Victor Bangert

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Victor Bangert

Victor Bangert in 2004
Nationality Germany
Fields Mathematics
Institutions Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Alma mater Universität Dortmund

Victor Bangert is Professor of Mathematics at the Mathematisches Institut in Freiburg, Germany. His main interests are differential geometry and dynamical systems theory. In particular, he made important contributions to the study of closed geodesics in Riemannian manifolds, and to Aubry-Mather theory.

Selected Publications

  • Bangert, V. (1980) Closed geodesics on complete surfaces. Math. Ann. 251, no. 1, 8396.
  • Bangert, V.; Klingenberg, W. (1983) Homology generated by iterated closed geodesics. Topology 22, no. 4, 379388.
  • Bangert, V. (1988) Mather sets for twist maps and geodesics on tori. Dynamics reported, Vol. 1, 156, Dynam. Report. Ser. Dynam. Systems Appl., 1, Wiley, Chichester.
The influential text on Mather sets was cited over 150 times in Google scholar in 2010.
  • Bangert, V. (1990) Minimal geodesics. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 10, no. 2, 263286.
  • Bangert, V. (1993) On the existence of closed geodesics on two-spheres. Internat. J. Math. 4, no. 1, 110.
  • Bangert, V. (1994) Geodesic rays, Busemann functions and monotone twist maps. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 2, no. 1, 4963.
  • Bangert, V.; Katz, M. (2003) Stable systolic inequalities and cohomology products, Communications on Pure Applied Mathematics 56, 979997.
  • Bangert, V; Katz, M.; Shnider, S.; Weinberger, S. (2009) E7, Wirtinger inequalities, Cayley 4-form, and homotopy. Duke Math. J. 146, no. 1, 3570. See arXiv:math.DG/0608006


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