Valgus hemipterus

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Valgus hemipterus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Scarabaeidae
Subfamily: Valginae
Genus: Valgus
Species: V. hemipterus
Binomial name
Valgus hemipterus
(Linnaeus, 1758)

Scarabaeus hemipterus

Valgus hemipterus is a smallish species of scarab beetle (family Scarabaeidae) found in the Northern Hemisphere.

Female, from different angles
Detail of female telson


This species reaches a body length of 6-10 mm. The scales on the body of the male are dark with a light pattern, while most scales in females are dark. The elytrae are shortened and do not cover the entire body. Females bear a striking long telson, which makes them easily distinguishable from the males.

Valgus hemipterus male

Distribution and ecology

It occurs from the Caucasus and Turkey to North Africa and southern and central Europe, ranging northwestwards to the Netherlands. The species has been introduced to parts of North America, especially Ontario, Michigan and Ohio. The beetles, which can be found from May to June on flowers or wood, are relatively common. The larvae feed on dead wood of birch and other trees. V. hemipterus spends the winter as a pupa.


  • Harde, Severa: Der Kosmos Käferführer, Die mitteleuropäischen Käfer, Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-GmbH & Co, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-440-06959-1 (German)
  • Möller, G., Schneider, M. (1991): Kommentierte Liste ausgewählter Familien überwiegend holzbewohnender Käfer von Berlin-West mit Ausweisung der gefährdeten Arten (Rote Liste). In: Auhagen, A., Platen, R., Sukopp, H. (Hrsg.): Rote Listen gefährdeter Pflanzen und Tiere in Berlin. - Landschaftsentwicklung und Umweltforschung, Sonderheft 6, 1991: S. 373-420. (German)
  • Jiři Zahradník, Irmgard Jung, Dieter Jung et al.: Käfer Mittel- und Nordwesteuropas, Parey Berlin 1985, ISBN 3-490-27118-1 (German)

External links

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