
Introduced 1995
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry Direction des Telecommunications
Sponsor Direction des Telecommunications
Intended use Entities connected with  Monaco
Actual use Popular in Monaco
Registration restrictions Must show registration of company, organization, or trademark
Structure Registrations are made directly at the second level or at third level beneath second-level categories
Dispute policies Disputes are dealt with between parties involved; registry stays out of them
Website nic.mc

.mc is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Monaco.

Second-level domains

Registrations are made directly at the second level, or under these names:

Second-level registrations require a company registration in Monaco.

There are some sites with general motorcycle related contents under the domain .mc. The contents are not connected to Monaco (vanity domains) although the site owner has an office in Monaco.

External links