
Introduced 1988
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry nic.at
Sponsor nic.at
Intended use Entities connected with  Austria
Actual use Very popular in Austria
Registration restrictions None, except for restricted subdomains .gv.at and .ac.at
Structure Registrations are directly at second level, or at third level beneath several second-level labels
Documents Terms and conditions (English)
Dispute policies none since October 2008[1]
Website nic.at

.at is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Austria. It is administered by NIC.AT.

Second-level domains

The .at top-level domain has a number of second-level domains. However, it is also possible to register directly at the top level. Given the number of English words that end with -at, this presents the possibility for many domain hacks. All second level domain names must be at least three characters long e.g. form.at or bor.at. Domain hacks treating "at" as a word in its own right (such as arrive.at) are also widespread.

Registrations of internationalized domain names are accepted.[2]

Known domain hacks

Many Austrian domain names were registered for English phrases that end with "at". As of today, there are very few such domain names left available on the domain prime market as the result of the domain name speculation. Most of them can be bought on the domain secondary market. Only few domain names got developed. Some known examples of the Austrian domain hacks are:


  1. "Legal issues".
  2. "Charset & Converter".

External links