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XLISP is a family of Lisp implementations written by David Betz.
The first version was a Lisp with object-oriented extensions for computers with limited power. The second version (XLISP 2.0) moved toward Common Lisp, but was by no means a complete implementation. After a long period of inactivity, the author released a new version based on XSCHEME, his Scheme implementation. The most current version follows the Scheme R3RS standard.
- AutoLISP, a programming and scripting language for AutoCAD, is based on a very old version of XLISP.
- XLISP-PLUS is a derivative of XLISP 2.0 that continues to add Common Lisp features. Winterp is a derivative of XLISP-PLUS.
- XLISP-STAT is an implementation of Lisp-Stat, an environment for dynamic graphics and statistics with objects.
- Nyquist is an extension of XLISP for sound synthesis.
- ANIMAL (AN IMage ALgebra) is an image manipulation environment created by Carla Maria Modena and Roberto Brunelli.
- A 1989 entry to the IOCCC identifies itself as "XLISP 4.0".
External links
- Betz, David, XLisp (home page)
- Almy, Thomas ‘Tom’, XLisp-plus, USA: Almy.
- AMXLisp, for the Amiga, Aminet.
- Lisp-Stat, USA: University of Iowa.
- "XLisp", IOCCC.
- Modena, ANIMAL: AN IMage ALgebra (PDF), EU: FBK.
- "xlisp on net.sources". net.lang. Web link. Original XLISP announcement.
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