
Introduced 1994
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry TELE Greenland
Sponsor TELE Greenland A/S
Intended use Entities connected with  Greenland
Actual use Has some use in Greenland;
Used in Galicia; The Pirate Bay; Gloucestershire &
goo.gl URL shortening for Google
Registration restrictions None
Structure Names can be registered directly at second level
Website www.nic.gl

.gl is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) in the Domain Name System of the Internet for Greenland. The domain is available for Internet services world-wide and registrations are handled by ICANN accredited domain name registrars.

The domain name has sometimes been marketed as a symbol standing for "good luck", "graphics library", Galicia or the Galician language, or Gloucestershire.

In December 2009, Google released a URL shortener service using the domain hack goo.gl.[1]

In April 2013, the registry unilaterally voluntarily suspended resolution of thepiratebay.gl, intended to be a new primary domain name for Bittorrent search engine The Pirate Bay.[2]

See also


  1. Josh Lowensohn (2009-12-14). "Google gets into the URL-shrinking biz with Goo.gl". cnet news.
  2. "New Pirate Bay Greenland Domains (About to be) Seized". TorrentFreak. 2013-04-25. Retrieved 2013-05-13.

External links