
Introduced 1997
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Bahnhof ST Registry
Sponsor Tecnisys
Intended use Entities connected with  São Tomé and Príncipe
Actual use Used in São Tomé and Príncipe, but marketed worldwide for various purposes
Registration restrictions None
Structure Registrations are made directly at the second level
Documents Policy and rules
Dispute policies The registry obeys court orders, and judges disputes themselves for a fee
Website .ST domain registration

.st is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for São Tomé and Príncipe. The code is marketed worldwide as an abbreviation for various entities.

Second-level domains

Registrations are taken directly at the second level, but some names have been reserved for use in specialized third-level registrations (though not all of these are actually in use at present):

Other uses

The .st domain is being marketed as a general-use domain, with a number of meanings suggested including the abbreviation of "street", short for "Star Trek" and more. The .st domain is also commonly used to create domain names that spell words ending in st such as "[bur.st]".


The Smalltalk programming language community also has an affiliation with the .st extension referring to the Smalltalk programming language. Both "The World of Smalltalk" website (www.world.st) as well as the Seaside (www.seaside.st) web application framework use .st for their domain name.


The state of Styria, in Austria, has ST as its unofficial but common abbreviation. Therefore, the .st extension is used by some small businesses located in Styria, despite Austria's own .at. Also some registrations in South Tyrol, an autonomous, chiefly German-speaking Italian province, use the .st extension to abbreviate the German name of Südtirol in opposition to Italy's .it.

Washington Post URL shortener

The Washington Post uses .st as part of their domain wapo.st. Their .st URL serves as a redirect which they use to lead readers to various articles on their site. This is most useful when the length of a URL counts, such as when tweeting an article. The Economist does the same, under econ.st, while MapQuest uses the domain mapq.st for its permanent links to specific maps.


There is limited usage of .st in Stockholm, Sweden, by smaller businesses and private people.


The Yogscast use the .st domain for the shortened version of their website URL, yogsca.st. this, like Washington post before it, serves as a redirect to the main website, yogscast.com

External links