Vishnu sahasranama

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Vishnusahasranama manuscript, ca1690.

The Vishnusahasranama (Sanskrit Viṣṇusahasranāma, a tatpurusha compound translating literally to "the thousand names of Vishnu") is a list of 1,000 names (sahasranama) of Vishnu, one of the main forms of God in Hinduism and the personal supreme God for Vaishnavas (followers of Vishnu). It is also one of the most sacred and commonly chanted stotras in Hinduism. The Vishnusahasranama as found in the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata is the most popular version of the 1,000 names of Vishnu. Another version exists in the Padma Purana and Matsya Purana. Each name eulogizes one of His countless great attributes.

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The VishnuSahasranāma has been the subject of numerous commentaries. Adi Shankaracharya wrote a definitive commentary on the sahasranāma in the 8th century which has been particularly influential for many schools of Hinduism even today. Parasara Bhattar, a follower of Ramanujacharya wrote a commentary in the 12th century, detailing the names of Vishnu from a Vishishtadvaita perspective. Madhvacharya asserted that each name in the sahasranama has a minimum of 100 meanings.


According to the 149th chapter of Anushāsanaparva (verses 14 to 120) in the epic Mahabharata, the names were handed down to Yudhisthira by the famous warrior Bhishma who was on his death bed (of arrows) in the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Yudhisthira asks Bhishma the following questions:[1][2]

kimekam daivatam loke kim vāpyekam parāyaṇam
stuvantaḥ kam kamarcantaḥ prāpnuyurmānavāḥ śubham
ko dharmaḥ sarva dharmāṇām bhavataḥ paramo mataḥ
kim japan mucyate jantuḥ janmasamsārabandhanāt
In this universe Who is the one (ekam) refuge (parāyaṇam) for all? Who (kim) is the greatest (ekam) Lord (daivatam) in the world (loke)? By eulogising (sthuvantaḥ) whom (kam) can a person (mānavāḥ) reach auspiciousness (śubham) (peace and prosperity)? By worshipping (archantaḥ) whom can a person reach auspiciousness (peace and prosperity)? What (kah) is, in thy opinion, the Greatest Dharma of all Dharmas? By (kim) chanting whose name, can a "creature" (jantuh) proceed beyond (muchyate) the bonds (bandhanāt) of samsāra?

Bhisma answers by stating that mankind will be free from all sorrows by chanting the "Vishnusahasranāma", which are the thousand names of the all-pervading Supreme Being Vishnu, who is the master of all the worlds, the supreme light, the essence of the universe and who is Brahman. All matter animate and inanimate reside in him, and he in turn resides within all matter.


In Sanskrit, sahasra means "a thousand" and nāma (nominative, the stem is nāman-) means "name". The compound is of the Bahuvrihi type and may be translated as "having a thousand names". In modern Hindi pronunciation, nāma is pronounced [na:m]. It is also pronounced sahasranāmam in South India.


There are Sahasranāma for many forms of God (Vishnu, Shiva, Ganesha, Shakti, and others). The Vishnu Sahasranāma is popular among common Hindus, and a major part of prayer for devout Vaishnavas, or followers of Vishnu. While Vaishanvas venerate other deities, they believe that the universe, including the other divinities such as Shiva and Devi, is ultimately a manifestation of the Supreme Lord Vishnu. Followers of Shaivism similarly give prominence to Shiva. Interestingly, despite the existence of other sahasranamas of other forms of God, referring a sahasranama as "The Sahasranama," generally refers to the Vishnu Sahasranama alone, thereby indicating its wide popularity and use. .[4]

Smarta interpretations

Two of the names in Vishnusahasranama that refer to Shiva are "Shiva" (names # 27 and # 600 in Adi Sankara's commentary) itself, "Shambhu" (name # 38), "Ishanah" (name #6 4), and "Rudra" (name # 114). Most notably, Adi Shankara, according to one interpretation, has not interpreted these to mean that the deity Shiva and the deity Vishnu are the same.[5] Specifically, he asserts that the deity Vishnu is Brahman itself (not just an aspect of Brahmam).[6] Again, he notes that "only Hari (Vishnu) is eulogized by names such as Shiva",[7] a position consistent with interpretations of the Srivaishnavite commentator Parasara Bhattar. Parasara Bhattar had interpreted Shiva to mean a quality of Vishnu, such as "One who bestows auspiciousness.".[8] In fact, the Shri Rudram, a sacred prayer for Hindus and devotees of Shiva in particular, describes Vishnu as an aspect of Shiva in the fifth anuvaka.

However, this interpretation of the name Shiva has been challenged by Swami Tapasyananda's translation of Sankara's commentary on the Vishnusahasranama.[9] He translates the 27th name, Shiva to mean:"One who is not affected by the three Gunas of Prakrti, Sattva, Rajas,and Tamas; The Kaivalaya Upanishad says, "He is both Brahma and Shiva." In the light of this statement of non-difference between Shiva and Vishnu, it is Vishnu Himself Who Is exalted by the praise and worship of Shiva." [9] Based on this commonly held Advaitan point of view which has been adopted by Smartas, Vishnu and Shiva are viewed as one and the same God, being different aspects of preservation and destruction respectively. As many Sanskrit words have multiple meanings, it is possible that both Vishnu and Shiva share names in this instance, e.g., the name Shiva itself means "auspicious"[10] which could also apply to Vishnu. The Deities Ananthapadmanabha and Shankaranarayana are worshipped by Hindus, as is Lord Panduranga Vitthala, a form of Lord Krishna with a Shiva Linga on his crown, signifying the oneness of both deities.

Vaishnava interpretations

However, the Vaishnava commentator, Parasara Bhattar, a follower of Ramanujacharya has interpreted the names "Shiva" and "Rudra" in Vishnu sahasranama to mean qualities or attributes of Vishnu, and not to indicate that Vishnu and Shiva are one and the same God. Vaishnavas worship Vishnu in his four-armed form, carrying conch, disc, flower and mace in his hands, believing that to be the Supreme form. However, Smarthas do not subscribe to this aspect or personification of God, as Smarthas say that God is pure and thus devoid of form. Additionally, they believe that God is not limited by time nor limited by shape and color. Vaishnava traditions are of the opinion that Vishnu is both unlimited and yet still capable of having specific forms, as to give arguments to the contrary (to say that God is incapable of having a form) is to limit the unlimitable and all-powerful Supreme.

In the Sri Vaishnava tradition, the Bhagavad-gita and the Vishnu Sahasranama are considered the two eyes of spiritual revelation.

In other Vaishnava traditions too, the Vishnu Sahasranama is considered an important text. Within Gaudiya Vaishnavism, Vallabha sampradaya, Nimbarka sampradaya and among Ramanandis, the chanting of the names of Krishna and Rama to be superior to that of Vishnu. Based on another verse in the Padma Purana which says that the benefit of chanting the one thousand names of Vishnu can be derived from chanting one name of Rama, and a verse in the Brahma Vaivarta Purana equating the benefit of chanting three names of Rama with one name of Krishna. However, it is important to realize that those verses in those puranas are not to be interpreted literally, as many believe that there is no difference between Vishnu and Krishna. This theological difference can be expressed as follows: Many Vaishnava groups recognize Krishna as an Avatar of Vishnu, while others, instead, consider Him to be svayam bhagavan, or the original form of the Lord. Yet these verses can be interpreted as it is more important to have pure bhakti or devotion than merely repeating the many names of God without emotion. Indeed, Shri Krishna Himself said, "Arjuna, One may be desirous of praising by reciting the thousand names. But, on my part, I feel praised by one shloka. There is no doubt about it.” [11]

Within Vaisnavism some groups, such as Sri sampradaya, adhere to and follow the Rig Veda: V.I.15b.3, which states "O ye who wish to gain realization of the supreme truth, utter the name of Vishnu at least once in the steadfast faith that it will lead you to such realization." [12]

Interpretations alluding to the power of God in controlling karma

Many names in the Vishnu Sahasranama, the thousand names of Vishnu allude to the power of God in controlling karma. For example, the 135th name of Vishnu, Dharmadhyaksha, in Sankara's interpretation means, "One who directly sees the merits (Dharma) and demerits (Adharma), of beings by bestowing their due rewards on them." [13]

Other names of Vishnu alluding to this nature of God are Bhavanah, the 32nd name, Vidhata, the 44th name, Apramattah, the 325th name, Sthanadah, the 387th name and Srivibhavanah, the 609th name.[14] Bhavanah, according to Sankara's interpretation, means "One who generates the fruits of Karmas of all Jivas for them to enjoy." [15] The Brahma Sutra (3.2.28) "Phalmatah upapatteh" speaks of the Lord's function as the bestower of the fruits of all actions of the jivas.[15]

General thoughts

Sections from Swami Tapasyananda's translation of the concluding verses of Vishnu sahasranama, state the following: "Nothing evil or inauspicious will befall a man here or hereafter who daily hears or repeats these names." That comment is noteworthy. King Nahusha, a once righteous king, ancestor of Yudhisthira, according to excerpt from C. Rajagopalachari's translation of the Mahabharata, became an Indra, king of devas, but was later expelled from Swarga or heaven due to a curse by the great sage Agastya for his eventual gain in pride and arrogance and became a python for thousands of years.[16]

Thus, chanting of Vishnu sahasranama will help lead to success in this life and hereafter.

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada gives a Gaudiya Vaishnava interpretation of verse 7.24 from the Bhagavad Gita, wherein he quotes the Avatar, Krishna, as saying: "Unintelligent men, who do not know Me perfectly, think that I, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, was impersonal before and have now assumed this personality. Due to their small knowledge, they do not know My higher nature, which is imperishable and supreme."[17] Prabhupada has also stated that “I beg to point out that the Hindu religion is perfectly based on the personal conception of God, or Vishnu."[18]

In Swami Chidbhavananda's translation of the Bhagavad Gita, he gives an opposite interpretation of the same verse, 7:24, "men of poor understanding think of Me, the unmanifest, as having manifestation, not knowing My supreme state, immutable and unsurpassed." Swami Chidbhavananda, holding Advaita views, gives more importance to God being formless while Srila Prabhupada, following Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's philosophy, gives importance to God with form. Ramakrishna analogized God with form and without form as being like ice and liquid water, as being both the same but in different states.[19]

Quotes about Vishnu Sahasranama

  • Sri N. Krishnamachari, a Vaishnavite scholar, at Steven Knapp's web site, quoting Vaishnavite scholars, states that there are six reasons for the greatness of Vishnu sahasranama:
"1. Vishnu sahasranama is the essence of the Mahabharata;
2. Great sages such as Narada, the Alvars, and composers including Saint Tyagaraja have made repeated references to the "Thousand Names of Vishnu" in their devotional works;
3. The person who strung together the thousand names as part of the Mahabharata and preserved it for the world was none other than Sage Veda Vyasa, the foremost knower of the Vedas, who is considered an avatar of Vishnu;
4. Bhishma considered chanting of the Vishnu sahasranama the best and easiest of all dharmas, or the means to attain relief from all bondage;
5. It is widely accepted that the chanting of this Stotram gives relief from all sorrows and leads to happiness and peace of mind;
6. Vishnu sahasranama is in conformity with the teachings of the Gita." [20]
  • Adi Sankaracharya, the Advaita enlightened master, in verse 27 of his hymn, Bhaja Govindam,[21] said that the Gita and Vishnu sahasranama should be chanted and the form of the Lord of Lakshmi, Vishnu should always be meditated on. He also said that the Sahasranama bestowed all noble virtues on those who chanted it.[22]
  • Parasara Bhattar, a follower of Ramanujacharya had said that Vishnu sahasranama absolves people of all sins and has no equal[22]
  • Madhvacharya, the Dvaita philosopher, said that the Sahasranama was the essence of the Mahabharata which in turn was the essence of the Shastras and that each word of the Sahasranama had 100 meanings.[22]
  • Swaminarayan, founder of the Hindu Swaminarayan faith, said in verse 118 of the scripture, Shikshapatri, that one should "either recite or have the 10th canto,(of Bhagavata Purana ) and also other holy scriptures like the Vishnu Sahasranama recited at a holy place according to one's capacity. The recital is such that it gives fruits according to whatever is desired." [23]
  • Swaminarayan also said in verses 93-96, "I have the highest esteem for these eight holy scriptures: the four Vedas, the Vyas-Sutra,(i.e., Brahma Sutras, the Shreemad Bhagavata Purana, the Shree Vishnu Sahasranama in the Mahabharata, and the Yaagnavalkya Smruti which is at the center of the Dharma Scriptures; and all My disciples who wish to prosper should listen to these 8 holy scriptures, and brahmins under My shelter should learn and teach these holy scriptures and read them to others."
  • Swami Sivananda, in his 20 important spiritual instructions, stated that the Vishnu sahasranama, along with other religious texts, should be studied systematically.[24]

”In this way we find all the scriptures aiming at the Supreme Person. In the Rig Veda (1.22.20) the mantra is om tad vishnoh paramam padam sada pashyanti surayah ("The demigods are always looking to that supreme abode of Vishnu"). The whole Vedic process, therefore, is to understand Lord Vishnu, and any scripture is directly or indirectly chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu.”[25]

sri rama rama rameti rame rame manorame; sahasra nama tat tulyam rama nama varanane
"O Varanana (lovely-faced woman), I chant the holy name of Rama, Rama, Rama and thus constantly enjoy this beautiful sound. This holy name of Ramachandra is equal to one thousand holy names of Lord Vishnu." (Brhad-visnu-sahasranama-stotra, Uttara-khanda, Padma Purana 72.335)
  • Brahmānda Purana said:
sahasra-namnam punyanam, trir-avrttya tu yat phalam; ekavrttya tu krsnasya, namaikam tat prayacchati
"The pious results (punya) achieved by chanting the thousand holy names of Vishnu (Vishnu sahasra nama stotram) three times can be attained by only one utterance of the holy name of Krishna."
  • Shri Krishna Himself said, "Arjuna, One may be desirous of praising by reciting the thousand names. But, on my part, I feel praised by one shloka. There is no doubt about it.”[11]
  • From the oldest scriptural text in Hinduism, the Rig Veda; V.I.15b.3, it states:

"O ye who wish to gain realization of the Supreme Truth, utter the name of "Vishnu" at least once in the steadfast faith that it will lead you to such realization."


In the linked preface prayer (But not in the succeeding Sahasranama) non-formal pronunciation is used, since correct representation of pronunciation requires extensive use of diacritic marks. An example: Sanskrit/Hindi has three letters representing S, which are represented here as 's', 'ś', and 'ṣ', as used in the Sanskrit word ṣatkona (= "hexagon"), Viṣnu, Kṛṣṇa and others is actually a retroflex phoneme and has no equivalent in English. Retroflex phonemes are those where the tongue is slightly coiled back in the palate and released along with the phoneme's sound. Also, the 'ṇ' in Viṣṇu and Kṛṣṇa is retroflex. In formal transliteration of Sanskrit alphabet to English, this set-up is denoted by placing dots below the letter 'ṣ'. More details can be found at Sanskrit language#Consonants, and at IAST

Although devotion is considered the most important thing while reciting any prayer or mantra (Unless used for tantric purposes, where the sound's vibration plays the major role), use of the correct pronunciation is believed by devotees to enhance the satisfaction derived from the recital, in the case of both vocal and mental chants.

Merits of Recitation

Believers in the recitation of the Sahasranama claim that it brings unwavering calm of mind, complete freedom from stress and brings eternal knowledge. A translation of the concluding verses (Phalasruti) of Vishnu sahasranama, state the following: "Nothing evil or inauspicious will befall a man here or hereafter who daily hears or repeats these names.. Whichever devoted man, getting up early in the morning and purifying himself, repeats this hymn devoted to Vasudeva, with a mind that is concentrated on Him, that man attains to great fame, leadership among his peers, wealth that is secure and the supreme good unsurpassed by anything. He will be free from all fears and be endowed with great courage and energy and he will be free from diseases. Beauty of form, strength of body and mind, and virtuous character will be natural to him.... One who reads this hymn every day with devotion and attention attains to peace of mind, patience, prosperity, mental stability, memory and reputation.... Whoever desires advancement and happiness should repeat this devotional hymn on Vishnu composed by Vyasa....Never will defeat attend on a man who adores the Lotus-Eyed One (Kamala Nayana), who is the Master of all the worlds, who is birthless, and out of whom the worlds have originated and into whom they dissolve."

In orthodox Hindu tradition, a devotee should daily chant the Upanishads, Gita, Rudram, Purusha Sukta and Vishnu sahasranama. If one cannot do all this on any day, it is believed that chanting Vishnu sahasranama alone is sufficient. Vishnu sahasranama can be chanted at any time, irrespective of gender.

