Ulmus laciniata

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Ulmus laciniata
Ulmus laciniata leaves
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Rosales
Family: Ulmaceae
Genus: Ulmus
Species: U. laciniata
Binomial name
Ulmus laciniata
(Trautv.) Mayr
  • Ulmus laciniata f. holophylla Nakai
  • Ulmus major Hohen. var. heterophylla Maxim.
  • Ulmus montana With. var. laciniata Trautv.

Ulmus laciniata (Trautv.) Mayr, known variously as the Manchurian, Cut-leaf, or Lobed Elm, is a deciduous tree native to the humid ravine forests of Japan, Korea, northern China, eastern Siberia and Sakhalin, growing alongside Cerciphyllum japonicum, Aesculus turbinata, and Pterocarya rhoifolia,[1][2][3] at elevations between 700 m and 2200 m, though sometimes lower in more northern latitudes, notably in Hokkaido.

The tree is similar to the Wych Elm Ulmus glabra, and was originally treated as such by Houtzagers and Henry, but later accorded species status of its own largely by reason of the enormous disjunction in their respective areas; U. glabra extending across Europe as far as the Urals, several thousand kilometres from U. laciniata in the Far East.


Ulmus laciniata is chiefly distinguished by its leaves, often regularly incised to form between three and seven apical lobes, giving rise to its common name, the Cut-leaf Elm. The tree can reach a height of 27 m, although the trunk rarely exceeds 0.5 m d.b.h. The bark is dark, grey-brown and exfoliates in flakes. The unwinged branchlets bear laciniate leaves usually obtriangular, < 18 cm in length. The perfect wind-pollinated apetalous flowers are produced on second-year shoots in April (March in England), followed by elliptic < 20 × 14 mm samarae in May.[4][5][6]

Pests and diseases

Elm leaf beetles

Natural populations of U. laciniata have only a marginal resistance to Dutch elm disease (DED), rated 2 out of 5,[7] below that of the Japanese Elm.[8] Moreover, in trials in Italy and the USA , U. laciniata was severely damaged by elm leaf beetles Xanthogaleruca luteola, indeed in Italy chemical controls were necessary to ensure the tree's survival, unlike its compatriots U. parvifolia and U. davidiana var. japonica which survived unscathed. The species is also susceptible to Elm Yellows.[9]


The species was introduced to the West in 1905, but remains uncommon in cultivation. A specimen at the Ryston Hall, Norfolk, arboretum, obtained from the Leon Chenault nursery in Orléans,[10] was killed by the earlier strain of Dutch elm disease prevalent in the 1930s. The tree was comprehensively evaluated in the Netherlands in the 1950s as a potential source of anti-fungal genes for use in the Dutch elm hybridization programme, but was found intolerant of all but the most sheltered and humid conditions.[8] Trees planted in England at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens (sole accession died 2007) and as part of Butterfly Conservation's elm trials at Great Fontley have confirmed the Dutch assessment [11]

Trees grown from seed commence flowering in their eighth year. The Dutch elm breeding programme revealed that the tree has a relatively high degree (39% seed viability) of self-fertility.[12] The species is very difficult to propagate from hardwood cuttings, even under mist, often rooting but failing to develop foliage.

There are no known cultivars of this taxon, nor is it known to be in commerce beyond the USA.

Notable trees

Rarely grown in the West, and rather susceptible to DED, there are few, if any, notable trees in cultivation. The original TROBI Champion planted at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, Romsey, in 1982 died 25 years later. The oldest trees in the UK, planted in 1981, are at the Harcourt Arboretum in Oxfordshire.

Subspecies & varieties

A putative variety was recognized by Rehder: Ulmus laciniata var. nikkoensis - the Nikko Elm, but this is now considered more likely a hybrid.

Hybrid cultivars

Several hybrid cultivars were raised as part of the Dutch elm breeding programme at Wageningen (Heybroek, 1993), crossing the species with hybrids of U. wallichiana and U. minor to produce Clone no. 560, which in turn was crossed with Clone 720 (itself a complex cross involving U. glabra, U. minor, U. wallichiana, and U. pumila) to produce Clone 1234. None of these clones has been commercially released.


North America


North America

External links

Ulmus laciniata distribution map: linnaeus.nrm.se


  1. Sasaki, Y. (1979) Der Verband Pterocaryon rhoifoliae in Japan. In: Vegetation und Landschaft Japans. Eds: Miyawaki, A., and Okuda, S. Bull. Yokohama Phytosoc. Soc. Japan. 16, 1979. pp. 213-226
  2. Ohwi, J. (1984). Flora of Japan. ISBN 978-0-87474-708-9
  3. Qian, H., Krestov, P., Fu, P.-Y., Wang, Q.-L., Song, J.-S. & Chourmouzis, C. Phytogeography of Northeast Asia. http://www.biosoil.ru/files/00000052.pdf
  4. Fu, L., Xin, Y. & Whittemore, A. (2002). Ulmaceae, in Wu, Z. & Raven, P. (eds) Flora of China, Vol. 5 (Ulmaceae through Basellaceae). Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, USA.
  5. Ware, G. (1995). Little-known elms from China: landscape tree possibilities. Journal of Arboriculture, (Nov. 1995). International Society of Arboriculture, Champaign, Illinois, USA.
  6. White, J & More, D. (2003). Trees of Britain & Northern Europe. Cassell's, London
  7. Heybroek, H. M., Goudzwaard, L, Kaljee, H. (2009). Iep of olm, karakterboom van de Lage Landen (:Elm, a tree with character of the Low Countries). KNNV, Uitgeverij. ISBN 9789050112819
  8. 8.0 8.1 Heybroek, H. M. (1981). The Japanese elm species and their value for the Dutch elm breeding program. Proceedings of the Dutch Elm Disease symposium and workshop. October 5–9, 1981, Winnipeg, Manitoba. pp 78-90
  9. Mittempergher, L. & Santini, A. (2004) The history of elm breeding. Investigacion agraria: Sistemas y recursos forestales 13(1): 161-177 (2004)
  10. Ryston Hall Arboretum catalogue, circa 1920
  11. Brookes, A. H. (2012). Disease-resistant elm cultivars, Butterfly Conservation trials report, 2nd revision, 2012. Butterfly Conservation, Hants & IoW Branch, England.
  12. Went, J. A. (1954). The Dutch elm disease - Summary of 15 years' hybridization and selection work (1937-1952). European Journal of Plant Pathology, Vol 60, 2, March 1954.
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