker issues notice a notice of vacancy to be published in the Kenya Gazette. News media outlets generally place date of vacancy at the time of the court ruling, though usually there is a discrepancy between a court ruling and the Speaker's declaration of vacancy (see Changes in Membership). In the case of vacancies in Bomachoge Borabu and Nyaribari Chache, no such notice from the National Assembly Speaker appears to be publicly available. However, Kisumu Court of Appeals judges found in the dispute over the seat for Nyaribari Chache that a vacancy notice from the National Assembly Speaker was published on 25 October 2013. Since both seats were declared vacant on the same day by the same court, it is approximated that both seats became vacant on or near 25 October.


  1. http://allafrica.com/stories/201303271431.html
  2. http://www.businessdailyafrica.com/Jubilee-moves-to-take-control-of-key-House-teams/-/539546/1751266/-/fh71je/-/index.html
  3. http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000084672&story_title=Politics:%20MPs%20rescind%20SRC%20gazette%20notice
  4. http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000085756
  5. Mutai, Edwin. "MPs inch closer to kicking out Charity Ngilu". Business daily Africa. Retrieved 8 November 2013.
  6. Odalo, Bob (27 April 2013). "Makueni senator Mutula Kilonzo is dead". Daily Nation. Retrieved 27 April 2013.
  7. Ngobilo, Erick (30 September 2013). "Wetang'ula loses seat in Bungoma petition". Daily Nation. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  8. "Gazette Notice No. 13972". The Kenya Gazette (Republic of Kenya) CXV (152): 5072. 25 October 2013. Retrieved 29 October 2013.
  9. "Senate, Hansard Report" (Parliamentary Record). Parliament of Kenya. 4 February 2014. p. 1. Retrieved 11 February 2014.
  10. 10.0 10.1 "Gazette Notice No. 13715". The Kenya Gazette (Republic of Kenya) CXV (147): 4959. 8 October 2013. Retrieved 19 October 2013.
  11. 11.0 11.1 "Senate, Hansard Report" (Parliamentary Record). Parliament of Kenya. 15 October 2013. p. 1. Retrieved 19 October 2013.
  12. Odalo, Bob (30 July 2013). "Matungulu MP Stephen Mule loses seat". Daily Nation. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  13. "Gazette Notice No. 12611". The Kenya Gazette (Republic of Kenya) CXV (126): 4374. 30 August 2013. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Declaration of Persons Elected in the October 17 By-Elections". Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (Kenya). 24 October 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  15. "National Assembly, Hansard Report" (Parliamentary Record). Parliament of Kenya. 30 October 2013. p. 1. Retrieved 6 November 2013.
  16. Nzia, Daniel (15 August 2013). "Kibwezi West MP Patrick Musimba loses seat in poll petition". Standard (Kenya). Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  17. "Gazette Notice No. 12610". The Kenya Gazette (Republic of Kenya) CXV (126): 4374. 30 August 2013. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  18. "National Assembly, Hansard Report" (Parliamentary Record). Parliament of Kenya. 5 November 2013. p. 1. Retrieved 8 November 2013.
  19. John Oroo Oyioka & Another v. Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission & 2 Others (High Court of Kenya at Kisii 20 September 2013). Text
  20. "National Assembly, Hansard Report" (Parliamentary Record). Parliament of Kenya. 2 October 2013. p. 1. Retrieved 7 October 2013.
  21. "First term Coast MP sent home in election petition". Daily Nation. 27 September 2013. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  22. "Gazette Notice No. 13865". The Kenya Gazette (Republic of Kenya) CXV (150): 5017. 11 October 2013. Retrieved 6 December 2013.
  23. "Lunga Lunga by-election cancelled as Mwashetani wins appeal". Daily Nation. 27 November 2013. Retrieved 6 December 2013.
  24. Ngirachu, John (6 December 2013). "Mwashetani sworn in back to House at night". Daily Nation. Retrieved 16 December 2013.
  25. Moraa, Jackline (7 October 2013). "Court nullifies election of Bomachoge Borabu MP". Daily Nation. Retrieved 24 October 2013.
  26. 26.0 26.1 "National Assembly, Hansard Report" (Parliamentary Record). Parliament of Kenya. 11 February 2014. p. 1. Retrieved 16 February 2014.
  27. Moraa, Jackline (7 October 2013). "Court nullifies Nyaribari Chache MP election". Daily Nation. Retrieved 24 October 2013.