
Introduced 2010
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry SX Registry SA B.V.
Sponsor SX Registry SA B.V.
Intended use Entities connected with  Sint Maarten and for others
Actual use Gets some use
Registration restrictions Local presence on the island is not required
Dispute policies http://www.dotsx.org/pdf/UDRP.pdf
Website http://registry.sx/

.sx is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet for Sint Maarten.

Sint Maarten became an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands on October 10, 2010. On December 15, 2010, the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency allocated SX as the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for Sint Maarten.[1]

The sx top-level domain is managed by SX Registry SA, contracting technical operations to OpenRegistry.com with centers in Canada and Luxembourg. Registrars of sx domains must be accredited by the registry.

After an initial sunrise period to claim trademarked names, and registration periods for local priority, and landrush assignments[2] the registry opened general availability registrations to the public on 15 November 2012.[3] A local presence is not required of domain name registrants.

Registration phases

Notable uses

See also


External links