Widow’s Pension
The Widow’s Pension is an old established part of the Social Security system in the United Kingdom. It was replaced by Bereavement Allowance in April 2001.
Benefits for Widows were first established by the Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Benefits Act 1925 at a rate of 10 shillings a week for life, or remarriage.[1]
To get any benefit as a widow a woman must be married to her husband, and be his only wife, at the time of his death. She is still entitled if separated or if a divorce had not reached the stage of decree absolute. All Widow's benefits stop on remarriage.
The claimant had to be over 45 but under 65 either when their husband died or when their Widowed Mother’s Allowance stopped.
There was also an entitlement an earnings related component. Widows under 55 when their husband died or when they ceased being entitled to Widowed Mother’s Allowance got a reduction is 7% for each year they are below 55.
Widow’s Pension lasted until retirement and was taxable
It counts in full for all Means-tested benefits. It is possible to get Incapacity Benefit together with widow’s pension.