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Grape (Vitis)
Color of berry skin Blanc
Species Vitis vinifera
Also called Riesling Italico, Olaszrizling, Laški Rizling, Graševina (more)
Notable regions Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Hazards Bunch stem necrosis

Welschriesling (also known as Laski Rizling and Olasz Riesling) is a white wine grape variety, unrelated to the Rhine Riesling, that is grown throughout Central Europe.


The descendance of Welschriesling is uncertain. The German name Welschriesling literally means 'Romanic Riesling' (cf. Walhaz), and most of the synonyms in Central Europe are variations on 'Italian Riesling'. Welschriesling may have been brought to Central Europe by the ancient Romans. However, the Croatian name Graševina suggests that the origin might be somewhere to the east of the Balkans.

A modern theory claims that Welschriesling originated in the Champagne region and came as welsch (in this case French) Riesling via Heidelberg to the lands of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Wine regions

  • In Austria, the main regions where it is grown are south and south eastern Styria, in Burgenland, and in the Weinviertel region of Lower Austria, where it is also made into sparkling wine. In Rust near Lake Neusiedl, it is used to make Botrytis dessert wines.
  • In Croatia, Graševina is the most planted white grape variety. It is grown in all the inland wine regions, particularly in Kutjevo municipality and around Ilok, both in the far east of the country.
  • In the Czech Republic, Ryzlink vlašský is grown in the South Moravian Region, particularly in the Mikulovská and Velkopavlovická wine subregions (vinařská podoblast).[1]
  • In Hungary, Olaszrizling is the most widespread grape variety of the country, e.g. in the Badacsony wine region on Lake Balaton.
  • In Italy, it is known as Riesling Italico when grown in the northern regions such as Trentino, Collio and Friuli.
  • In Romania, it is called Riesling Italian where it makes a late harvest and sparkling wine.
  • In Slovakia it is grown in the Modra and Nitra wine regions.
  • In Slovenia, Welschriesling is known as laški rizling ("Italian Riesling") as opposed to renski rizling ("Rhine Riesling", i.e. Riesling proper). It is grown in the Lower Styrian region of eastern Slovenia, producing dry to medium-dry wines.


Aminea Gemela, Biela Sladka, Bielasladka Grasica, Glasica, Grasavina Talijanska, Grasevina, Grasica, Groshevina, Italianski Rizling, Laški Rizling, Nemes Olasz Rizling, Olaszrizling, Olasz Rizling, Petit Riesling, Petracine, Rakusky Rizling, Riesler, Riesli, Riesling, Riesling Italian, Riesling Italico, Risling Italyanskii, Risling Vlashskii, Rismi, Rizling Italico, Rizling Vlašský, Talianska Graseviana, Talijanski Rizling, Vlasak,[2] Italian Riesling, Ryzlink vlašský


  1. Wine of Czech Republic: Statistics and Charts, Accessed: June 29, 2011
  2. Maul, E.; Eibach, R. (1999-06-00). "Vitis International Variety Catalogue". Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV) of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Deichmanns Aue 29, 53179 Bonn, Germany. Retrieved 2007-04-15. 
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