Varahi Tantra says that in the age of Kali yuga, most stotras are cursed by Parashurama and hence are ineffective. While listing the ones which are free from this curse and hence suitable during Kali Yuga, it is said, "Gita of the Bhishma Parva, Vishnu Sahasranama of Mahabharata and Chandika Saptashati' (Devi Mahatmyam) are free from all Doshas and grant fruits immediately in Kali Yuga." [26]

In a classic astrological text, the Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, Sage Parashara frequently recommends the recitation of the Vishnu Sahasranama as the best remedial measure for planetary afflictions.[27] For example, see the following verse: "The most effective and beneficial remedial measure for the prolongation of longevity and to obtain relief from other evil effects is recitation of Vishnu Sahasranam." ch 56 verse 30 [27]

Sage Parashara mentions this practice more than ten times in his text. Here's another verse:

"The remedial measure to obtain relief from the above evil effects, is recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama." ch 59 verse 77 [27]

It is customary to commence the Vishnu sahasranama with a devotional prayer to Vishnu.


Recitation and aggregation

An alternative approach is to say the starting prayer, and then say the names collected in stanzas (As they were originally said by Bhishma.) Such stanzas are called Slokas in Sanskrit. The Sahasranama (apart from the initial and concluding prayers) has a total of 108 shlokas.

For example, the first sloka is:

om visvam vishnur-vashatkaro bhutbhavyabhavatprabhuh
bhutkrd bhutbhrd-bhaavo bhutatma bhutabhavanah

Notice the aggregation of several words and the omission of their intervening spaces. For example, the last word of the first line of this Sloka:


corresponds to:

om bhutabhavya bhavat prabhave namah

of the expanded version.

This joining-together of words is a common feature of Sanskrit and is called Samasa- a compound. It makes the slokas compact, and easier to remember.

The Thousand names

Most Popular Names of Lord Vishnu

  1. Vishwam ( विश्वं )- The world is a form or a body of Lord Vishnu.The world constitutes of earth, 21 heavens & 21 hells. This world is like a small fragment in the infinite space called Mahat-tatva. This world is Lord Vishnu. So the world being God one should not destroy this world & try to find the hidden God in this world through faith.
  2. Vishnu ( विष्णुः )
  3. Vashatkara ( वषट्कारः )
  4. Bhuta Bhavya Bhavatprabhu ( भूतभव्य भवत्प्रभुः )
  5. Bhutakrut ( भूतक्रुत )
  6. Bhutabhrut ( भूतभ्रुत )
  7. Bhava ( भावः )- Feelings is the abstract body of Lord Vishnu or God. A person with (true) feelings should be respected bcos he is holding God or God is holding that person. Hence feelings should be assumed to be the form of God or Lord Vishnu & should be respected.
  8. Bhutatma ( भूतात्मा )
  9. Bhutabhavanah ( भूतभावनः )
  10. Putatma ( पूतात्मा )
  11. Paramatma (परमात्मा )- The supersoul within all souls is Lord Vishnu. A sun can have 10 reflections in 10 pots or infinite reflections in infinite pots. That way Sun is Lord Vishnu or Bhagvan & the reflection "Sun Disc" is the Parmatma or the Supersoul within all souls
  12. Muktanam Parama Gatih ( मुक्तानां परमा गतिः )
  13. Avyaya ( अव्यय, the never changing)
  14. Purusha ( पुरुष )- Lord Vishnu is a male. A soul with strong masculanity is called Purusha.
  15. Keshava ( केशव )
  16. Shrinidhi ( श्रीनिधि )- One Who is the treasure- house (Nidhih) of Sree.

Some other names

The names are generally derived from the anantakalyanagunas (meaning: infinite auspicious attributes). Some names are:

  • Achintya (Incomprehensible, beyond understanding)
  • Acyutah (infallible)
  • Ananta (endless, eternal, infinite)
  • Damodara (having a rope (dama) around his belly (udara): a name of Krishna)
  • Govinda (protector of the cows and Brahmins; master of the senses: a name of Krishna)
  • Hari (one who takes away the pain of material bondage of his devotees)
  • Hayagriva (giver of knowledge)
  • Jagannatha (Owner/Ruler of the world/universe)
  • Janardana (One who is worshiped by people for Wealth)
  • Keshava (slayer of Keshi, having long or much or handsome hair, from Atharvaveda viii, 6, 23 and one who is himself the three: kah Brahma; ah Vishnu and Isa Shiva.
  • Krishna (born during the third epoch or yuga, his deeds range from cow protection (go rakshya) to absolving the earth of load of sins)
  • Madhava (relating to the season of spring,ma=laxmi,dhav=dhaaran karne walle means madhava)
  • Madhusudana (he who destroyed the demon called Madhu)
  • Narayana (said to mean "he who is the abode of nār (= ether)", i.e., the whole universe's shelter. Also means "The supreme Man who is the foundation of all men". Another meaning is "He who lies (i.e., rests) in the water".)
  • Padmanabha (lotus-naveled one, from whose navel sprang the lotus which contained Brahma, who created the universe)
  • Parthasarathy (Charioteer of Arjuna/Partha)
  • Purushottama - The Supreme Eternal Being
  • Rama (born during the second epoch or Yuga, his deeds primarily established the ideal living principles for a man)
  • Hrishikesh (Lord of the senses or Lord within the heart; "hri" root meaning the heart)
  • Rohit (another Name of Vishnu)
  • Satyanarayana (a combination of satya and Narayana meaning 'protector of truth')
  • Shrivatsa
  • Shikhandee: He who wears a peacock feather.
  • Souryarayan (the one who destroys the evil/sins and who comforts us) described in Vishnu kautuvam.
  • Sridhara (consort of Sri = Laxmi or Ultimate wealth)
  • Siddhartha (one who attains perfection, birth name of Buddha avatar in the last epoch of Kali Yuga)
  • Sriman (the pride of Shri or Lakshmi); Often Sriman is combined with the name, Narayana, to form a compound word, Sriman Narayana.
  • Srinivasa (the abode of Shri) (also specifically referring to his form in the temple at Tirupati). Also the form of Vishnu at Tirupati is well known as Venkateswara.
  • Trivikrama (Conqueror of the three worlds, as in Vamana avatara).
  • Vishal (Immense, The Unstoppable One).
  • Vamana (dwarfish, small or short in stature, a dwarf brahmana)
  • Vāsudeva ( "All-Pervading god", with the long vowel A; it also means "the son of Vasudeva", i.e. Krishna)
  • Shreesh (Husband of Goddess Lakshmi).
  • Guruvayurappan Lord of Guruvayur (Temple made by Guru(Brihaspati) and Vayu deva)
  • Jaganath is the south eastern name of Vishnu. The word juggernaut (the mightiest) is derived from this name.
  • Sohama means the most intelligent, it is strongest form of Vishnu with a thousand brains and hands
  • Jayan means The Victorious or The conqueror of all enemies

Complete List of Names of Lord Vishnu

This is the complete list of names, in loose anglicized spelling and with idiosyncratic translations.[28][29]

