York Notes

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York Notes
Parent company Pearson Education
Country of origin United Kingdom

York Notes are a series of educational study guides sold in the United Kingdom. They are sold as revision material for GCSE and A-level exams particularly as literary guides to introduce students to sophisticated analysis and perspectives of the specific title. The guides for A-level are sold under the name York Notes Advanced, the GCSE guides under the name York Notes for GCSE with each guide attributed to its relevant author.

York Notes Advanced

Author (Alphabetical by Surname) Book Title ISBN
Atwood, Margaret Cat's Eye
The Handmaid's Tale

Austen, Jane Mansfield Park
Pride and Prejudice
Bennett, Alan Talking Heads n/a
Blake, William Selected Poetry and Prose n/a
Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre 0-582-82305-6
Brontë, Emily Wuthering Heights n/a
Chaucer, Geoffrey The Franklin's Tale
The Miller's Tale
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales
The Wife of Bath
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Selected Poems 0-582-42480-1
Conrad, Joseph Heart of Darkness n/a
Dickens, Charles Great Expectations
Hard Times
Dickinson, Emily Selected Poems n/a
Donne, John Selected Poems n/a
Duffy, Carol Ann Selected Poems n/a
Eliot, George Middlemarch
The Mill on the Floss
Eliot, T.S. Selected Poems n/a
Fitzgerald, F. Scott The Great Gatsby 0-582-82310-2
Forster, E.M. A Passage to India n/a
Friel, Brian Translations n/a
Hardy, Thomas The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Return of the Native
Selected Poems
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Heaney, Seamus Selected Poems from Opened Ground n/a
Hawthorne, Nathaniel The Scarlet Letter n/a
Ishiguro, Kazuo The Remains of the Day n/a
Joyce, James Dubliners n/a
Keats, John Selected Poems n/a
Marlowe, Christopher Doctor Faustus n/a
Miller, Arthur Death of a Salesman
All My Sons
Milton, John Paradise Lost (Books 1 and 2) n/a
Morrison, Toni Beloved n/a
Shakespeare, William Antony and Cleopatra
As You Like It
King Lear
Measure for Measure
The Merchant of Venice
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
Richard II
Romeo and Juliet
The Taming of the Shrew
The Tempest
The Winter's Tale
Shaw, George Bernard Saint Joan n/a
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein 0-582-82301-3
Walker, Alice The Color Purple n/a
Wilde, Oscar The Importance of Being Earnest n/a
Winterson, Jeanette Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit n/a
Williams, Tennessee A Streetcar Named Desire n/a
Woolf, Virginia To the Lighthouse n/a
Yeats, W.B. Selected Poems n/a

York Notes for GCSE

Author (Alphabetical by Surname) Book Title ISBN
Angelou, Maya I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Austen, Jane Pride and Prejudice
Ayckbourn, Alan Absent Friends
Browning, Elizabeth Barret Selected Poems
Bolt, Robert A Man for All Seasons
Brighouse, Harold Hobson's Choice
Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre
Brontë, Emily Wuthering Heights
Delaney, Shelagh A Taste of Honey
Dickens, Charles David Copperfield
Great Expectations
Hard Times
Oliver Twist
Doyle, Roddy Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha
Eliot, George Silas Marner
The Mill on the Floss
Frank, Anne The Diary of a Young Girl
Golding, William Lord of the Flies
Goldsmith, Oliver She Stoops to Conquer
Hall, Willis The Long and the Short and the Tall
Hardy, Thomas Far from the Maddling Crowd
The Mayor of Casterbridge
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
The Withered Arm and other Wessex Tales
Hartley, L.P. The Go-Between
Heaney, Seamus Selected Poems
Hill, Susan I'm the King of the Castle
Hines, Barry A Kestrel for a Knave
Lawrence, Louise Children of the Dust
Lee, Harper To Kill A Mockingbird
Lee, Laurie Cider With Rosie
Miller, Arthur The Crucible
A View From The Bridge
O'Brien, Robert Z For Zachariah
O'Connor, Frank My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories
Orwell, George Animal Farm
Priestley, J.B. An Inspector Calls
When We Are Married
Russell, Willy Educating Rita
Our Day Out
Salinger, J.D. The Catcher In The Rye
Shakespeare, William Henry IV Part 1
Henry V
Julius Caesar
The Merchant of Venice
A midsummer NIght's Dream
Much Ado About Nothing
Romeo and Juliet
The Tempest
Twelfth Night
Shaw, George Bernard Pygmalion
Shelly, Mary Frankenstein
Sherriff, R. C. Journey's End
Rukshana Smith Salt on the Snow 0582368391
Steinbeck, John Of Mice and Men
Stevenson, Robert Louis Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Swift, Jonathan Gulliver's Travels
Swindells, Robert Daz 4 Zoe
Taylor, Mildred D. Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Twain, Mark Huckleberry Finn
Watson, James Talking In Whispers
Wharton, Edith Ethan Frome
Wordsworth, William Selected Poems
Poems from Different Cultures- an Anthology
A Choice of Poets
Mystery Stories of the Nineteenth Century including The Signalman
Nineteenth Century Short Stories
Poetry of the First World War
Six Women Poets

See also

External links

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