Anno Lucis

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Anno Lucis is a dating system used in Freemasonry that is similar to, but different from Anno Mundi.


In their ceremonial or commemorative proceedings, Freemasons add 4,000 years to the current Anno Domini calendar year and append Anno Lucis (“Year of Light”) to the Gregorian calendar year (for example, 2013 AD is 6013 AL).[1]

This calendar era, which would designate 4,001 BC as ‘year zero’, was adopted in the 18th century (58th century AL) as a simplification of the Anno Mundi era dating system used in the Hebrew calendar, and borrowing from other ideas of that time regarding the year of creation.

See also


  1. "What is the Masonic Calendar?". Library and Museum Charitable Trust of the United Grand Lodge of England. Retrieved 2006-07-06. 

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