  • 1) vishwam: Who is the universe himself
  • 2) vishnuh: He who pervades everywhere
  • 3) vashatkaarah: He who is invoked for oblations
  • 4) bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh: The Lord of past, present and future
  • 5) bhoota-krit: The creator of all creatures
  • 6) bhoota-bhrit: He who nourishes all creatures
  • 7) bhaavo: He who becomes all moving and nonmoving things
  • 8) bhootaatmaa: The aatman of all beings
  • 9) bhoota-bhaavanah: The cause of the growth and birth of all creatures
  • 10) pootaatmaa: He with an extremely pure essence
  • 11) paramaatmaa: The Supersoul
  • 12) muktaanaam paramaa gatih: The final goal, reached by liberated souls
  • 13) avyayah: Without destruction
  • 14) purushah: He who dwells in the city of nine gates
  • 15) saakshee: The witness
  • 16) kshetrajnah: The knower of the field
  • 17) akshara: Indestructible
  • 18) yogah: He who is realized through yoga
  • 19) yoga-vidaam netaa: The guide of those who know yoga
  • 20) pradhaana-purusheshvarah: Lord of pradhaana and purusha
  • 21) naarasimha-vapuh: He whose form is man-lion
  • 22) shreemaan: He who is always with shree
  • 23) keshavah: He who has beautiful locks of hair, slayer of Keshi and one who is himself the three: kah Brahma; ah Vishnu and Isa Shiva
  • 24) purushottamah: The Supreme Controller
  • 25) sarvah: He who is everything
  • 26) sharvas: The auspicious
  • 27) shivah: He who is eternally pure
  • 28) sthaanuh: The pillar, the immovable truth
  • 29) bhootaadih: The cause of the five great elements
  • 30) nidhir-avyayah: The imperishable treasure
  • 31) sambhavah: He who descends of His own free will
  • 32) bhaavanah: He who gives everything to his devotees
  • 33) bhartaa: He who governs the entire living world
  • 34) prabhavah: The womb of the five great elements
  • 35) prabhuh: The Almighty Lord
  • 36) eeshvarah: He who can do anything without any help
  • 37) svayambhooh: He who manifests from Himself
  • 38) shambhuh: He who brings auspiciousness
  • 39) aadityah: The son of Aditi (Vaamana)
  • 40) pushkaraakshah: He who has eyes like the lotus
  • 41) mahaasvanah: He who has a thundering voice
  • 42) anaadi-nidhanah: He without origin or end
  • 43) dhaataa: He who supports all fields of experience
  • 44) vidhaataa: The dispenser of fruits of action
  • 45) dhaaturuttamah: The subtlest atom
  • 46) aprameyah: He who cannot be perceived
  • 47) hrisheekeshah: The Lord of the senses
  • 48) padmanaabhah: He from whose navel comes the lotus
  • 49) amaraprabhuh: The Lord of the devas
  • 50) vishvakarmaa: The creator of the universe
  • 51) manuh: He who has manifested as the Vedic mantras
  • 52) tvashtaa: He who makes huge things small
  • 53) sthavishtah: The supremely gross
  • 54) sthaviro dhruvah: The ancient, motionless one
  • 55) agraahyah: He who is not perceived sensually
  • 56) shaashvatah: He who always remains the same
  • 57) krishno: He whose complexion is dark
  • 58) lohitaakshah: Red-eyed
  • 59) pratardanah: The Supreme destruction
  • 60) prabhootas: Ever-full
  • 61) trikakub-dhaama: The support of the three quarters
  • 62) pavitram: He who gives purity to the heart
  • 63) mangalam param: The Supreme auspiciousness
  • 64) eeshanah: The controller of the five great elements
  • 65) praanadah: He who gives life
  • 66) praano: He who ever lives
  • 67) jyeshthah: Older than all
  • 68) shreshthah: The most glorious
  • 69) prajaapatih: The Lord of all creatures
  • 70) hiranyagarbhah: He who dwells in the womb of the world
  • 71) bhoogarbhah: He who is the womb of the world
  • 72) maadhavah: Husband of Lakshmi
  • 73) madhusoodanah: Destroyer of the Madhu demon
  • 74) eeshvarah: The controller
  • 75) vikramee: He who is full of prowess
  • 76) dhanvee: He who always has a divine bow
  • 77) medhaavee: Supremely intelligent
  • 78) vikramah: He who stepped (Vaamana)
  • 79) kramah: All-pervading
  • 80) anuttamah: Incomparably great
  • 81) duraadharshah: He who cannot be attacked successfully
  • 82) kritajnah: He who knows all that is
  • 83) kritih: He who rewards all our actions
  • 84) aatmavaan: The self in all beings
  • 85) sureshah: The Lord of the demigods
  • 86) sharanam: The refuge
  • 87) sharma: He who is Himself infinite bliss
  • 88) visva-retaah: The seed of the universe
  • 89) prajaa-bhavah: He from whom all praja comes
  • 90) ahah: He who is the nature of time
  • 91) samvatsarah: He from whom the concept of time comes
  • 92) vyaalah: The serpent (vyaalah) to atheists
  • 93) pratyayah: He whose nature is knowledge
  • 94) sarvadarshanah: All-seeing
  • 95) ajah: Unborn
  • 96) sarveshvarah: Controller of all
  • 97) siddhah: The most famous
  • 98) siddhih: He who gives moksha
  • 99) sarvaadih: The beginning of all
  • 100) achyutah: Infallible
  • 101) vrishaakapih: He who lifts the world to dharma
  • 102) ameyaatmaa: He who manifests in infinite varieties
  • 103) sarva-yoga-vinissritah: He who is free from all attachments
  • 104) vasuh: The support of all elements
  • 105) vasumanaah: He whose mind is supremely pure
  • 106) satyah: The truth
  • 107) samaatmaa: He who is the same in all
  • 108) sammitah: He who has been accepted by authorities
  • 109) samah: Equal
  • 110) amoghah: Ever useful
  • 111) pundareekaakshah: He who dwells in the heart
  • 112) vrishakarmaa: He whose every act is righteous
  • 113) vrishaakritih: The form of dharma
  • 114) rudrah: He who makes all people weep
  • 115) bahu-shiraah: He who has many heads
  • 116) babhrur: He who rules over all the worlds
  • 117) vishvayonih: The womb of the universe
  • 118) shuchi-shravaah: He who listens only the good and pure
  • 119) amritah: Immortal
  • 120) shaashvatah-sthaanur: Permanent and immovable
  • 121) varaaroho: The most glorious destination
  • 122) mahaatapaah: He of great tapas
  • 123) sarvagah: All-pervading
  • 124) sarvavid-bhaanuh: All-knowing and effulgent
  • 125) vishvaksenah: He against whom no army can stand
  • 126) janaardanah: He who gives joy to good people
  • 127) vedah: He who is the Vedas
  • 128) vedavid: The knower of the Vedas
  • 129) avyangah: Without imperfections
  • 130) vedaangah: He whose limbs are the Vedas
  • 131) vedavit: He who contemplates upon the Vedas
  • 132) kavih: The seer
  • 133) lokaadhyakshah: He who presides over all lokas
  • 134) suraadhyaksho: He who presides over all devas
  • 135) dharmaadhyakshah: He who presides over dharma
  • 136) krita-akritah: All that is created and not created
  • 137) chaturaatmaa: The four-fold self
  • 138) chaturvyoohah: Vasudeva, Sankarshan etc.
  • 139) chaturdamstrah: He who has four canines (Nrsimha)
  • 140) chaturbhujah: Four-handed
  • 141) bhraajishnur: Self-effulgent consciousness
  • 142) bhojanam: He who is the sense-objects
  • 143) bhoktaa: The enjoyer
  • 144) sahishnuh: He who can suffer patiently
  • 145) jagadaadijah: Born at the beginning of the world
  • 146) anaghah: Sinless
  • 147) vijayah: Victorious
  • 148) jetaa: Ever-successful
  • 149) vishvayonih: He who incarnates because of the world
  • 150) punarvasuh: He who lives repeatedly in different bodies
  • 151) upendrah: The younger brother of Indra (vaamana)
  • 152) vaamanah: He with a dwarf body
  • 153) praamshuh: He with a huge body
  • 154) amoghah: He whose acts are for a great purpose
  • 155) shuchih: He who is spotlessly clean
  • 156) oorjitah: He who has infinite vitality
  • 157) ateendrah: He who surpasses Indra
  • 158) samgrahah: He who holds everything together
  • 159) sargah: He who creates the world from Himself
  • 160) dhritaatmaa: Established in Himself
  • 161) niyamo: The appointing authority
  • 162) yamah: The administrator
  • 163) vedyah: That which is to be known
  • 164) vaidyah: The Supreme doctor
  • 165) sadaa-yogee: Always in yoga
  • 166) veerahaa: He who destroys the mighty heroes
  • 167) maadhavo: The Lord of all knowledge
  • 168) madhuh: Sweet
  • 169) ateendriyo: Beyond the sense organs
  • 170) mahaamayo: The Supreme Master of all Maya
  • 171) mahotsaaho: The great enthusiast
  • 172) mahaabalah: He who has supreme strength
  • 173) mahaabuddhir: He who has supreme intelligence
  • 174) mahaa-veeryah: The supreme essence
  • 175) mahaa-shaktih: All-powerful
  • 176) mahaa-dyutih: Greatly luminous
  • 177) anirdeshya-vapuh: He whose form is indescribable
  • 178) shreemaan: He who is always courted by glories
  • 179) ameyaatmaa: He whose essence is immeasurable
  • 180) mahaadri-dhrik: He who supports the great mountain
  • 181) maheshvaasah: He who wields shaarnga
  • 182) maheebhartaa: The husband of mother earth
  • 183) shreenivaasah: The permanent abode of Shree
  • 184) sataam gatih: The goal for all virtuous people
  • 185) aniruddhah: He who cannot be obstructed
  • 186) suraanando: He who gives out happiness
  • 187) govindah: The protector of the cows
  • 188) govidaam-patih: The Lord of all men of wisdom
  • 189) mareechih: Effulgence
  • 190) damanah: He who controls rakshasas
  • 191) hamsah: The swan
  • 192) suparnah: Beautiful-winged (Two birds analogy)
  • 193) bhujagottamah: The serpent Ananta
  • 194) hiranyanaabhah: He who has a golden navel
  • 195) sutapaah: He who has glorious tapas
  • 196) padmanaabhah: He whose navel is like a lotus
  • 197) prajaapatih: He from whom all creatures emerge
  • 198) amrityuh: He who knows no death
  • 199) sarva-drik: The seer of everything
  • 200) simhah: He who destroys
  • 201) sandhaataa: The regulator
  • 202) sandhimaan: He who seems to be conditioned
  • 203) sthirah: Steady
  • 204) ajah: He who takes the form of Aja, Brahma
  • 205) durmarshanah: He who cannot be vanquished
  • 206) shaastaa: He who rules over the universe
  • 207) visrutaatmaa: He who is called atma in the Vedas
  • 208) suraarihaa: Destroyer of the enemies of the devas
  • 209) guruh: The teacher
  • 210) gurutamah: The greatest teacher
  • 211) dhaama: The goal
  • 212) satyah: He who is Himself the truth
  • 213) satya-paraakramah: Dynamic Truth
  • 214) nimishah: He who has closed eyes in contemplation
  • 215) animishah: He who remains unwinking; ever knowing
  • 216) sragvee: He who always wears a garland of undecaying flowers
  • 217) vaachaspatir-udaara-dheeh: He who is eloquent in championing the Supreme law of life; He with a large-hearted intelligence
  • 218) agraneeh: He who guides us to the peak
  • 219) graamaneeh: He who leads the flock
  • 220) shreemaan: The possessor of light, effulgence, glory
  • 221) nyaayah: Justice
  • 222) netaa: The leader
  • 223) sameeranah: He who sufficiently administers all movements of all living creatures
  • 224) sahasra-moordhaa: He who has endless heads
  • 225) vishvaatmaa: The soul of the universe
  • 226) sahasraakshah: Thousands of eyes
  • 227) sahasrapaat: Thousand-footed
  • 228) aavartanah: The unseen dynamism
  • 229) nivritaatmaa: The soul retreated from matter
  • 230) samvritah: He who is veiled from the jiva
  • 231) sam-pramardanah: He who persecutes evil men
  • 232) ahassamvartakah: He who thrills the day and makes it function vigorously
  • 233) vahnih: Fire
  • 234) anilah: Air
  • 235) dharaneedharah: He who supports the earth
  • 236) suprasaadah: Fully satisfied
  • 237) prasanaatmaa: Ever pure and all-blissful self
  • 238) vishva-dhrik: Supporter of the world
  • 239) vishvabhuk: He who enjoys all experiences
  • 240) vibhuh: He who manifests in endless forms
  • 241) satkartaa: He who adores good and wise people
  • 242) satkritah: He who is adored by all good people
  • 243) saadhur: He who lives by the righteous codes
  • 244) jahnuh: Leader of men
  • 245) naaraayanah: He who resides on the waters
  • 246) narah: The guide
  • 247) asankhyeyah: He who has numberless names and forms
  • 248) aprameyaatmaa: A soul not known through the pramanas
  • 249) vishishtah: He who transcends all in His glory
  • 250) shishta-krit: The law-maker
  • 251) shuchih: He who is pure
  • 252) siddhaarthah: He who has all arthas
  • 253) siddhasankalpah: He who gets all He wishes for
  • 254) siddhidah: The giver of benedictions
  • 255) siddhisaadhanah: The power behind our sadhana
  • 256) vrishaahee: Controller of all actions
  • 257) vrishabhah: He who showers all dharmas
  • 258) vishnuh: Long-striding
  • 259) vrishaparvaa: The ladder leading to dharma (As well as dharma itself)
  • 260) vrishodarah: He from whose belly life showers forth
  • 261) vardhanah: The nurturer and nourisher
  • 262) vardhamaanah: He who can grow into any dimension
  • 263) viviktah: Separate
  • 264) shruti-saagarah: The ocean for all scripture
  • 265) subhujah: He who has graceful arms
  • 266) durdurdharah: He who cannot be known by great yogis
  • 267) vaagmee: He who is eloquent in speech
  • 268) mahendrah: The lord of Indra
  • 269) vasudah: He who gives all wealth
  • 270) vasuh: He who is Wealth
  • 271) naika-roopo: He who has unlimited forms
  • 272) brihad-roopah: Vast, of infinite dimensions
  • 273) shipivishtah: The presiding deity of the sun
  • 274) prakaashanah: He who illuminates
  • 275) ojas-tejo-dyutidharah: The possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
  • 276) prakaashaatmaa: The effulgent self
  • 277) prataapanah: Thermal energy; one who heats
  • 278) riddhah: Full of prosperity
  • 279) spashtaaksharo: One who is indicated by OM
  • 280) mantrah: The nature of the Vedic mantras
  • 281) chandraamshuh: The rays of the moon
  • 282) bhaaskara-dyutih: The effulgence of the sun
  • 283) amritaamsoodbhavo: The moon who gives flavor to vegetables
  • 284) bhaanuh: Self-effulgent
  • 285) shashabindhuh: The moon who has a rabbit-like spot
  • 286) sureshvarah: A person of extreme charity
  • 287) aushadham: Medicine
  • 288) jagatas-setuh: A bridge across the material energy
  • 289) satya-dharma-paraakramah: One who champions heroically for truth and righteousness
  • 290) bhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathah: The Lord of past, present and future
  • 291) pavanah: The air that fills the universe
  • 292) paavanah: He who gives life-sustaining power to air
  • 293) analah: Fire
  • 294) kaamahaa: He who destroys all desires
  • 295) kaamakrit: He who fulfills all desires
  • 296) kaantah: He who is of enchanting form
  • 297) kaamah: The beloved
  • 298) kaamapradah: He who supplies desired objects
  • 299) prabhuh: The Lord
  • 300) yugaadi-krit: The creator of the yugas
  • 301) yugaavartah: The law behind time
  • 302) naikamaayah: He whose forms are endless and varied
  • 303) mahaashanah: He who eats up everything
  • 304) adrishyah: Imperceptible
  • 305) vyaktaroopah: He who is perceptible to the yogi
  • 306) sahasrajit: He who vanquishes thousands
  • 307) anantajit: Ever-victorious
  • 308) ishtah: He who is invoked through Vedic rituals
  • 309) visishtah: The noblest and most sacred
  • 310) sishteshtah: The greatest beloved
  • 311) shikhandee: He who wears a peacock feather
  • 312) nahushah: He who binds all with maya
  • 313) vrishah: He who is dharma
  • 314) krodhahaa: He who destroys anger
  • 315) krodhakrit-kartaa: He who generates anger against the lower tendency
  • 316) visvabaahuh: He whose hand is in everything
  • 317) maheedharah: The support of the earth
  • 318) achyutah: He who undergoes no changes
  • 319) prathitah: He who exists pervading all
  • 320) praanah: The prana in all living creatures
  • 321) praanadah: He who gives prana
  • 322) vaasavaanujah: The brother of Indra
  • 323) apaam-nidhih: Treasure of waters (the ocean)
  • 324) adhishthaanam: The substratum of the entire universe
  • 325) apramattah: He who never makes a wrong judgement
  • 326) pratishthitah: He who has no cause
  • 327) skandah: He whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya
  • 328) skanda-dharah: Upholder of withering righteousness
  • 329) dhuryah: Who carries out creation etc. without hitch
  • 330) varadah: He who fulfills boons
  • 331) vaayuvaahanah: Controller of winds
  • 332) vaasudevah: Dwelling in all creatures although not affected by that condition
