Ángel Chávez (painter)

Angel Chavez (b. 1929 - f. 1995) was a Peruvian painter.

The so-called "last half century (1948-1999)" by historians Cueto and Contreras, defines a chapter in the history of Peru, linked to massive migrations from rural to urban areas and "strengthening the role of the state in search of a developing economic and social integration ", on the other hand, in recent years, the world has been immersed quickly in a host of technological advances that have led to progress in communications has generated terms like "globalization" today used by all. In 1948, there was another coup, General Odria assumed state power, staying on until 1956, the period known as the "ochenio." General Manuel Odría, sets new standards in state organization, that taking advantage of the weakening of the great powers, because of World War II created a small boom in Peru, increasing exports and encouraging foreign investment. However, this government from the political point of view, this government committed serious offenses as fraudulent elections and a strict internal security regime, which resulted in the development acetate country's political life and the cultural and intellectual life . "The new regime [...], resumed a more liberal economic policy in the sense of having less state intervention in the productive apparatus. To this he added a kind of control over social movements, which combines authoritarianism with paternalism" By mid-century, as we have seen, both politics and art in a time of change. Adolfo Winternitz, founded in 1940 The Catholic Academy of Art, later School of Plastic Arts of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos created under the auspices of the Art Institute of the Arts Faculty in 1951, "Salons of Art" and the Lima Art Museum, opened in 1958 "The First Exhibition of Abstract Art" organized by the young painters Benjamin Edward Moll and Moncloa.


At this time it appears to figure painter Angel Chavez Trujillo origin, as classified by Castrillon junior member of the '51 generation. Chavez began his studies at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Lima with distinguished artists such as Juan Manuel Sabino Springett and Eléspuru Ugarte, but due to disagreements with the board of the ENBA, fails to complete their studies.


We can see the work of Angel Chavez, a painter closely tied to their indigenous roots, heirs to the ancient culture of northern Peru, where the man is closely tied to the land and sea, as they represented from always the source of livelihood. In his paintings you can see a certain attachment to the native style, in his concern to rescue the theme "indigenous", but now seen from a current perspective, and not idealized but capturing its essence in everyday scenes, especially his giving women a halo tenderness. "... His theme and style so closely linked to those artists who inherited formulas and indigenous concerns [...] does [..] to convey its concerns regarding the Peruvian man, making him their main inspiration [...] With Ralli and Allain neoindigenista formed the group " Angel Chavez has great strength and dynamism in its genre scenes, using color to express his emotions, his palette of colors goes from land to deep reds and vice versa, depending on what you mean, therefore his brushwork shows agile and fast. A. We can see Chavez, a multifaceted artist who exhibits mastery of different styles such as figurative, which traditionally identifies it and its foray into the abstract genre that also showed high quality and creative fertility. However the work of Ángel Chávez achieved fame and recognition he deserved, because his style was not part of the modernist trend that dominated the national cultural space. "Angel Chavez followed his own way by keeping their own formidable achievements, and making their own mistakes unbreakable: And yet, even in serious condition you could see the trail of an outstanding painter, but did not have the prestige the price of international or brother, because I simply never pretended to be