Évariste Kimba

Evariste Kimba Mutombo (July 16, 1926 – June 2, 1966) served briefly as the Republic of the Congo's Prime Minister from October 18 to November 25, 1965. A protégé of President Joseph Kasavubu, he fell foul of Kasavubu's main enemy Joseph Mobutu (later Mobutu Sese Seko), who became the chief Congolese strongman in November 1965. Mobutu, determined to make an example of his foes, subjected Kimba to a show trial and had him sentenced to death. In June 1966 Kimba was hanged before a vast crowd in Kinshasa, along with other ex-ministers Jérôme Anany, Emmanuel Bamba and André Mahamba.

Early life

Kimba was born on July 16, 1926, in the village of Nsaka in the North Katanga province. Kimba's father was a railway worker. He spent much of his youth in Elizabethville, where he attended Roman Catholic schools. After receiving a basic education Kimba, like his father worked on the railroad, but continued to study at night, eventually becoming a journalist.[1]

Political career

From 1960–1963 he was Foreign Minister of the separatist State of Katanga.[2]

Prime Minister

Kimba was appointed prime minister on 16 October 1965, following the dismissal of Moise Tshombe by then president Joseph Kasa-Vubu.[1] Both Kasa-Vubu and Kimba were removed from office six weeks later when, on 25 November 1965, Mobutu staged a coup d'état.

Arrest and death

On 31 May 1966, Kimba was arrested by Mobutu's security forces and publicly accused of taking part in a plot to overthrow Mobutu. On 2 June 1966, Kimba and the other two men accused in the plot were publicly hanged in Kinshasa before a crowd of over 100,000.[3]