  • 333) brihat-bhaanuh: He who illumines the world with the rays of the sun and moon
  • 334) aadidevah: The primary source of everything
  • 335) purandarah: Destroyer of cities
  • 336) ashokah: He who has no sorrow
  • 337) taaranah: He who enables others to cross
  • 338) taarah: He who saves
  • 339) shoorah: The valiant
  • 340) shaurih: He who incarnated in the dynasty of Shoora
  • 341) janeshvarah: The Lord of the people
  • 342) anukoolah: Well-wisher of everyone
  • 343) sataavarttah: He who takes infinite forms
  • 344) padmee: He who holds a lotus
  • 345) padmanibhekshanah: Lotus-eyed
  • 346) padmanaabhah: He who has a lotus-navel
  • 347) aravindaakshah: He who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus
  • 348) padmagarbhah: He who is being meditated upon in the lotus of the heart
  • 349) shareerabhrit: He who sustains all bodies
  • 350) maharddhi: One who has great prosperity
  • 351) riddhah: He who has expanded Himself as the universe
  • 352) Vriddhaatmaa: The ancient self
  • 353) mahaakshah: The great-eyed
  • 354) garudadhvajah: One who has Garuda on His flag
  • 355) atulah: Incomparable
  • 356) sharabhah: One who dwells and shines forth through the bodies
  • 357) bheemah: The terrible
  • 358) samayajnah: One whose worship is nothing more than keeping an equal vision of the mind by the devotee
  • 359) havirharih: The receiver of all oblation
  • 360) sarva-lakshana-lakshanyah: Known through all proofs
  • 361) lakshmeevaan: The consort of Laksmi
  • 362) samitinjayah: Ever-victorious
  • 363) viksharah: Imperishable
  • 364) rohitah: The fish incarnation
  • 365) maargah: The path
  • 366) hetuh: The cause
  • 367) daamodarah: Whose stomach is marked with three lines
  • 368) sahah: All-enduring
  • 369) maheedharah: The bearer of the earth
  • 370) mahaabhaago: He who gets the greatest share in every Yajna
  • 371) vegavaan: He who is swift
  • 372) amitaashanah: Of endless appetite
  • 373) udbhavah: The originator
  • 374) kshobhanah: The agitator
  • 375) devah: He who revels
  • 376) shreegarbhah: He in whom are all glories
  • 377) parameshvarah: Parama + Ishvara = Supreme Lord, Parama (MahaLakshmi i.e. above all the shaktis) + Ishvara (Lord) = Lord of MahaLakshmi
  • 378) karanam: The instrument
  • 379) kaaranam: The cause
  • 380) kartaa: The doer
  • 381) vikartaa: Creator of the endless varieties that make up the universe
  • 382) gahanah: The unknowable
  • 383) guhah: He who dwells in the cave of the heart
  • 384) vyavasaayah: Resolute
  • 385) vyavasthaanah: The substratum
  • 386) samsthaanah: The ultimate authority
  • 387) sthaanadah: He who confers the right abode
  • 388) dhruvah: The changeless in the midst of changes
  • 389) pararddhih: He who has supreme manifestations
  • 390) paramaspashtah: The extremely vivid
  • 391) tushtah: One who is contented with a very simple offering
  • 392) pushtah: One who is ever-full
  • 393) shubhekshanah: All-auspicious gaze
  • 394) raamah: One who is most handsome
  • 395) viraamah: The abode of perfect-rest
  • 396) virajo: Passionless
  • 397) maargah: The path
  • 398) neyah: The guide
  • 399) nayah: One who leads
  • 400) anayah: One who has no leader
  • 401) veerah: The valiant
  • 402) shaktimataam-shresthah: The best among the powerful
  • 403) dharmah: The law of being
  • 404) dharmaviduttamah: The highest among men of realisation
  • 405) vaikunthah: Lord of supreme abode, Vaikuntha
  • 406) purushah: One who dwells in all bodies
  • 407) praanah: Life
  • 408) praanadah: Giver of life
  • 409) pranavah: He who is praised by the gods
  • 410) prituh: The expanded
  • 411) hiranyagarbhah: The creator
  • 412) shatrughnah: The destroyer of enemies
  • 413) vyaaptah: The pervader
  • 414) vaayuh: The air
  • 415) adhokshajah: One whose vitality never flows downwards
  • 416) rituh: The seasons
  • 417) sudarshanah: He whose meeting is auspicious
  • 418) kaalah: He who judges and punishes beings
  • 419) parameshthee: One who is readily available for experience within the heart
  • 420) parigrahah: The receiver
  • 421) ugrah: The terrible
  • 422) samvatsarah: The year
  • 423) dakshah: The smart
  • 424) vishraamah: The resting place
  • 425) vishva-dakshinah: The most skilful and efficient
  • 426) vistaarah: The extension
  • 427) sthaavarah-sthaanuh: The firm and motionless
  • 428) pramaanam: The proof
  • 429) beejamavyayam: The Immutable Seed
  • 430) arthah: He who is worshiped by all
  • 431) anarthah: One to whom there is nothing yet to be fulfilled
  • 432) mahaakoshah: He who has got around him great sheaths
  • 433) mahaabhogah: He who is of the nature of enjoyment
  • 434) mahaadhanah: He who is supremely rich
  • 435) anirvinnah: He who has no discontent
  • 436) sthavishthah: One who is supremely huge
  • 437) a-bhooh: One who has no birth
  • 438) dharma-yoopah: The post to which all dharma is tied
  • 439) mahaa-makhah: The great sacrificer
  • 440) nakshatranemir: The nave of the stars
  • 441) nakshatree: The Lord of the stars (the moon)
  • 442) kshamah: He who is supremely efficient in all undertakings
  • 443) kshaamah: He who ever remains without any scarcity
  • 444) sameehanah: One whose desires are auspicious
  • 445) yajnah: One who is of the nature of yajna
  • 446) ijyah: He who is fit to be invoked through yajna
  • 447) mahejyah: One who is to be most worshiped
  • 448) kratuh: The animal-sacrifice
  • 449) satram: Protector of the good
  • 450) sataam-gatih: Refuge of the good
  • 451) sarvadarshee: All-knower
  • 452) vimuktaatmaa: The ever-liberated self
  • 453) sarvajno: Omniscient
  • 454) jnaanamuttamam: The Supreme Knowledge
  • 455) suvratah: He who ever-perfoeming the pure vow
  • 456) sumukhah: One who has a charming face
  • 457) sookshmah: The subtlest
  • 458) sughoshah: Of auspicious sound
  • 459) sukhadah: Giver of happiness
  • 460) suhrit: Friend of all creatures
  • 461) manoharah: The stealer of the mind
  • 462) jita-krodhah: One who has conquered anger
  • 463) veerabaahur: Having mighty arms
  • 464) vidaaranah: One who splits asunder
  • 465) svaapanah: One who puts people to sleep
  • 466) svavashah: He who has everything under His control
  • 467) vyaapee: All-pervading
  • 468) naikaatmaa: Many souled
  • 469) naikakarmakrit: One who does many actions
  • 470) vatsarah: The abode
  • 471) vatsalah: The supremely affectionate
  • 472) vatsee: The father
  • 473) ratnagarbhah: The jewel-wombed
  • 474) dhaneshvarah: The Lord of wealth
  • 475) dharmagub: One who protects dharma
  • 476) dharmakrit: One who acts according to dharma
  • 477) dharmee: The supporter of dharma
  • 478) sat: existence
  • 479) asat: illusion
  • 480) ksharam: He who appears to perish
  • 481) aksharam: Imperishable
  • 482) avijnaataa: The non-knower (The knower being the conditioned soul within the body)
  • 483) sahasraamshur: The thousand-rayed
  • 484) vidhaataa: All supporter
  • 485) kritalakshanah: One who is famous for His qualities
  • 486) gabhastinemih: The hub of the universal wheel
  • 487) sattvasthah: Situated in sattva
  • 488) simhah: The lion
  • 489) bhoota-maheshvarah: The great lord of beings
  • 490) aadidevah: The first deity
  • 491) mahaadevah: The great deity
  • 492) deveshah: The Lord of all devas
  • 493) devabhrit-guruh: Advisor of Indra
  • 494) uttarah: He who lifts us from the ocean of samsara
  • 495) gopatih: The shepherd
  • 496) goptaa: The protector
  • 497) jnaanagamyah: One who is experienced through pure knowledge
  • 498) puraatanah: He who was even before time
  • 499) shareera-bhootabhrit: One who nourishes the nature from which the bodies came
  • 500) bhoktaa: The enjoyer
  • 501) kapeendrah: Lord of the monkeys (Rama)
  • 502) bhooridakshinah: He who gives away large gifts
  • 503) somapah: One who takes Soma in the yajnas
  • 504) amritapah: One who drinks the nectar
  • 505) somah: One who as the moon nourishes plants
  • 506) purujit: One who has conquered numerous enemies
  • 507) purusattamah: The greatest of the great
  • 508) vinayah: He who humiliates those who are unrighteous
  • 509) jayah: The victorious
  • 510) satyasandhah: Of truthful resolution
  • 511) daashaarhah: One who was born in the Dasarha race
  • 512) saatvataam-patih: The Lord of the Satvatas
  • 513) jeevah: One who functions as the ksetrajna
  • 514) vinayitaa-saakshee: The witness of modesty
  • 515) mukundah: The giver of liberation
  • 516) amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess
  • 517) ambho-nidhir: The substratum of the four types of beings
  • 518) anantaatmaa: The infinite self
  • 519) mahodadhishayah: One who rests on the great ocean
  • 520) antakah: The death
  • 521) ajah: Unborn
  • 522) mahaarhah: One who deserves the highest worship
  • 523) svaabhaavyah: Ever rooted in the nature of His own self
  • 524) jitaamitrah: One who has conquered all enemies
  • 525) pramodanah: Ever-blissful
  • 526) aanandah: A mass of pure bliss
  • 527) nandanah: One who makes others blissful
  • 528) nandah: Free from all worldly pleasures
  • 529) satyadharmaa: One who has in Himself all true dharmas
  • 530) trivikramah: One who took three steps
  • 531) maharshih kapilaachaaryah: He who incarnated as Kapila, the great sage
  • 532) kritajnah: The knower of the creation
  • 533) medineepatih: The Lord of the earth
  • 534) tripadah: One who has taken three steps
  • 535) tridashaadhyaksho: The Lord of the three states of consciousness
  • 536) mahaashringah: Great-horned (Matsya)
  • 537) kritaantakrit: Destroyer of the creation
  • 538) mahaavaraaho: The great boar
  • 539) govindah: One who is known through Vedanta
  • 540) sushenah: He who has a charming army
  • 541) kanakaangadee: Wearer of bright-as-gold armlets
  • 542) guhyo: The mysterious
  • 543) gabheerah: The unfathomable
  • 544) gahano: Impenetrable
  • 545) guptah: The well-concealed
  • 546) chakra-gadaadharah: Bearer of the disc and mace
  • 547) vedhaah: Creator of the universe
  • 548) svaangah: One with well-proportioned limbs
  • 549) ajitah: Vanquished by none
  • 550) krishnah: Dark-complexioned
  • 551) dridhah: The firm
  • 552) sankarshanochyutah: He who absorbs the whole creation into His nature and never falls away from that nature
  • 553) varunah: One who sets on the horizon (Sun)
  • 554) vaarunah: The son of Varuna (Vasistha or Agastya)
  • 555) vrikshah: The tree
  • 556) pushkaraakshah: Lotus eyed
  • 557) mahaamanaah: Great-minded
  • 558) bhagavaan: One who possesses six opulences
  • 559) bhagahaa: One who destroys the six opulences during pralaya
  • 560) aanandee: One who gives delight
  • 561) vanamaalee: One who wears a garland of forest flowers
  • 562) halaayudhah: One who has a plough as His weapon
  • 563) aadityah: Son of Aditi
  • 564) jyotiraadityah: The resplendence of the sun
  • 565) sahishnuh: One who calmly endures duality
  • 566) gatisattamah: The ultimate refuge for all devotees
  • 567) sudhanvaa: One who has Shaarnga
  • 568) khanda-parashur: One who holds an axe
  • 569) daarunah: Merciless towards the unrighteous
  • 570) dravinapradah: One who lavishly gives wealth
  • 571) divah-sprik: Sky-reaching
  • 572) sarvadrik-vyaaso: One who creates many men of wisdom
  • 573) vaachaspatir-ayonijah: One who is the master of all vidyas and who is unborn through a womb
  • 574) trisaamaa: One who is glorified by Devas, Vratas and Saamans
  • 575) saamagah: The singer of the sama songs
  • 576) saama: The Sama Veda
  • 577) nirvaanam: All-bliss
  • 578) bheshajam: Medicine
  • 579) bhishak: Physician
  • 580) samnyaasa-krit: Institutor of sannyasa
  • 581) samah: Calm
  • 582) shaantah: Peaceful within
  • 583) nishthaa: Abode of all beings
  • 584) shaantih: One whose very nature is peace
  • 585) paraayanam: The way to liberation
  • 586) shubhaangah: One who has the most beautiful form
  • 587) shaantidah: Giver of peace
  • 588) shrashtaa: Creator of all beings
  • 589) kumudah: He who delights in the earth
  • 590) kuvaleshayah: He who reclines in the waters
  • 591) gohitah: One who does welfare for cows
  • 592) gopatih: Husband of the earth
  • 593) goptaa: Protector of the universe
  • 594) vrishabhaaksho: One whose eyes rain fulfilment of desires
  • 595) vrishapriyah: One who delights in dharma
  • 596) anivartee: One who never retreats
  • 597) nivrittaatmaa: One who is fully restrained from all sense indulgences
  • 598) samksheptaa: The involver
  • 599) kshemakrit: Doer of good
  • 600) shivah: Auspiciousness
  • 601) shreevatsa-vakshaah: One who has sreevatsa on His chest
  • 602) shrevaasah: Abode of Sree
  • 603) shreepatih: Lord of Laksmi
  • 604) shreemataam varah: The best among glorious
  • 605) shreedah: Giver of opulence
  • 606) shreeshah: The Lord of Sree
  • 607) shreenivaasah: One who dwells in the good people
  • 608) shreenidhih: The treasure of Sree
  • 609) shreevibhaavanah: Distributor of Sree
  • 610) shreedharah: Holder of Sree
  • 611) shreekarah: One who gives Sree
  • 612) shreyah: Liberation
  • 613) shreemaan: Possessor of Sree
  • 614) loka-trayaashrayah: Shelter of the three worlds
  • 615) svakshah: Beautiful-eyed
  • 616) svangah: Beautiful-limbed
  • 617) shataanandah: Of infinite varieties and joys
  • 618) nandih: Infinite bliss
  • 619) jyotir-ganeshvarah: Lord of the luminaries in the cosmos
  • 620) vijitaatmaa: One who has conquered the sense organs
  • 621) vidheyaatmaa: One who is ever available for the devotees to command in love
  • 622) sat-keertih: One of pure fame
  • 623) chinnasamshayah: One whose doubts are ever at rest
  • 624) udeernah: The great transcendent
  • 625) sarvatah-chakshuh: One who has eyes everywhere
  • 626) aneeshah: One who has none to Lord over Him
  • 627) shaashvata-sthirah: One who is eternal and stable
  • 628) bhooshayah: One who rested on the ocean shore (Rama)
  • 629) bhooshanah: One who adorns the world
  • 630) bhootih: One who is pure existence
  • 631) vishokah: Sorrowless
  • 632) shoka-naashanah: Destroyer of sorrows
  • 633) archishmaan: The effulgent
  • 634) architah: One who is constantly worshipped by His devotees
  • 635) kumbhah: The pot within whom everything is contained
  • 636) vishuddhaatmaa: One who has the purest soul
  • 637) vishodhanah: The great purifier
  • 638) anniruddhah: He who is invincible by any enemy
  • 639) apratirathah: One who has no enemies to threaten Him
  • 640) pradyumnah: Very rich
  • 641) amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess
  • 642) kaalanemi-nihaa: Slayer of Kalanemi
  • 643) veerah: The heroic victor
  • 644) shauri: One who always has invincible prowess
  • 645) shoora-janeshvarah: Lord of the valiant
  • 646) trilokaatmaa: The self of the three worlds
  • 647) trilokeshah: The Lord of the three worlds
  • 648) keshavah: One whose rays illumine the cosmos
  • 649) keshihaa: Killer of Kesi
  • 650) harih: The destroyer
  • 651) kaamadevah: The beloved Lord
  • 652) kaamapaalah: The fulfiller of desires
  • 653) kaamee: One who has fulfilled all His desires
  • 654) kaantah: Of enchanting form
  • 655) kritaagamah: The author of the agama scriptures
  • 656) anirdeshya-vapuh: Of Indescribable form
  • 657) vishnuh: All-pervading
  • 658) veerah: The courageous
  • 659) anantah: Endless
  • 660) dhananjayah: One who gained wealth through conquest
  • 661) brahmanyah: Protector of Brahman (anything related to Narayana)
  • 662) brahmakrit: One who acts in Brahman
  • 663) brahmaa: Creator
  • 664) brahma: Biggest
  • 665) brahma-vivardhanah: One who increases the Brahman
  • 666) brahmavid: One who knows Brahman
  • 667) braahmanah: One who has realised Brahman
  • 668) brahmee: One who is with Brahma
  • 669) brahmajno: One who knows the nature of Brahman
  • 670) braahmana-priyah: Dear to the brahmanas
  • 671) mahaakramo: Of great step
  • 672) mahaakarmaa: One who performs great deeds
  • 673) mahaatejaah: One of great resplendence
  • 674) mahoragah: The great serpent
