
In the calculus of variations, Γ-convergence (Gamma-convergence) is a notion of convergence for functionals. It was introduced by Ennio de Giorgi.


Let X be a topological space and F_n:X\to[0,+\infty) a sequence of functionals on X. Then F_n are said to \Gamma-converge to the \Gamma-limit F:X\to[0,+\infty) if the following two conditions hold:

F(x)\le\liminf_{n\to\infty} F_n(x_n).
F(x)\ge\limsup_{n\to\infty} F_n(x_n)

The first condition means that F provides an asymptotic common lower bound for the F_n. The second condition means that this lower bound is optimal.



An important use for \Gamma-convergence is in homogenization theory. It can also be used to rigorously justify the passage from discrete to continuum theories for materials, e.g. in elasticity theory.

See also
