Zdeněk Liška

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Zdeněk Liška (16 March 1922 – 13 August 1983) was a Czech composer who produced a large of number film scores across a prolific career that started in the 1950s. He was revelatory in his contribution to the development of electronic music. His music in is noticeable, revelatory and dramatic, based on the unique musical feeling using quite unusual instrumental combination and various electronic and electroacoustic techniques.


Zdeněk Liška was born on 16 March 1922 in Smečno near Kladno in central Bohemia. His father was a miner. His grandfather and father were miners bands bandleaders. He originally wanted to be a teacher, but the teacher's institute did not accept him. Therefore, he submitted the Prague Conservatory, where he wanted to study the oboe. However, even this Liška's plan failed. In doing so already as a little boy could play the accordion and the violin. Finally passed the entrance exams to study music composition and conducting at the Prague Conservatory and was accepted. After completing his studies at the Prague Conservatory Zdeněk Liška was the leader of amateur Philharmonic Orchestra in Slaný for one year.


Liška was born in Smečno. He worked notably with animator Jan Švankmajer, scoring several of his earlier short films: Punch and Judy (1966), Et Cetera (1966), Historia Naturae (Suita) (1967), The Flat (1968), Don Juan (1969), The Ossuary (1970), Jabberwocky (1971), and Leonardo's Diary (1972), and later The Castle of Otranto (1979). Liška's music for Švankmajer's Historia Naturae (Suita), The Flat, and The Ossuary was also featured in the 1984 short film by American animators the Brothers Quay entitled The Cabinet of Jan Švankmajer.

He also created a great number of iconic scores for important live-action films of the Czech New Wave including The Shop on Main Street, Marketa Lazarová, The Valley of the Bees, Fruit of Paradise and Ikarie XB-1.

Selected filmography

  • 1950 - Pára nad hrncem
  • 1952 - Poklad Ptačího ostrova
  • 1953 - Z Argentiny do Mexika, Afrika I a II
  • 1956 - Míček Flíček
  • 1957 - Tam na konečné, Nové světy - selection of archive music
  • 1958 - Vynález zkázy, Muž mnoha tváří
  • 1959 - Probuzení
  • 1960 - Vyšší princip, Holubice, Laterna magika II.
  • 1961 - Baron Prášil (The Fabulous Baron Munchausen), Ďáblova past, Labyrint srdce, Spadla s měsíce
  • 1962 - Půlnoční mše
  • 1963 - Cesta hlubokým lesem, Tři zlaté vlasy děda Vševěda, Ikarie XB-1, Smrt si říká Engelchen
  • 1964 - Čintamani a podvodník, Obžalovaný, Jak dělat podobiznu ptáka
  • 1965 - Obchod na korze (The Shop on Main Street), Sběrné surovosti
  • 1966 - Poklad byzantského kupce, Lidé z maringotek, Anděl blažené smrti
  • 1967 - Údolí včel, Zmluva s diablom, Útěk, Marketa Lazarová
  • 1968 - Spalovač mrtvol, Spravedlnost pro Selvina (TV), The Sinful People of Prague (TV series)
  • 1969 - Adelheid, Vtáčkovia, Siroty a blázni, Touha zvaná Anada, Ovoce stromů rajských jíme
  • 1970 - Partie krásného dragouna, Medená veža
  • 1971 - Smrt černého krále, Pěnička a Paraplíčko, Orlie pierko
  • 1972 - Vlak do stanice Nebe, Ukradená bitva
  • 1973 - Pověst o stříbrné jedli, Hriech Kataríny Padychovej
  • 1974 - Kto odchádza v daždi, Poslední ples na rožnovské plovárně, Jáchyme, hoď ho do stroje
  • 1975 - Tak láska začíná, Nevěsta s nejkrásnějšíma očima
  • 1976 - Dým bramborové natě, Smrt mouchy, Odysseus a hvězdy
  • 1977 - Volání rodu, Na Veliké řece, Osada Havranů, Stíny horkého léta, Příběh lásky a cti, Hodina pravdy
  • 1978 - Silnější než strach, Čekání na déšť, Setkání v červenci
  • 1979 - A poběžím až na kraj světa, Smrť šitá na mieru
  • 1980 - Signum laudis
  • 1981 - Kam zmizel kurýr

External links

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