  • 675) mahaakratuh: The great sacrifice
  • 676) mahaayajvaa: One who performed great yajnas
  • 677) mahaayajnah: The great yajna
  • 678) mahaahavih: The great offering
  • 679) stavyah: One who is the object of all praise
  • 680) stavapriyah: One who is invoked through prayer
  • 681) stotram: The hymn
  • 682) stutih: The act of praise
  • 683) stotaa: One who adores or praises
  • 684) ranapriyah: Lover of battles
  • 685) poornah: The complete
  • 686) poorayitaa: The fulfiller
  • 687) punyah: The truly holy
  • 688) punya-keertir: Of Holy fame
  • 689) anaamayah: One who has no diseases
  • 690) manojavah: Swift as the mind
  • 691) teerthakaro: The teacher of the tirthas
  • 692) vasuretaah: He whose essence is golden
  • 693) vasupradah: The free-giver of wealth
  • 694) vasupradah: The giver of salvation, the greatest wealth
  • 695) vaasudevo: The son of Vasudeva
  • 696) vasuh: The refuge for all
  • 697) vasumanaah: One who is attentive to everything
  • 698) havih: The oblation
  • 699) sadgatih: The goal of good people
  • 700) satkritih: One who is full of Good actions
  • 701) satta: One without a second
  • 702) sadbhootih: One who has rich glories
  • 703) satparaayanah: The Supreme goal for the good
  • 704) shoorasenah: One who has heroic and valiant armies
  • 705) yadu-shresthah: The best among the Yadava clan
  • 706) sannivaasah: The abode of the good
  • 707) suyaamunah: One who attended by the people dwelling on the banks of Yamuna
  • 708) bhootaavaaso: The dwelling place of the elements
  • 709) vaasudevah: One who envelops the world with Maya
  • 710) sarvaasunilayah: The abode of all life energies
  • 711) analah: One of unlimited wealth, power and glory
  • 712) darpahaa: The destroyer of pride in evil-minded people
  • 713) darpadah: One who creates pride, or an urge to be the best, among the righteous
  • 714) driptah: One who is drunk with Infinite bliss
  • 715) durdharah: The object of contemplation
  • 716) athaaparaajitah: The unvanquished
  • 717) vishvamoortih: Of the form of the entire Universe
  • 718) mahaamortir: The great form
  • 719) deeptamoortir: Of resplendent form
  • 720) a-moortirmaan: Having no form
  • 721) anekamoortih: Multi-formed
  • 722) avyaktah: Unmanifeset
  • 723) shatamoortih: Of many forms
  • 724) shataananah: Many-faced
  • 725) ekah: The one
  • 726) naikah: The many
  • 727) savah: The nature of the sacrifice
  • 728) kah: One who is of the nature of bliss
  • 729) kim: What (the one to be inquired into)
  • 730) yat: Which
  • 731) tat: That
  • 732) padam-anuttamam: The unequalled state of perfection
  • 733) lokabandhur: Friend of the world
  • 734) lokanaathah: Lord of the world
  • 735) maadhavah: Born in the family of Madhu
  • 736) bhaktavatsalah: One who loves His devotees
  • 737) suvarna-varnah: Golden-coloured
  • 738) hemaangah: One who has limbs of gold
  • 739) varaangah: With beautiful limbs
  • 740) chandanaangadee: One who has attractive armlets
  • 741) veerahaa: Destroyer of valiant heroes
  • 742) vishama: Unequalled
  • 743) shoonyah: The void
  • 744) ghritaaseeh: One who has no need for good wishes
  • 745) acalah: Non-moving
  • 746) chalah: Moving
  • 747) amaanee: Without false vanity
  • 748) maanadah: One who causes, by His maya, false identification with the body
  • 749) maanyah: One who is to be honoured
  • 750) lokasvaamee: Lord of the universe
  • 751) trilokadhrik: One who is the support of all the three worlds
  • 752) sumedhaa: One who has pure intelligence
  • 753) medhajah: Born out of sacrifices
  • 754) dhanyah: Fortunate
  • 755) satyamedhah: One whose intelligence never fails
  • 756) dharaadharah: The sole support of the earth
  • 757) tejovrisho: One who showers radiance
  • 758) dyutidharah: One who bears an effulgent form
  • 759) sarva-shastra-bhritaam-varah: The best among those who wield weapons
  • 760) pragrahah: Receiver of worship
  • 761) nigrahah: The killer
  • 762) vyagrah: One who is ever engaged in fulfilling the devotee's desires
  • 763) naikashringah: One who has many horns
  • 764) gadaagrajah: One who is invoked through mantra
  • 765) chaturmoortih: Four-formed
  • 766) chaturbaahuh: Four-handed
  • 767) chaturvyoohah: One who expresses Himself as the dynamic centre in the four vyoohas
  • 768) chaturgatih: The ultimate goal of all four varnas and asramas
  • 769) chaturaatmaa: Clear-minded
  • 770) chaturbhaavas: The source of the four
  • 771) chatur-vedavid: Knower of all four vedas
  • 772) ekapaat: One-footed (BG 10.42)
  • 773) samaavartah: The efficient turner
  • 774) nivrittaatmaa: One whose mind is turned away from sense indulgence
  • 775) durjayah: The invincible
  • 776) duratikramah: One who is difficult to be disobeyed
  • 777) durlabhah: One who can be obtained with great efforts
  • 778) durgamah: One who is realised with great effort
  • 779) durgah: Not easy to storm into
  • 780) duraavaasah: Not easy to lodge
  • 781) duraarihaa: Slayer of the asuras
  • 782) shubhaangah: One with enchanting limbs
  • 783) lokasaarangah: One who understands the universe
  • 784) sutantuh: Beautifully expanded
  • 785) tantu-vardhanah: One who sustains the continuity of the drive for the family
  • 786) indrakarmaa: One who always performs gloriously auspicious actions
  • 787) mahaakarmaa: One who accomplishes great acts
  • 788) kritakarmaa: One who has fulfilled his acts
  • 789) kritaagamah: Author of the Vedas
  • 790) udbhavah: The ultimate source
  • 791) sundarah: Of unrivalled beauty
  • 792) sundah: Of great mercy
  • 793) ratna-naabhah: Of beautiful navel
  • 794) sulochanah: One who has the most enchanting eyes
  • 795) arkah: One who is in the form of the sun
  • 796) vaajasanah: The giver of food
  • 797) shringee: The horned one
  • 798) jayantah: The conqueror of all enemies
  • 799) sarvavij-jayee: One who is at once omniscient and victorious
  • 800) suvarna-binduh: With limbs radiant like gold
  • 801) akshobhyah: One who is ever unruffled
  • 802) sarva-vaageeshvareshvarah: Lord of the Lord of speech
  • 803) mahaahradah: One who is like a great refreshing swimming pool
  • 804) mahaagartah: The great chasm
  • 805) mahaabhootah: The great being
  • 806) mahaanidhih: The great abode
  • 807) kumudah: One who gladdens the earth
  • 808) kundarah: The one who lifted the earth
  • 809) kundah: One who is as attractive as Kunda flowers
  • 810) parjanyah: He who is similar to rain-bearing clouds
  • 811) paavanah: One who ever purifies
  • 812) anilah: One who never slips
  • 813) amritaashah: One whose desires are never fruitless
  • 814) amritavapuh: He whose form is immortal
  • 815) sarvajna: Omniscient
  • 816) sarvato-mukhah: One who has His face turned everywhere
  • 817) sulabhah: One who is readily available
  • 818) suvratah: One who has taken the most auspicious forms
  • 819) siddhah: One who is perfection
  • 820) shatrujit: One who is ever victorious over His hosts of enemies
  • 821) shatrutaapanah: The scorcher of enemies
  • 822) nyagrodhah: The one who veils Himself with Maya
  • 823) udumbarah: Nourishment of all living creatures
  • 824) ashvattas: Tree of life
  • 825) chaanooraandhra-nishoodanah: The slayer of Canura
  • 826) sahasraarchih: He who has thousands of rays
  • 827) saptajihvah: He who expresses himself as the seven tongues of fire (Types of agni)
  • 828) saptaidhaah: The seven effulgences in the flames
  • 829) saptavaahanah: One who has a vehicle of seven horses (sun)
  • 830) amoortih: Formless
  • 831) anaghah: Sinless
  • 832) acintyo: Inconceivable
  • 833) bhayakrit: Giver of fear
  • 834) bhayanaashanah: Destroyer of fear
  • 835) anuh: The subtlest
  • 836) brihat: The greatest
  • 837) krishah: Delicate, lean
  • 838) sthoolah: One who is the fattest
  • 839) gunabhrit: One who supports
  • 840) nirgunah: Without any properties
  • 841) mahaan: The mighty
  • 842) adhritah: Without support
  • 843) svadhritah: Self-supported
  • 844) svaasyah: One who has an effulgent face
  • 845) praagvamshah: One who has the most ancient ancestry
  • 846) vamshavardhanah: He who multiplies His family of descendents
  • 847) bhaarabhrit: One who carries the load of the universe
  • 848) kathitah: One who is glorified in all scriptures
  • 849) yogee: One who can be realised through yoga
  • 850) yogeeshah: The king of yogis
  • 851) sarvakaamadah: One who fulfils all desires of true devotees
  • 852) aashramah: Haven
  • 853) shramanah: One who persecutes the worldly people
  • 854) kshaamah: One who destroys everything
  • 855) suparnah: The golden leaf (Vedas) BG 15.1
  • 856) vaayuvaahanah: The mover of the winds
  • 857) dhanurdharah: The wielder of the bow
  • 858) dhanurvedah: One who declared the science of archery
  • 859) dandah: One who punishes the wicked
  • 860) damayitaa: The controller
  • 861) damah: Beautitude in the self
  • 862) aparaajitah: One who cannot be defeated
  • 863) sarvasahah: One who carries the entire Universe
  • 864) aniyantaa: One who has no controller
  • 865) niyamah: One who is not under anyone's laws
  • 866) ayamah: One who knows no death
  • 867) sattvavaan: One who is full of exploits and courage
  • 868) saattvikah: One who is full of sattvic qualities
  • 869) satyah: Truth
  • 870) satya-dharma-paraayanah: One who is the very abode of truth and dharma
  • 871) abhipraayah: One who is faced by all seekers marching to the infinite
  • 872) priyaarhah: One who deserves all our love
  • 873) arhah: One who deserves to be worshiped
  • 874) priyakrit: One who is ever-obliging in fulfilling our wishes
  • 875) preetivardhanah: One who increases joy in the devotee's heart
  • 876) vihaayasa-gatih: One who travels in space
  • 877) jyotih: Self-effulgent
  • 878) suruchih: Whose desire manifests as the universe
  • 879) hutabhuk: One who enjoys all that is offered in yajna
  • 880) vibhuh: All-pervading
  • 881) ravih: One who dries up everything
  • 882) virochanah: One who shines in different forms
  • 883) sooryah: The one source from where everything is born
  • 884) savitaa: The one who brings forth the Universe from Himself
  • 885) ravilochanah: One whose eye is the sun
  • 886) anantah: Endless
  • 887) hutabhuk: One who accepts oblations
  • 888) bhoktaaA: One who enjoys
  • 889) sukhadah: Giver of bliss to those who are liberated
  • 890) naikajah: One who is born many times
  • 891) agrajah: The first-born
  • 892) anirvinnah: One who feels no disappointment
  • 893) sadaamarshee: One who forgives the trespasses of His devotees
  • 894) lokaadhishthaanam: The substratum of the universe
  • 895) adbhutah: Wonderful
  • 896) sanaat: The beginningless and endless factor
  • 897) sanaatanatamah: The most ancient
  • 898) kapilah: The great sage Kapila
  • 899) kapih: One who drinks water
  • 900) apyayah: The one in whom the universe merges
  • 901) svastidah: Giver of Svasti
  • 902) svastikrit: One who robs all auspiciousness
  • 903) svasti: One who is the source of all auspiciouness
  • 904) svastibhuk: One who constantly enjoys auspiciousness
  • 905) svastidakshinah: Distributor of auspiciousness
  • 906) araudrah: One who has no negative emotions or urges
  • 907) kundalee: One who wears shark earrings
  • 908) chakree: Holder of the chakra
  • 909) vikramee: The most daring
  • 910) oorjita-shaasanah: One who commands with His hand
  • 911) shabdaatigah: One who transcends all words
  • 912) shabdasahah: One who allows Himself to be invoked by Vedic declarations
  • 913) shishirah: The cold season, winter
  • 914) sharvaree-karah: Creator of darkness
  • 915) akroorah: Never cruel
  • 916) peshalah: One who is supremely soft
  • 917) dakshah: Prompt
  • 918) dakshinah: The most liberal
  • 919) kshaminaam-varah: One who has the greatest amount of patience with sinners
  • 920) vidvattamah: One who has the greatest wisdom
  • 921) veetabhayah: One with no fear
  • 922) punya-shravana-keertanah: The hearing of whose glory causes holiness to grow
  • 923) uttaaranah: One who lifts us out of the ocean of change
  • 924) dushkritihaa: Destroyer of bad actions
  • 925) punyah: Supremely pure
  • 926) duh-svapna-naashanah: One who destroys all bad dreams
  • 927) veerahaa: One who ends the passage from womb to womb
  • 928) rakshanah: Protector of the universe
  • 929) santah: One who is expressed through saintly men
  • 930) jeevanah: The life spark in all creatures
  • 931) paryavasthitah: One who dwells everywhere
  • 932) anantaroopah: One of infinite forms
  • 933) anantashreeh: Full of infinite glories
  • 934) jitamanyuh: One who has no anger
  • 935) bhayapahah: One who destroys all fears
  • 936) chaturashrah: One who deals squarely
  • 937) gabheeraatmaa: Too deep to be fathomed
  • 938) vidishah: One who is unique in His giving
  • 939) vyaadishah: One who is unique in His commanding power
  • 940) dishah: One who advises and gives knowledge
  • 941) anaadih: One who is the first cause
  • 942) bhoor-bhuvo: The substratum of the earth
  • 943) lakshmeeh: The glory of the universe
  • 944) suveerah: One who moves through various ways
  • 945) ruchiraangadah: One who wears resplendent shoulder caps
  • 946) jananah: He who delivers all living creatures
  • 947) jana-janmaadir: The cause of the birth of all creatures
  • 948) bheemah: Terrible form
  • 949) bheema-paraakramah: One whose prowess is fearful to His enemies
  • 950) aadhaaranilayah: The fundamental sustainer
  • 951) adhaataa: Above whom there is no other to command
  • 952) pushpahaasah: He who shines like an opening flower
  • 953) prajaagarah: Ever-awakened
  • 954) oordhvagah: One who is on top of everything
  • 955) satpathaachaarah: One who walks the path of truth
  • 956) praanadah: Giver of life
  • 957) pranavah: Omkara
  • 958) panah: The supreme universal manager
  • 959) pramaanam: He whose form is the Vedas
  • 960) praananilayah: He in whom all prana is established
  • 961) praanibhrit: He who rules over all pranas
  • 962) praanajeevanah: He who maintains the life-breath in all living creatures
  • 963) tattvam: The reality
  • 964) tattvavit: One who has realised the reality
  • 965) ekaatmaa: The one self
  • 966) janma-mrityu-jaraatigah: One who knows no birth, death or old age in Himself
  • 967) bhoor-bhuvah svas-taruh: The tree of bhur, bhuvah and svah
  • 968) taarah: One who helps all to cross over
  • 969) savitaa: The father of all
  • 970) prapitaamahah: The father of the father of beings (Brahma)
  • 971) yajnah: One whose very nature is yajna
  • 972) yajnapatih: The Lord of all yajnas
  • 973) yajvaa: The one who performs yajna
  • 974) yajnaangah: One whose limbs are the things employed in yajna
  • 975) yajnavaahanah: One who fulfils yajnas in complete
  • 976) yajnabhrid: The ruler of the yajanas
  • 977) yajnakrit: One who performs yajna
  • 978) yajnee: Enjoyer of yajnas
  • 979) yajnabhuk: Receiver of all that is offered
  • 980) yajnasaadhanah: One who fulfils all yajnas
  • 981) yajnaantakrit: One who performs the concluding act of the yajna
  • 982) yajnaguhyam: The person to be realised by yajna
  • 983) annam: One who is food
  • 984) annaadah: One who eats the food
  • 985) aatmayonih: The uncaused cause
  • 986) svayamjaatah: Self-born
  • 987) vaikhaanah: The one who cut through the earth
  • 988) saamagaayanah: One who sings the sama songs; one who loves hearing saama chants;
  • 989) devakee-nandanah: Son of Devaki
  • 990) srashtaa: Creator
  • 991) kshiteeshah: The Lord of the earth
  • 992) paapa-naashanah: Destroyer of sin
  • 993) samkha-bhrit: One who has the divine Pancajanya
  • 994) nandakee: One who holds the Nandaka sword
  • 995) chakree: Carrier of Sudarsana
  • 996) shaarnga-dhanvaa: One who aims His shaarnga bow
  • 997) gadaadharah: Carrier of Kaumodakee club
  • 998) rathaanga-paanih: One who has the wheel of a chariot as His weapon; One with the strings of the chariot in his hands;
  • 999) akshobhyah: One who cannot be annoyed by anyone
  • 1000) sarva-praharanaayudhah: He who has all implements for all kinds of assault and fight

