Électre (opera)

Électre (Electra) is an opera by the French composer Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, first performed at the Académie Royale de Musique (the Paris Opéra) on 2 July 1782. It takes the form of a tragédie lyrique in three acts. The libretto, by Nicolas-François Guillard, is based on the Greek myth of Electra.


Cast Voice type Premiere
Égisthe (Aegisthus) baritone François Lays
Clytemnestre (Clytemnestra) soprano Françoise-Claude-Marie-Rosalie Campagne (called Mlle Duplant)
Électre (Electra) soprano Rosalie Levasseur
Oreste (Orestes) basse taille (bass-baritone) Henri Larrivée
Pilade (Pylades) tenor Étienne Lainez
Arcas basse taille (bass-baritone) Moreau
Chrysothémis (Chrysothemis) soprano Antoinette Saint-Huberty
Un officer du palais (an officer of the palace) basse taille (bass-baritone) Simon Chénard
Le grand prêtre (the high priest) basse taille (bass-baritone) Simon Chénard
Une Argienne (a woman of Argos) soprano Mlle Joinville
Un Argien (a man of Argos) haute-contre J. Rousseau
Chorus: Lords and ladies of the court, people of Mycenae, Trojan captives, Eumenides, demons
