Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia

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The 9th volume of Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia

Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia (literal translation Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija or VLE) is a universal Lithuanian language encyclopedia being published by the Science and Encyclopaedia Publishing Institute since 2001. VLE is the first published universal encyclopedia in independent Lithuania (it replaces former Soviet Lithuanian Encyclopedia which was published in 13 volumes in 1976-1985). It is scheduled to finish all 25 volumes by 2014.[1] As of July 2013, 23 volumes of this Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia had been published.[2]

Editorial board

Coordination and editing of Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia is carried by prominent Lithuanian scholars:

  • prof., habil. dr. Algirdas Ambrazas;
  • prof. habil. dr. Antanas Bandzaitis;
  • dr. Jonas Boruta;
  • prof. habil. dr. Juozapas Girdzijauskas;
  • prof. habil. dr. Bronius Grigelionis;
  • prof. habil. dr. Leonas Kadžiulis;
  • doc. dr. Algirdas Kiselis;
  • prof. habil. dr. Vytautas Kubilius; (R.I.P. 2004)
  • dr. Elvyra Janina Kunevičienė;
  • prof. habil. dr. Alfonsas Skrinska;
  • prof. habil. dr. Antanas Tyla;
  • akad. prof. habil. dr. Zigmas Zinkevičius

Additionally is established editorial-scientific board consisting of 23-25 scholars for the main science branches.

See also


External links

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