Tradition of recitation

Since ancient times till date, many Hindus in traditional families daily recite the Sahasranama, or a similar set of prayer Slokas of their chosen deity. (Such a collection of Slokas which are used for recital purposes is generally called a Stotra (Both 't's have soft pronunciation.))

Inclusion of other deities

One notable thing about the Sahasranama is that it includes names of other Hindu deities such as Shiva, Brahma, etc. within it. According to followers of Vaishnava theology, this is an example of Vishnu considered in His universal aspect, as an aggregation, and basis of all other deities which emanate from Him. In this cosmic aspect, Vishnu is also called Mahavishnu (Great Vishnu). By an Advaitan interpretation, this notation is not surprising as followers of Advaita philosophy, in particular, Smartas believe that Vishnu and Shiva are the same and are hence different aspects of the one Supreme Being.

1,000 Names of Lord Vishnu in English alphabetical Order

  • aadhaaranilayah: The fundamental sustainer
  • aadidevah: The first deity
  • aadidevah: The primary source of everything
  • aadityah: Son of Aditi
  • aadityah: The son of Aditi (Vaamana)
  • aanandah: A mass of pure bliss
  • aanandee: One who gives delight
  • aashramah: Haven
  • aatmavaan: The self in all beings
  • aatmayonih: The uncaused cause
  • aavartanah: The unseen dynamism
  • abhipraayah: One who is faced by all seekers marching to the infinite
  • a-bhooh: One who has no birth
  • acalah: Non-moving
  • achyutah: He who undergoes no changes
  • achyutah: Infallible
  • acintyo: Inconceivable
  • adbhutah: Wonderful
  • adhaataa: Above whom there is no other to command
  • adhishthaanam: The substratum of the entire universe
  • adhokshajah: One whose vitality never flows downwards
  • adhritah: Without support
  • adrishyah: Imperceptible
  • agraahyah: He who is not perceived sensually
  • agrajah: The first-born
  • agraneeh: He who guides us to the peak
  • ahah: He who is the nature of time
  • ahassamvartakah: He who thrills the day and makes it function vigorously
  • ajah: He who takes the form of Aja, Brahma
  • ajah: Unborn
  • ajah: Unborn
  • ajitah: Vanquished by none
  • ajnee: Enjoyer of yajnas
  • akroorah: Never cruel
  • akshara: Indestructible
  • aksharam: Imperishable
  • akshobhyah: One who cannot be annoyed by anyone
  • akshobhyah: One who is ever unruffled
  • amaanee: Without false vanity
  • amaraprabhuh: The Lord of the devas
  • ambho-nidhir: The substratum of the four types of beings
  • ameyaatmaa: He who manifests in infinite varieties
  • ameyaatmaa: He whose essence is immeasurable
  • amitaashanah: Of endless appetite
  • amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess
  • amitavikramah: Of immeasurable prowess
  • amoghah: Ever useful
  • amoghah: He whose acts are for a great purpose
  • amoortih: Formless
  • a-moortirmaan: Having no form
  • amritaamsoodbhavo: The moon who gives flavor to vegetables
  • amritaashah: One whose desires are never fruitless
  • amritah: Immortal
  • amritapah: One who drinks the nectar
  • amritavapuh: He whose form is immortal
  • amrityuh: He who knows no death
  • anaadih: One who is the first cause
  • anaadi-nidhanah: He without origin or end
  • anaamayah: One who has no diseases
  • anaghah: Sinless
  • anaghah: Sinless
  • analah: Fire
  • analah: One of unlimited wealth, power and glory
  • anantah: Endless
  • anantah: Endless
  • anantajit: Ever-victorious
  • anantaroopah: One of infinite forms
  • anantashreeh: Full of infinite glories
  • anarthah: One to whom there is nothing yet to be fulfilled
  • anayah: One who has no leader
  • aneeshah: One who has none to Lord over Him
  • anekamoortih: Multi-formed
  • anilah: Air
  • anilah: One who never slips
  • animishah: He who remains unwinking; ever knowing
  • anirdeshya-vapuh: He whose form is indescribable
  • anirdeshya-vapuh: Of Indescribable form
  • aniruddhah: He who cannot be obstructed
  • anirvinnah: He who has no discontent
  • anirvinnah: One who feels no disappointment
  • anivartee: One who never retreats
  • aniyantaa: One who has no controller
  • annaadah: One who eats the food
  • annam: One who is food
  • anniruddhah: He who is invincible by any enemy
  • antakah: The death
  • anuh: The subtlest
  • anukoolah: Well-wisher of everyone
  • anuttamah: Incomparably great
  • apaam-nidhih: Treasure of waters (the ocean)
  • aparaajitah: One who cannot be defeated
  • apramattah: He who never makes a wrong judgement
  • aprameyaatmaa: A soul not known through the pramanas
  • aprameyah: He who cannot be perceived
  • apratirathah: One who has no enemies to threaten Him
  • apyayah: The one in whom the universe merges
  • araudrah: One who has no negative emotions or urges
  • aravindaakshah: He who has eyes as beautiful as the lotus
  • archishmaan: The effulgent
  • architah: One who is constantly worshipped by His devotees
  • arhah: One who deserves to be worshiped
  • arkah: One who is in the form of the sun
  • arthah: He who is worshiped by all
  • asankhyeyah: He who has numberless names and forms
  • asat: illusion
  • ashokah: He who has no sorrow
  • ashvattas: Tree of life
  • ateendrah: He who surpasses Indra
  • ateendriyo: Beyond the sense organs
  • athaaparaajitah: The unvanquished
  • atulah: Incomparable
  • aushadham: Medicine
  • avijnaataa: The non-knower (The knower being the conditioned soul within the body)
  • avyaktah: Unmanifeset
  • avyangah: Without imperfections
  • avyayah: Without destruction
  • ayamah: One who knows no death
  • babhrur: He who rules over all the worlds
  • bahu-shiraah: He who has many heads
  • beejamavyayam: The Immutable Seed
  • bhaanuh: Self-effulgent
  • bhaarabhrit: One who carries the load of the universe
  • bhaaskara-dyutih: The effulgence of the sun
  • bhaavanah: He who gives everything to his devotees
  • bhaavo: He who becomes all moving and nonmoving things
  • bhagahaa: One who destroys the six opulences during pralaya
  • bhagavaan: One who possesses six opulences
  • bhaktavatsalah: One who loves His devotees
  • bhartaa: He who governs the entire living world
  • bhayakrit: Giver of fear
  • bhayanaashanah: Destroyer of fear
  • bhayapahah: One who destroys all fears
  • bheemah: Terrible form
  • bheemah: The terrible
  • bheema-paraakramah: One whose prowess is fearful to His enemies
  • bheshajam: Medicine
  • bhishak: Physician
  • bhojanam: He who is the sense-objects
  • bhoktaa: The enjoyer
  • bhoktaa: The enjoyer
  • bhoktaaA: One who enjoys
  • bhoogarbhah: He who is the womb of the world
  • bhoor-bhuvah svas-taruh: The tree of bhur, bhuvah and svah
  • bhoor-bhuvo: The substratum of the earth
  • bhooridakshinah: He who gives away large gifts
  • bhooshanah: One who adorns the world
  • bhooshayah: One who rested on the ocean shore (Rama)
  • bhootaadih: The cause of the five great elements
  • bhootaatmaa: The aatman of all beings
  • bhootaavaaso: The dwelling place of the elements
  • bhoota-bhaavanah: The cause of the growth and birth of all creatures
  • bhoota-bhavya-bhavan-naathah: The Lord of past, present and future
  • bhoota-bhavya-bhavat-prabhuh: The Lord of past, present and future
  • bhoota-bhrit: He who nourishes all creatures
  • bhoota-krit: The creator of all creatures
  • bhoota-maheshvarah: The great lord of beings
  • bhootih: One who is pure existence
  • bhraajishnur: Self-effulgent consciousness
  • bhujagottamah: The serpent Ananta
  • braahmanah: One who has realised Brahman
  • braahmana-priyah: Dear to the brahmanas
  • brahma: Biggest
  • brahmaa: Creator
  • brahmajno: One who knows the nature of Brahman
  • brahmakrit: One who acts in Brahman
  • brahmanyah: Protector of Brahman (anything related to Narayana)
  • brahmavid: One who knows Brahman
  • brahma-vivardhanah: One who increases the Brahman
  • brahmee: One who is with Brahma
  • brhad-roopah: Vast, of infinite dimensions
  • brhat: The greatest
  • brihat-bhaanuh: He who illumines the world with the rays of the sun and moon
  • chaanooraandhra-nishoodanah: The slayer of Canura
  • chakra-gadaadharah: Bearer of the disc and mace
  • chakree: Carrier of Sudarsana
  • chakree: Holder of the chakra
  • chalah: Moving
  • chandanaangadee: One who has attractive armlets
  • chandraamshuh: The rays of the moon
  • chaturaatmaa: Clear-minded
  • chaturaatmaa: The four-fold self
  • chaturashrah: One who deals squarely
  • chaturbaahuh: Four-handed
  • chaturbhaavas: The source of the four
  • chaturbhujah: Four-handed
  • chaturdamstrah: He who has four canines (Nrsimha)
  • chaturgatih: The ultimate goal of all four varnas and asramas
  • chaturmoortih: Four-formed
  • chatur-vedavid: Knower of all four vedas
  • chaturvyoohah: Vasudeva, Sankarshan etc.
  • chinnasamshayah: One whose doubts are ever at rest
  • daamodarah: Whose stomach is marked with three lines
  • daarunah: Merciless towards the unrighteous
  • daashaarhah: One who was born in the Dasarha race
  • dakshah: Prompt
  • dakshah: The smart
  • dakshinah: The most liberal
  • damah: Beautitude in the self
  • damanah: He who controls rakshasas
  • damayitaa: The controller
  • dandah: One who punishes the wicked
  • darpadah: One who creates pride, or an urge to be the best, among the righteous
  • darpahaa: The destroyer of pride in evil-minded people
  • deeptamoortir: Of resplendent form
  • devabhrit-guruh: Advisor of Indra
  • devah: He who revels
  • devakee-nandanah: Son of Devaki
  • deveshah: The Lord of all devas
  • dhaama: The goal
  • dhaataa: He who supports all fields of experience
  • dhaaturuttamah: The subtlest atom
  • dhananjayah: One who gained wealth through conquest
  • dhaneshvarah: The Lord of wealth
  • dhanurdharah: The wielder of the bow
  • dhanurvedah: One who declared the science of archery
  • dhanvee: He who always has a divine bow
  • dhanyah: Fortunate
  • dharaadharah: The sole support of the earth
  • dharaneedharah: He who supports the earth
  • dharmaadhyakshah: He who presides over dharma
  • dharmagub: One who protects dharma
  • dharmah: The law of being
  • dharmakrit: One who acts according to dharma
  • dharmaviduttamah: The highest among men of realisation
  • dharma-yoopah: The post to which all dharma is tied
  • dharmee: The supporter of dharma
  • dhritaatmaa: Established in Himself
  • dhruvah: The changeless in the midst of changes
  • dhuryah: Who carries out creation etc. without hitch
  • dishah: One who advises and gives knowledge
  • divah-sprik: Sky-reaching
  • dravinapradah: One who lavishly gives wealth
  • dridhah: The firm
  • driptah: One who is drunk with Infinite bliss
  • duh-svapna-naashanah: One who destroys all bad dreams
  • duraadharshah: He who cannot be attacked successfully
  • duraarihaa: Slayer of the asuras
  • duraavaasah: Not easy to lodge
  • duratikramah: One who is difficult to be disobeyed
  • durdharah: The object of contemplation
  • durdurdharah: He who cannot be known by great yogis
  • durgah: Not easy to storm into
  • durgamah: One who is realised with great effort
  • durjayah: The invincible
  • durlabhah: One who can be obtained with great efforts
  • durmarshanah: He who cannot be vanquished
  • dushkritihaa: Destroyer of bad actions
  • dyutidharah: One who bears an effulgent form
  • eeshanah: The controller of the five great elements
  • eeshvarah: He who can do anything without any help
  • eeshvarah: The controller
  • ekaatmaa: The one self
  • ekah: The one
  • ekapaat: One-footed (BG 10.42)
  • gabhastinemih: The hub of the universal wheel
  • gabheeraatmaa: Too deep to be fathomed
  • gabheerah: The unfathomable
  • gadaadharah: Carrier of Kaumodakee club
  • gadaagrajah: One who is invoked through mantra
  • gahanah: The unknowable
  • gahano: Impenetrable
  • garudadhvajah: One who has Garuda on His flag
  • gatisattamah: The ultimate refuge for all devotees
  • ghritaaseeh: One who has no need for good wishes
  • gohitah: One who does welfare for cows
  • gopatih: Husband of the earth
  • gopatih: The shepherd
  • goptaa: Protector of the universe
  • goptaa: The protector
  • govidaam-patih: The Lord of all men of wisdom
  • govindah: One who is known through Vedanta
  • govindah: The protector of the cows
  • graamaneeh: He who leads the flock
  • guhah: He who dwells in the cave of the heart
  • guhyo: The mysterious
  • gunabhrit: One who supports
  • guptah: The well-concealed
  • guruh: The teacher
  • gurutamah: The greatest teacher
  • halaayudhah: One who has a plough as His weapon
  • hamsah: The swan
  • harih: The destroyer
  • haturvyoohah: One who expresses Himself as the dynamic centre in the four vyoohas
  • havih: The oblation
  • havirharih: The receiver of all oblation
  • hemaangah: One who has limbs of gold
  • hetuh: The cause
  • hiranyagarbhah: He who dwells in the womb of the world
  • hiranyagarbhah: The creator
  • hiranyanaabhah: He who has a golden navel
  • hrisheekeshah: The Lord of the senses
  • hutabhuk: One who accepts oblations
  • hutabhuk: One who enjoys all that is offered in yajna
  • ijyah: He who is fit to be invoked through yajna
  • indrakarmaa: One who always performs gloriously auspicious actions
  • ishtah: He who is invoked through Vedic rituals
  • jagadaadijah: Born at the beginning of the world
  • jagatas-setuh: A bridge across the material energy
  • jahnuh: Leader of men
  • janaardanah: He who gives joy to good people
  • jana-janmaadir: The cause of the birth of all creatures
  • jananah: He who delivers all living creatures
  • janeshvarah: The Lord of the people
  • janma-mrityu-jaraatigah: One who knows no birth, death or old age in Himself
  • jayah: The victorious
  • jayantah: The conqueror of all enemies
  • jeevah: One who functions as the ksetrajna
  • jeevanah: The life spark in all creatures
  • jetaa: Ever-successful
  • jitaamitrah: One who has conquered all enemies
  • jita-krodhah: One who has conquered anger
  • jitamanyuh: One who has no anger
  • jnaanagamyah: One who is experienced through pure knowledge
  • jnaanamuttamam: The Supreme Knowledge
  • jyeshthah: Older than all
  • jyotih: Self-effulgent
  • jyotiraadityah: The resplendence of the sun
  • jyotir-ganeshvarah: Lord of the luminaries in the cosmos
  • kaalah: He who judges and punishes beings
  • kaalanemi-nihaa: Slayer of Kalanemi
  • kaamadevah: The beloved Lord
  • kaamah: The beloved
  • kaamahaa: He who destroys all desires
  • kaamakrit: He who fulfills all desires
  • kaamapaalah: The fulfiller of desires
  • kaamapradah: He who supplies desired objects
  • kaamee: One who has fulfilled all His desires
  • kaantah: He who is of enchanting form
  • kaantah: Of enchanting form
  • kaaranam: The cause
  • kah: One who is of the nature of bliss
  • kanakaangadee: Wearer of bright-as-gold armlets
  • kapeendrah: Lord of the monkeys (Rama)
  • kapih: One who drinks water
  • kapilah: The great sage Kapila
  • karanam: The instrument
  • kartaa: The doer
  • kathitah: One who is glorified in all scriptures
  • kavih: The seer
  • keshavah: He who has beautiful locks of hair
  • keshavah: One whose rays illumine the cosmos
  • keshihaa: Killer of Kesi
  • khanda-parashur: One who holds an axe
  • kim: What (the one to be inquired into)
  • kramah: All-pervading
  • kratuh: The animal-sacrifice
  • krishah: Delicate, lean
  • krishnah: Dark-complexioned
  • krishno: He whose complexion is dark
  • kritaagamah: Author of the Vedas
  • kritaagamah: The author of the agama scriptures
  • krita-akritah: All that is created and not created
  • kritaantakrit: Destroyer of the creation
  • kritajnah: He who knows all that is
  • kritajnah: The knower of the creation
  • kritakarmaa: One who has fulfilled his acts
  • kritalakshanah: One who is famous for His qualities
  • kritih: He who rewards all our actions
  • krodhahaa: He who destroys anger
  • krodhakrit-kartaa: He who generates anger against the lower tendency
  • kshaamah: He who ever remains without any scarcity
  • kshaamah: One who destroys everything
  • kshamah: He who is supremely efficient in all undertakings
  • kshaminaam-varah: One who has the greatest amount of patience with sinners
  • ksharam: He who appears to perish
  • kshemakrit: Doer of good
  • kshetrajnah: The knower of the field
  • kshiteeshah: The Lord of the earth
  • kshobhanah: The agitator
  • kumbhah: The pot within whom everything is contained
  • kumudah: He who delights in the earth
  • kumudah: One who gladdens the earth
  • kundah: One who is as attractive as Kunda flowers
  • kundalee: One who wears shark earrings
  • kundarah: The one who lifted the earth
  • kuvaleshayah: He who reclines in the waters
  • lakshmeeh: The glory of the universe
  • lakshmeevaan: The consort of Laksmi
  • lohitaakshah: Red-eyed
  • lokaadhishthaanam: The substratum of the universe
  • lokaadhyakshah: He who presides over all lokas
  • lokabandhur: Friend of the world
  • lokanaathah: Lord of the world
  • lokasaarangah: One who understands the universe
  • lokasvaamee: Lord of the universe
  • loka-trayaashrayah: Shelter of the three worlds
  • maadhavah: Born in the family of Madhu
  • maadhavah: Husband of Lakshmi
  • maadhavo: The Lord of all knowledge
  • maanadah: One who causes, by His maya, false identification with the body
  • maanyah: One who is to be honoured
  • maargah: The path
  • maargah: The path
  • madhuh: Sweet
  • madhusoodanah: Destroyer of the Madhu demon
  • mahaabalah: He who has supreme strength
  • mahaabhaago: He who gets the greates share in every Yajna
  • mahaabhogah: He who is of the nature of enjoyment
  • mahaabhootah: The great being
  • mahaabuddhir: He who has supreme intelligence
  • mahaadevah: The great deity
  • mahaadhanah: He who is supremely rich
  • mahaadri-dhrik: He who supports the great mountain
  • mahaa-dyutih: Greatly luminous
  • mahaagartah: The great chasm
  • mahaahavih: The great offering
  • mahaahradah: One who is like a great refreshing swimming pool
  • mahaakarmaa: One who accomplishes great acts
  • mahaakarmaa: One who performs great deeds
  • mahaakoshah: He who has got around him great sheaths
  • mahaakramo: Of great step
  • mahaakratuh: The great sacrifice
  • mahaakshah: The great-eyed
  • mahaa-makhah: The great sacrificer
  • mahaamanaah: Great-minded
  • mahaamayo: The Supreme Master of all Maya
  • mahaamortir: The great form
  • mahaan: The mighty
  • mahaanidhih: The great abode
  • mahaarhah: One who deserves the highest worship
  • mahaa-shaktih: All-powerful
  • mahaashanah: He who eats up everything
  • mahaashringah: Great-horned (Matsya)
  • mahaasvanah: He who has a thundering voice
  • mahaatapaah: He of great tapas
  • mahaatejaah: One of great resplendence
  • mahaavaraaho: The great boar
  • mahaa-veeryah: The supreme essence
  • mahaayajnah: The great yajna
  • mahaayajvaa: One who performed great yajnas
  • maharddhi: One who has great prosperity
  • maharshih kapilaachaaryah: He who incarnated as Kapila, the great sage
  • maheebhartaa: The husband of mother earth
  • maheedharah: The bearer of the earth
  • maheedharah: The support of the earth
  • mahejyah: One who is to be most worshiped
  • mahendrah: The lord of Indra
  • maheshvaasah: He who wields shaarnga
  • mahodadhishayah: One who rests on the great ocean
  • mahoragah: The great serpent
  • mahotsaaho: The great enthusiast
  • mangalam param: The Supreme auspiciousness
  • manoharah: The stealer of the mind
  • manojavah: Swift as the mind
  • mantrah: The nature of the Vedic mantras
  • manuh: He who has manifested as the Vedic mantras
  • mareechih: Effulgence
  • medhaavee: Supremely intelligent
  • medhajah: Born out of sacrifices
  • medineepatih: The Lord of the earth
  • muktaanaam paramaa gatih: The final goal, reached by liberated souls
  • mukundah: The giver of liberation
  • naaraayanah: He who resides on the waters
  • naarasimha-vapuh: He whose form is man-lion
  • nahushah: He who binds all with maya
  • naikaatmaa: Many souled
  • naikah: The many
  • naikajah: One who is born many times
  • naikakarmakrit: One who does many actions
  • naikamaayah: He whose forms are endless and varied
  • naika-roopo: He who has unlimited forms
  • naikashringah: One who has many horns
  • nakshatranemir: The nave of the stars
  • nakshatree: The Lord of the stars (the moon)
  • nandah: Free from all worldly pleasures
  • nandakee: One who holds the Nandaka sword
  • nandanah: One who makes others blissful
  • nandih: Infinite bliss
  • nantaatmaa: The infinite self
  • narah: The guide
  • nayah: One who leads
  • netaa: The leader
  • neyah: The guide
  • nidhir-avyayah: The imperishable treasure
  • nigrahah: The killer
  • nimishah: He who has closed eyes in contemplation
  • nirgunah: Without any properties
  • nirvaanam: All-bliss
  • nishthaa: Abode of all beings
  • nivritaatmaa: The soul retreated from matter
  • nivrittaatmaa: One who is fully restrained from all sense indulgences
  • nivrittaatmaa: One whose mind is turned away from sense indulgence
  • niyamah: One who is not under anyone's laws
  • niyamo: The appointing authority
  • nyaayah: Justice
  • nyagrodhah: The one who veils Himself with Maya
  • ojas-tejo-dyutidharah: The possessor of vitality, effulgence and beauty
  • oordhvagah: One who is on top of everything
  • oorjitah: He who has infinite vitality
  • oorjita-shaasanah: One who commands with His hand
  • paapa-naashanah: Destroyer of sin
  • paavanah: He who gives life-sustaining power to air
  • paavanah: One who ever purifies
  • padam-anuttamam: The unequalled state of perfection
  • padmagarbhah: He who is being meditated upon in the lotus of the heart
  • padmanaabhah: He from whose navel comes the lotus
  • padmanaabhah: He who has a lotus-navel
  • padmanaabhah: He whose navel is like a lotus
  • padmanibhekshanah: Lotus-eyed
  • padmee: He who holds a lotus
