WISE Campaign
The WISE Campaign (Women into Science, Engineering and Construction) encourages women and girls to value and pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths or Construction related courses in School or College and move on into related careers and progress. Its mission statement aims to facilitate understanding of these disciplines among women and girls and the opportunities which they present at a professional level.
One of WISE's main objectives is to listen to students and women qualified or working in these sectors, and understand and voice their opinions to academic institutions, policy-makers and employers. It then works creatively with delivery agencies and others, offering models, tools and approaches to support them in challenging traditional approaches, so as to demonstrate equitable involvement. WISE combats gender stereotypes to get more girls and women involved in careers where female participation was once considered near impossible.
WISE operates throughout the UK, with specialist committees in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Volunteers, from industry and relevant organisations, attend the various WISE committee meetings, and undertake projects with WISE.
In 2011 the UKRC - an organisation specialising in gender equality in science, engineering and technology - took on leadership of WISE. WISE counts The Princess Royal, The Baroness Platt of Writtle, Dame Julia Higgins, Kate Bellingham and Joanna Kennedy as its patrons.