
Introduced December 1, 1992
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Hostmaster Ltd.
Sponsor Communication Systems
Intended use Entities connected with  Ukraine
Actual use Popular in Ukraine
Structure Registrations have been at third level beneath second-level labels (generic and geographic), but there appear to be some direct second-level registrations for trademark holders
Documents Policy documents
Website .ua NIC

.ua is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Ukraine.


2nd level domains

To remove the risk of cyber squatting, registration of second-level domains directly below .ua is restricted to owners of registered trade marks, who may register a domain name similar to that of the trade mark in question. However you can register third-level domains beneath some of the following:

There are also second-level domains which are region-specific. These are less popular than the above list (making domain names more available) but they are sometimes restricted to organisations exclusively from within the region.

See also

External links