  • panah: The supreme universal manager
  • paraayanam: The way to liberation
  • paramaatmaa: The Supersoul
  • paramaspashtah: The extremely vivid
  • parameshthee: One who is readily available for experience within the heart
  • parameshvarah: The Supreme Lord
  • pararddhih: He who has supreme manifestations
  • parigrahah: The receiver
  • parjanyah: He who is similar to rain-bearing clouds
  • paryavasthitah: One who dwells everywhere
  • pavanah: The air that fills the universe
  • pavitram: He who gives purity to the heart
  • peshalah: One who is supremely soft
  • poorayitaa: The fulfiller
  • poornah: The complete
  • pootaatmaa: He with an extremely pure essence
  • praagvamshah: One who has the most ancient ancestry
  • praamshuh: He with a huge body
  • praanadah: Giver of life
  • praanadah: Giver of life
  • praanadah: He who gives life
  • praanadah: He who gives prana
  • praanah: Life
  • praanah: The prana in all living creatures
  • praanajeevanah: He who maintains the life-breath in all living creatures
  • praananilayah: He in whom all prana is established
  • praanibhrit: He who rules over all pranas
  • praano: He who ever lives
  • prabhavah: The womb of the five great elements
  • prabhootas: Ever-full
  • prabhuh: The Almighty Lord
  • prabhuh: The Lord
  • pradhaana-purusheshvarah: Lord of pradhaana and purusha
  • pradyumnah: Very rich
  • pragrahah: Receiver of worship
  • prajaa-bhavah: He from whom all praja comes
  • prajaagarah: Ever-awakened
  • prajaapatih: He from whom all creatures emerge
  • prajaapatih: The Lord of all creatures
  • prakaashaatmaa: The effulgent self
  • prakaashanah: He who illuminates
  • pramaanam: He whose form is the Vedas
  • pramaanam: The proof
  • pramodanah: Ever-blissful
  • pranavah: He who is praised by the gods
  • pranavah: Omkara
  • prapitaamahah: The father of the father of beings (Brahma)
  • prasanaatmaa: Ever pure and all-blissful self
  • prataapanah: Thermal energy; one who heats
  • pratardanah: The Supreme destruction
  • prathitah: He who exists pervading all
  • pratishthitah: He who has no cause
  • pratyayah: He whose nature is knowledge
  • preetivardhanah: One who increases joy in the devotee's heart
  • prituh: The expanded
  • priyaarhah: One who deserves all our love
  • priyakrit: One who is ever-obliging in fulfilling our wishes
  • punarvasuh: He who lives repeatedly in different bodies
  • pundareekaakshah: He who dwells in the heart
  • punyah: Supremely pure
  • punyah: The truly holy
  • punya-keertir: Of Holy fame
  • punya-shravana-keertanah: The hearing of whose glory causes holiness to grow
  • puraatanah: He who was even before time
  • purandarah: Destroyer of cities
  • purujit: One who has conquered numerous enemies
  • purusattamah: The greatest of the great
  • purushah: He who dwells in the city of nine gates
  • purushah: One who dwells in all bodies
  • purushottamah: The Supreme Controller
  • pushkaraakshah: He who has eyes like the lotus
  • pushkaraakshah: Lotus eyed
  • pushpahaasah: He who shines like an opening flower
  • pushtah: One who is ever-full
  • raamah: One who is most handsome
  • rakshanah: Protector of the universe
  • ranapriyah: Lover of battles
  • rathaanga-paanih: One who has the wheel of a chariot as His weapon; One with the strings of the chariot in his hands;
  • ratnagarbhah: The jewel-wombed
  • ratna-naabhah: Of beautiful navel
  • ravih: One who dries up everything
  • ravilochanah: One whose eye is the sun
  • riddhah: Full of prosperity
  • riddhah: He who has expanded Himself as the universe
  • rituh: The seasons
  • rohitah: The fish incarnation
  • ruchiraangadah: One who wears resplendent shoulder caps
  • rudrah: He who makes all people weep
  • saadhur: He who lives by the righteous codes
  • saakshee: The witness
  • saama: The Sama Veda
  • saamagaayanah: One who sings the sama songs; one who loves hearing saama chants;
  • saamagah: The singer of the sama songs
  • saattvikah: One who is full of sattvic qualities
  • saatvataam-patih: The Lord of the Satvatas
  • sadaamarshee: One who forgives the trespasses of His devotees
  • sadaa-yogee: Always in yoga
  • sadbhootih: One who has rich glories
  • sadgatih: The goal of good people
  • sahah: All-enduring
  • sahasraakshah: Thousands of eyes
  • sahasraamshur: The thousand-rayed
  • sahasraarchih: He who has thousands of rays
  • sahasrajit: He who vanquishes thousands
  • sahasra-moordhaa: He who has endless heads
  • sahasrapaat: Thousand-footed
  • sahishnuh: He who can suffer patiently
  • sahishnuh: One who calmly endures duality
  • samaatmaa: He who is the same in all
  • samaavartah: The efficient turner
  • samah: Calm
  • samah: Equal
  • samayajnah: One whose worship is nothing more than keeping an equal vision of the mind by the devotee
  • sambhavah: He who descends of His own free will
  • sameehanah: One whose desires are auspicious
  • sameeranah: He who sufficiently administers all movements of all living creatures
  • samgrahah: He who holds everything together
  • samitinjayah: Ever-victorious
  • samkha-bhrit: One who has the divine Pancajanya
  • samksheptaa: The involver
  • sammitah: He who has been accepted by authorities
  • samnyaasa-krit: Institutor of sannyasa
  • sam-pramardanah: He who persecutes evil men
  • samsthaanah: The ultimate authority
  • samvatsarah: He from whom the concept of time comes
  • samvatsarah: The year
  • samvritah: He who is veiled from the jiva
  • sanaat: The beginningless and endless factor
  • sanaatanatamah: The most ancient
  • sandhaataa: The regulator
  • sandhimaan: He who seems to be conditioned
  • sankarshanochyutah: He who absorbs the whole creation into His nature and never falls away from that nature
  • sannivaasah: The abode of the good
  • santah: One who is expressed through saintly men
  • saptaidhaah: The seven effulgences in the flames
  • saptajihvah: He who expresses himself as the seven tongues of fire (Types of agni)
  • saptavaahanah: One who has a vehicle of seven horses (sun)
  • sargah: He who creates the world from Himself
  • sarvaadih: The beginning of all
  • sarvaasunilayah: The abode of all life energies
  • sarvadarshanah: All-seeing
  • sarvadarshee: All-knower
  • sarva-drik: The seer of everything
  • sarvadrik-vyaaso: One who creates many men of wisdom
  • sarvagah: All-pervading
  • sarvah: He who is everything
  • sarvajna: Omniscient
  • sarvajno: Omniscient
  • sarvakaamadah: One who fulfils all desires of true devotees
  • sarva-lakshana-lakshanyah: Known through all proofs
  • sarva-praharanaayudhah: He who has all implements for all kinds of assault and fight ==
  • sarvasahah: One who carries the entire Universe
  • sarva-shastra-bhritaam-varah: The best among those who wield weapons
  • sarvatah-chakshuh: One who has eyes everywhere
  • sarvato-mukhah: One who has His face turned everywhere
  • sarva-vaageeshvareshvarah: Lord of the Lord of speech
  • sarvavid-bhaanuh: All-knowing and effulgent
  • sarvavij-jayee: One who is at once omniscient and victorious
  • sarva-yoga-vinissritah: He who is free from all attachments
  • sarveshvarah: Controller of all
  • sat: existence
  • sataam gatih: The goal for all virtuous people
  • sataam-gatih: Refuge of the good
  • sataavarttah: He who takes infinite forms
  • satkartaa: He who adores good and wise people
  • sat-keertih: One of pure fame
  • satkritah: He who is adored by all good people
  • satkritih: One who is full of Good actions
  • satparaayanah: The Supreme goal for the good
  • satpathaachaarah: One who walks the path of truth
  • satram: Protector of the good
  • satta: One without a second
  • sattvasthah: Situated in sattva
  • sattvavaan: One who is full of exploits and courage
  • satyadharmaa: One who has in Himself all true dharmas
  • satya-dharma-paraakramah: One who champions heroically for truth and righteousness
  • satya-dharma-paraayanah: One who is the very abode of truth and dharma
  • satyah: He who is Himself the truth
  • satyah: The truth
  • satyah: Truth
  • satyamedhah: One whose intelligence never fails
  • satya-paraakramah: Dynamic Truth
  • satyasandhah: Of truthful resolution
  • savah: The nature of the sacrifice
  • savitaa: The father of all
  • savitaa: The one who brings forth the Universe from Himself
  • shaantah: Peaceful within
  • shaantidah: Giver of peace
  • shaantih: One whose very nature is peace
  • shaarnga-dhanvaa: One who aims His shaarnga bow
  • shaashvatah: He who always remains the same
  • shaashvatah-sthaanur: Permanent and immovable
  • shaashvata-sthirah: One who is eternal and stable
  • shaastaa: He who rules over the universe
  • shabdaatigah: One who transcends all words
  • shabdasahah: One who allows Himself to be invoked by Vedic declarations
  • shaktimataam-shresthah: The best among the powerful
  • shambhuh: He who brings auspiciousness
  • sharabhah: One who dwells and shines forth through the bodies
  • sharanam: The refuge
  • shareera-bhootabhrit: One who nourishes the nature from which the bodies came
  • shareerabhrit: He who sustains all bodies
  • sharma: He who is Himself infinite bliss
  • sharvaree-karah: Creator of darkness
  • sharvas: The auspicious
  • shashabindhuh: The moon who has a rabbit-like spot
  • shataananah: Many-faced
  • shataanandah: Of infinite varieties and joys
  • shatamoortih: Of many forms
  • shatrughnah: The destroyer of enemies
  • shatrujit: One who is ever victorious over His hosts of enemies
  • shatrutaapanah: The scorcher of enemies
  • shauri: One who always has invincible prowess
  • shaurih: He who incarnated in the dynasty of Shoora
  • shikhandee: He who wears a peacock feather
  • shipivishtah: The presiding deity of the sun
  • shishirah: The cold season, winter
  • shishta-krit: The law-maker
  • shivah: Auspiciousness
  • shivah: He who is eternally pure
  • shoka-naashanah: Destroyer of sorrows
  • shoonyah: The void
  • shoorah: The valiant
  • shoora-janeshvarah: Lord of the valiant
  • shoorasenah: One who has heroic and valiant armies
  • shramanah: One who persecutes the worldly people
  • shrashtaa: Creator of all beings
  • shreedah: Giver of opulence
  • shreedharah: Holder of Sree
  • shreegarbhah: He in whom are all glories
  • shreekarah: One who gives Sree
  • shreemaan: He who is always courted by glories
  • shreemaan: He who is always with shree
  • shreemaan: Possessor of Sree
  • shreemaan: The possessor of light, effulgence, glory
  • shreemataam varah: The best among glorious
  • shreenidhih: The treasure of Sree
  • shreenivaasah: One who dwells in the good people
  • shreenivaasah: The permanent abode of Shree
  • shreepatih: Lord of Laksmi
  • shreeshah: The Lord of Sree
  • shreevatsa-vakshaah: One who has sreevatsa on His chest
  • shreevibhaavanah: Distributor of Sree
  • shreshthah: The most glorious
  • shrevaasah: Abode of Sree
  • shreyah: Liberation
  • shringee: The horned one
  • shruti-saagarah: The ocean for all scripture
  • shubhaangah: One who has the most beautiful form
  • shubhaangah: One with enchanting limbs
  • shubhekshanah: All-auspicious gaze
  • shuchih: He who is pure
  • shuchih: He who is spotlessly clean
  • shuchi-shravaah: He who listens only the good and pure
  • siddhaarthah: He who has all arthas
  • siddhah: One who is perfection
  • siddhah: The most famous
  • siddhasankalpah: He who gets all He wishes for
  • siddhidah: The giver of benedictions
  • siddhih: He who gives moksha
  • siddhisaadhanah: The power behind our sadhana
  • simhah: He who destroys
  • simhah: The lion
  • sishteshtah: The greatest beloved
  • skanda-dharah: Upholder of withering righteousness
  • skandah: He whose glory is expressed through Subrahmanya
  • somah: One who as the moon nourishes plants
  • somapah: One who takes Soma in the yajnas
  • sookshmah: The subtlest
  • sooryah: The one source from where everything is born
  • spashtaaksharo: One who is indicated by OM
  • sragvee: He who always wears a garland of undecaying flowers
  • srashtaa: Creator
  • stavapriyah: One who is invoked through prayer
  • stavyah: One who is the object of all praise
  • sthaanadah: He who confers the right abode
  • sthaanuh: The pillar, the immovable truth
  • sthaavarah-sthaanuh: The firm and motionless
  • sthaviro dhruvah: The ancient, motionless one
  • sthavishtah: The supremely gross
  • sthavishthah: One who is supremely huge
  • sthirah: Steady
  • sthoolah: One who is the fattest
  • stotaa: One who adores or praises
  • stotram: The hymn
  • stutih: The act of praise
  • subhujah: He who has graceful arms
  • sudarshanah: He whose meeting is auspicious
  • sudhanvaa: One who has Shaarnga
  • sughoshah: Of auspicious sound
  • suhrit: Friend of all creatures
  • sukhadah: Giver of bliss to those who are liberated
  • sukhadah: Giver of happiness
  • sulabhah: One who is readily available
  • sulochanah: One who has the most enchanting eyes
  • sumedhaa: One who has pure intelligence
  • sumukhah: One who has a charming face
  • sundah: Of great mercy
  • sundarah: Of unrivalled beauty
  • suparnah: Beautiful-winged (Two birds analogy)
  • suparnah: The golden leaf (Vedas) BG 15.1
  • suprasaadah: Fully satisfied
  • suraadhyaksho: He who presides over all devas
  • suraanando: He who gives out happiness
  • suraarihaa: Destroyer of the enemies of the devas
  • sureshah: The Lord of the demigods
  • sureshvarah: A person of extreme charity
  • suruchih: Whose desire manifests as the universe
  • sushenah: He who has a charming army
  • sutantuh: Beautifully expanded
  • sutapaah: He who has glorious tapas
  • suvarna-binduh: With limbs radiant like gold
  • suvarna-varnah: Golden-coloured
  • suveerah: One who moves through various ways
  • suvratah: He who ever-perfoeming the pure vow
  • suvratah: One who has taken the most auspicious forms
  • suyaamunah: One who attended by the people dwelling on the banks of Yamuna
  • svaabhaavyah: Ever rooted in the nature of His own self
  • svaangah: One with well-proportioned limbs
  • svaapanah: One who puts people to sleep
  • svaasyah: One who has an effulgent face
  • svadhritah: Self-supported
  • svakshah: Beautiful-eyed
  • svangah: Beautiful-limbed
  • svasti: One who is the source of all auspiciouness
  • svastibhuk: One who constantly enjoys auspiciousness
  • svastidah: Giver of Svasti
  • svastidakshinah: Distributor of auspiciousness
  • svastikrit: One who robs all auspiciousness
  • svavashah: He who has everything under His control
  • svayambhooh: He who manifests from Himself
  • svayamjaatah: Self-born
  • taarah: He who saves
  • taarah: One who helps all to cross over
  • taaranah: He who enables others to cross
  • tantu-vardhanah: One who sustains the continuity of the drive for the family
  • tat: That
  • tattvam: The reality
  • tattvavit: One who has realised the reality
  • teerthakaro: The teacher of the tirthas
  • tejovrisho: One who showers radiance
  • tridashaadhyaksho: The Lord of the three states of consciousness
  • trikakub-dhaama: The support of the three quarters
  • trilokaatmaa: The self of the three worlds
  • trilokadhrik: One who is the support of all the three worlds
  • trilokeshah: The Lord of the three worlds
  • tripadah: One who has taken three steps
  • trisaamaa: One who is glorified by Devas, Vratas and Saamans
  • trivikramah: One who took three steps
  • tushtah: One who is contented with a very simple offering
  • tvashtaa: He who makes huge things small
  • udbhavah: The originator
  • udbhavah: The ultimate source
  • udeernah: The great transcendent
  • udumbarah: Nourishment of all living creatures
  • ugrah: The terrible
  • upendrah: The younger brother of Indra (vaamana)
  • uttaaranah: One who lifts us out of the ocean of change
  • uttarah: He who lifts us from the ocean of samsara
  • vaachaspatir-ayonijah: One who is the master of all vidyas and who is unborn through a womb
  • vaachaspatir-udaara-dheeh: He who is eloquent in championing the Supreme law of life; He with a large-hearted intelligence
  • vaagmee: He who is eloquent in speech
  • vaajasanah: The giver of food
  • vaamanah: He with a dwarf body
  • vaarunah: The son of Varuna (Vasistha or Agastya)
  • vaasavaanujah: The brother of Indra
  • vaasudevah: Dwelling in all creatures although not affected by that condition
  • vaasudevah: One who envelops the world with Maya
  • vaasudevo: The son of Vasudeva
  • vaayuh: The air
  • vaayuvaahanah: Controller of winds
  • vaayuvaahanah: The mover of the winds
  • vahnih: Fire
  • vaidyah: The Supreme doctor
  • vaikhaanah: The one who cut through the earth
  • vaikunthah: One who prevents men from straying on wrong paths
  • vamshavardhanah: He who multiplies His family of descendents
  • vanamaalee: One who wears a garland of forest flowers
  • varaangah: With beautiful limbs
  • varaaroho: The most glorious destination
  • varadah: He who fulfills boons
  • vardhamaanah: He who can grow into any dimension
  • vardhanah: The nurturer and nourisher
  • varunah: One who sets on the horizon (Sun)
  • vashatkaarah: He who is invoked for oblations
  • vasudah: He who gives all wealth
  • vasuh: He who is Wealth
  • vasuh: The refuge for all
  • vasuh: The support of all elements
  • vasumanaah: He whose mind is supremely pure
  • vasumanaah: One who is attentive to everything
  • vasupradah: The free-giver of wealth
  • vasupradah: The giver of salvation, the greatest wealth
  • vasuretaah: He whose essence is golden
  • vatsalah: The supremely affectionate
  • vatsarah: The abode
  • vatsee: The father
  • vedaangah: He whose limbs are the Vedas
  • vedah: He who is the Vedas
  • vedavid: The knower of the Vedas
  • vedavit: He who contemplates upon the Vedas
  • vedhaah: Creator of the universe
  • vedyah: That which is to be known
  • veerabaahur: Having mighty arms
  • veerah: The courageous
  • veerah: The heroic victor
  • veerah: The valiant
  • veerahaa: Destroyer of valiant heroes
  • veerahaa: He who destroys the mighty heroes
  • veerahaa: One who ends the passage from womb to womb
  • veetabhayah: One with no fear
  • vegavaan: He who is swift
  • vibhuh: All-pervading
  • vibhuh: He who manifests in endless forms
  • vidaaranah: One who splits asunder
  • vidhaataa: All supporter
  • vidhaataa: The dispenser of fruits of action
  • vidheyaatmaa: One who is ever available for the devotees to command in love
  • vidishah: One who is unique in His giving
  • vidvattamah: One who has the greatest wisdom
  • vihaayasa-gatih: One who travels in space
  • vijayah: Victorious
  • vijitaatmaa: One who has conquered the sense organs
  • vikartaa: Creator of the endless varieties that make up the universe
  • vikramah: He who stepped (Vaamana)
  • vikramee: He who is full of prowess
  • vikramee: The most daring
  • viksharah: Imperishable
  • vimuktaatmaa: The ever-liberated self
  • vinayah: He who humiliates those who are unrighteous
  • vinayitaa-saakshee: The witness of modesty
  • viraamah: The abode of perfect-rest
  • virajo: Passionless
  • virochanah: One who shines in different forms
  • vishama: Unequalled
  • vishishtah: He who transcends all in His glory
  • vishnuh: All-pervading
  • vishnuh: He who pervades everywhere
  • vishnuh: Long-striding
  • vishodhanah: The great purifier
  • vishokah: Sorrowless
  • vishraamah: The resting place
  • vishuddhaatmaa: One who has the purest soul
  • vishvaatmaa: The soul of the universe
  • vishvabhuk: He who enjoys all experiences
  • vishva-dakshinah: The most skilful and efficient
  • vishva-dhrik: Supporter of the world
  • vishvakarmaa: The creator of the universe
  • vishvaksenah: He against whom no army can stand
  • vishvam: He who is the universe, the virat-purusha
  • vishvamoortih: Of the form of the entire Universe
  • vishvayonih: He who incarnates because of the world
  • vishvayonih: The womb of the universe
  • visishtah: The noblest and most sacred
  • visrutaatmaa: He who is called atma in the Vedas
  • vistaarah: The extension
  • visvabaahuh: He whose hand is in everything
  • visva-retaah: The seed of the universe
  • viviktah: Separate
  • vriddhaatmaa: The ancient self
  • vrikshah: The tree
  • vrishaahee: Controller of all actions
  • vrishaakapih: He who lifts the world to dharma
  • vrishaakritih: The form of dharma
  • vrishabhaaksho: One whose eyes rain fulfilment of desires
  • vrishabhah: He who showers all dharmas
  • vrishah: He who is dharma
  • vrishakarmaa: He whose every act is righteous
  • vrishaparvaa: The ladder leading to dharma (As well as dharma itself)
  • vrishapriyah: One who delights in dharma
  • vrishodarah: He from whose belly life showers forth
  • vyaadishah: One who is unique in His commanding power
  • vyaalah: The serpent (vyaalah) to atheists
  • vyaapee: All-pervading
  • vyaaptah: The pervader
  • vyagrah: One who is ever engaged in fulfilling the devotee's desires
  • vyaktaroopah: He who is perceptible to the yogi
  • vyavasaayah: Resolute
  • vyavasthaanah: The substratum
  • yadu-shresthah: The best among the Yadava clan
  • yajnaangah: One whose limbs are the things employed in yajna
  • yajnaantakrit: One who performs the concluding act of the yajna
  • yajnabhrid: The ruler of the yajanas
  • yajnabhuk: Receiver of all that is offered
  • yajnaguhyam: The person to be realised by yajna
  • yajnah: One who is of the nature of yajna
  • yajnah: One whose very nature is yajna
  • yajnakrit: One who performs yajna
  • yajnapatih: The Lord of all yajnas
  • yajnasaadhanah: One who fulfils all yajnas
  • yajnavaahanah: One who fulfils yajnas in complete
  • yajvaa: The one who performs yajna
  • yamah: The administrator
  • yat: Which
  • yogah: He who is realized through yoga
  • yoga-vidaam netaa: The guide of those who know yoga
  • yogee: One who can be realised through yoga
  • yogeeshah: The king of yogis
  • yugaadi-krit: The creator of the yugas
  • yugaavartah: The law behind time

