West China

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West China (simplified Chinese: 华西; traditional Chinese: 華西; pinyin: huáxī), refers to the area around China's Sichuan Province (including Chongqing Municipality, which was part of the province until 1997) in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.[1] This term was widely used before 1949, however, it is not widely used contemporaneously.



First-level administrative divisions in West China
Name Chinese (S) Abbreviation Provincial capital Chinese
Chongqing Municipality重庆市渝(巴) Yú (Ba)Chongqing重庆
Sichuan Province四川省川(蜀) Chuān (Shǔ)Chengdu成都

See also


  1. Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2005). Xiandai Hanyu Cidian. Commercial Press. ISBN 978-7-100-04385-4. 

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