Quotes about Vishnu Sahasranama

  • Sri N. Krishnamachari, a Vaishnavite scholar, at Stephen Knapp's website, quoting Vaishnavite scholars, states that there are six reasons for the greatness of Vishnusahasranama:
  1. Vishnusahasranama is the essence of the Mahabharata;
  2. Great sages such as Narada, the Alvars, and composers including Saint Tyagaraja have made repeated references to the "Thousand Names of Vishnu" in their devotional works;
  3. The person who strung together the thousand names as part of the Mahabharata and preserved it for the world was none other than Sage Veda Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas, who is considered an Avatar of Vishnu;
  4. Bhishma considered chanting of the Vishnusahasranama the best and easiest of all dharmas, or the means to attain relief from all bondage;
  5. It is widely accepted that the chanting this Stotram gives relief from all sorrows, and leads to happiness and peace of mind;
  6. Vishnusahasranama is in conformity with the teachings of the Gita." [20]
  • verse 27 of Bhaja Govindam attributed to Shankaracharya ,[30] said that the Gita and Vishnusahasranama should be chanted and the form of the Lord of Lakshmi, Vishnu should always be meditated on. He also said that the Sahasranama bestowed all noble virtues on those who chanted it.[22]
  • Parasara Bhattar, a follower of Ramanujacharya had said that Vishnusahasranama absolves people of all sins and has no equal[22]
  • Madhvacharya, propounder of Dvaita philosophy, said that the Sahasranama was the essence of the Mahabharata, which in turn was the essence of the Sastras and that each word of the Sahasranama had 100 meanings.[22]
  • Swaminarayan, founder of the Hindu Swaminarayan faith, said in verse 118 of the scripture, Shikshapatri, that one should "either recite or have the 10th canto,(of Bhagavata Purana ) and also other holy scriptures like the "Vishnusahasranama" recited at a holy place according to one's capacity. "The recital is such that it gives fruits according to whatever is desired." [31]
  • Swaminarayan also said in verses 93-96, "I have the highest esteem for these eight holy scriptures: 1-4)the four Vedas, 5) the Vyas-Sutra,(i.e., Brahma Sutras, 6) the Shrimad Bhagavatam, 7) Shri Vishnusahasranama in the Mahabharata, and 8) the Yajnavalkya Smrti which is at the center of the Dharma Scriptures; and all My disciples who wish to prosper should listen to these eight holy scriptures, and the brahmanas under my shelter should learn and teach these holy scriptures, and read them to others."
  • Swami Sivananda, in his twenty important spiritual instructions, stated that the Vishnusahasranama, along with other religious texts, should be studied systematically.[24]
”In this way we find all the scriptures aiming at the Supreme Person. In the Rig Veda (1.22.20) the mantra is om tad vishnoh paramam padam sada pashyanti surayah ("The demigods are always looking to that supreme abode of Vishnu"). The whole Vedic process, therefore, is to understand Lord Vishnu, and any scripture is directly or indirectly chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord, Vishnu.”[32]
sri rama rama rameti rame rame manorame
sahasranama tat tulyam rama nama varanane
"O Varanana (lovely-faced lady), I chant the holy name of Rama, Rama, Rama and thus constantly enjoy this beautiful sound. This holy name of Sri Rama is equal to one thousand holy names of Lord Vishnu." (Brhad Visnusahasranamastotra, Uttara-khanda, Padma Purana 72.335)
  • Brahmānda Purana said:
sahasra-namnam punyanam, trir-avrttya tu yat phalam
ekavrttya tu krsnasya, namaikam tat prayacchati
"The pious results (punya) achieved by chanting the thousand holy names of Vishnu (Vishnusahasranama-Stotram) three times can be attained by only one utterance of the holy name of Krishna."
yo mam nama sahasrena stotum icchati pandava
sohamekena slokena stuta eva na samsaya
"Arjuna, One may be desirous of praising by reciting the thousand names. But, on my part, I feel praised by one sloka. There is no doubt about it.”[11]
  • From the oldest scriptural text in Hinduism, the Rig Veda; V.I.15b.3, it states:
"O ye who wish to gain realization of the Supreme Truth, utter the name of "Vishnu" at least once in the steadfast faith that it will lead you to such realization."

Phalasruti - Benefits of chanting Vishnusahasranama

The following lines are from the Mahabharata and are quoted portions from the text. Devotees believe that regular chanting of the hymn can accrue benefits.

I)On avoiding evil, success in battles, and gaining affluence, pleasure, happiness and offspring:

vedantago brahmanasyat kshatriyo vijayeebhavet
vaishyo dhanasamrudhyasyat shudra sukhamavapniyat
Bhisma said, "Thus have I recited to thee, without any exception, the thousand excellent names of the high-souled Kesava whose glory should always be sung. Anyone who hears the names every day or who recites them every day, never meets with any evil either here or hereafter. If a Brahmana does this he succeeds in mastering the Vedanta; if a Kshatriya does it, he is always successful in battles. A Vaisya, by doing it, becomes possessed of affluence, while a Sudra earns great happiness."
If one becomes desirous of earning the merit of righteousness, one succeeds in earning it (by hearing or reciting these names). If it is wealth that one desires, one succeeds in earning wealth (by acting in this way). So also the man who wishes for enjoyments of the senses succeeds in enjoying all kinds of pleasures, and the man desirous of offspring acquires offspring (by pursuing this course of conduct).

II)On acquiring fame, prosperity, prowess, energy, strength, beauty, removing fear, avoiding calamity, and being cured of disease:

"That man who with devotion and perseverance and heart wholly turned towards him, recites these thousand names of Vasudeva every day, after having purified himself, succeeds in acquiring great fame, a position of eminence among his kinsmen, enduring prosperity, and lastly, that which is of the highest benefit to him (viz., emancipation Moksha itself). Such a man never meets with fear at any time, and acquires great prowess and energy. Disease never afflicts him; splendour of complexion, strength, beauty, and accomplishments become his. The sick become hale, the afflicted become freed from their afflictions; the frightened become freed from fear, and he that is plunged in calamity becomes freed from calamity."
"The man who hymns the praises of that foremost of Beings by reciting His thousand names with devotion succeeds in quickly crossing all difficulties. That mortal who takes refuge in Vasudeva and who becomes devoted to Him, becomes freed of all sins and attains to eternal Brahman. They who are devoted to Vasudeva have never to encounter any evil. They become freed from the fear of birth, death, decrepitude, and disease."

III)On acquiring righteousness and intelligence, and avoiding the sins of evil:

"That man who with devotion and faith recites this hymn (consisting of the thousand names of Vasudeva) succeeds in acquiring felicity of soul, forgiveness of disposition, Prosperity, intelligence, memory, and fame. Neither wrath, nor jealousy, nor cupidity, nor evil understanding ever appears in those men of righteousness who are devoted to that foremost of beings. The firmament with the sun, moon and stars, the welkin, the points of the compass, the earth and the ocean, are all held and supported by the prowess of the high-souled Vasudeva. The whole mobile and immobile universe with the deities, Asuras, and Gandharvas, Yakshas, Uragas and Rakshasas, is under the sway of Krishna."

IV)On the origins of the soul, the source of righteous behavior, and the basis of all knowledge and existence:

"The senses, mind, understanding, life, energy, strength and memory, it has been said, have Vasudeva for their soul. Indeed, this body that is called Kshetra, and the intelligent soul within, that is called the knower of Kshetra, also have Vasudeva for their soul. Conduct (consisting of practices) is said to be the foremost of all topics treated of in the scriptures. Righteousness has conduct for its basis. The unfading Vasudeva is said to be the Lord of righteousness. The Rishis, the Pitris, the deities, the great (primal) elements, the metals, indeed, the entire mobile and immobile universe, has sprung from Narayana. Yoga, the Sankhya Philosophy, knowledge, all mechanical arts, the Vedas, the diverse scriptures, and all learning, have sprung from Janardana. Vishnu is the one great element or substance which has spread itself out into multifarious forms. Covering the three worlds, He the soul of all things, enjoys them all."
His glory knows no diminution, and He it is that is the Enjoyer of the universe (as its Supreme Lord). This hymn in praise of the illustrious Vishnu composed by Vyasa, should be recited by that person who wishes to acquire happiness and that which is the highest benefit (viz., emancipation). Those persons that worship and adore the Lord of the universe, that deity who is inborn and possessed of blazing effulgence, who is the origin or cause of the universe, who knows no deterioration, and who is endued with eyes that are as large and beautiful as the petals of the lotus, have never to meet with any discomfiture."

Bhisma's quote cited from Kisari Mohan Ganguli's translation of Vishnusahasranama (public domain)

See also


  1. For IAST version of Sanskrit for these verses, see: Sankaranarayan 1996, pp. 2–5.
  2. For Sanskrit text and translation, see: Tapasyananda, pp. 3-4.
  3. Sankara Bhashya on Vishnusahasranaama
  4. Tapasyananda, pg. iv.
  5. Transcription of Sankara's commentary to Vishnusahasranamastotra, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. The names "Shiva", "Shambhu", "Eesanah", and "Rudra" are to be found in slokas 17, 18, 21, and 26 respectively
  6. Commentary to sloka 13, "yatra puMliGgashabdaprayOgaH, tatra viSNurvishESyaH; yatra strIliMga shabdaH, tatra dEvatA prayOgaH; yatra napuMsaliGga prayOgaH, tatra brahmEti vishEshyatE (where a word of masculine gender is used, the noun is Vishnu, in feminine gender the noun is Devata, and in neuter gender the noun is Brahma)", Transcription of Sankara's commentary to Vishnusahasranamastotra
  7. Commentary to sloka 17 in Transcription of Sankara's commentary to Vishnusahasranamastotra, "sivAdi nAmabhiH hariH eva stUyate"
  9. 9.0 9.1 Tapasyananda, pg. 47.
  10. Bhag-P 4.4.14 "Siva means mangala, or auspicious"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Srivaishnavism
  12. Foreword of P. Sankaranarayan's translation of Vishnu sahasranama, Bhavan's Book University
  13. Tapasyananda, Swami. Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, pg. 62.
  14. Tapasyananda, Swami. Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, pgs. 48, 49, 87, 96 and 123.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Tapasyananda, Swami. Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, pg. 48.
  16. , story #53
  17. B-Gita 7.24 Chapter 7: Knowledge of the Absolute
  18. First sentence of letter
  19. Words of Sri Ramakrishna
  20. 20.0 20.1
  21. Bhaja Govindam:
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 The Hindu: Entertainment Bangalore / Book Review: On the Buddha in verse
  23. Shree Swaminarayan Temple Cardiff - Scriptures - Shikshapatri
  24. 24.0 24.1 20 Important Spiritual Instructions
  25. The Krishna Consciousness Movement is the Genuine Vedic Way
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Vol. 2, pg. 740, by Maharshi Parashara, with translation, commentary and editing by R. Santhana, Ranjan Publications, New Delhi, India
  28. Vijaya Kumar, The Thousand Names of Vishnu
  29. B.K. Chaturvedi, Vishnu Puran, page 126
  30. Bhaja Govindam:
  31. Shree Swaminarayan Temple Cardiff - Scriptures - Shikshapatri
  32. The Krishna Consciousness Movement is the Genuine Vedic Way


  • Sankaranarayan, P. (1996), Śrī Viṣṇu Sahasranāma Stotram, Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan . With an English Translation of Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada's Commentary
  • Tapasyananda, Swami, Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, Chennai: Sri Ramakrishna Math . Sanskrit and English, with an English translation of Sri Sankara Bhagavatpada's commentary.

Further reading

  • Sanskrit & Hindi: Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, Gita Press, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273005, India
  • Sanskrit & English: The Thousand Names of Vishnu and the Satyanarayana Vrat, translated by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Devi Mandir, Napa.

Other translations:

  • Sanskrit & Gujarati: Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram; translated by Shri Yogeshwarji, India @
  • Sanskrit & English: Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram; translated by Swami Vimalananda, Sri Ramakrishna Tapovanam, Tiruchirapalli, India, 1985

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