Tony Curzon Price
Tony Curzon Price, MA (Oxon), PhD (born 21 February 1967), the son of Swiss politician and economist, Victoria Curzon-Price and economist Gerard Curzon. He is an economist and entrepreneur educated at Lincoln College, Oxford (PPE) and University College London (PhD, Economics). He was Editor-in-Chief of and online editor at Intelligence_Squared.
He worked as an economic consultant on energy sector privatisations and with Kenneth Binmore founded the game theory consultancy company, Else Co Ltd,[1] that designed the UK 3G telecom spectrum auctions. His research centred on using evolutionary simulations for market design in the energy sector.[2]
He founded Arithmatica,[3] the electronic datapath design company in 1998 with Sunil Talwar.
While a researcher at the University College London game theory group - the ESRC Centre for Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE) - in the late 1990s, he became involved with the Town and Country Forum, founded by left wing activist Anthony Barnett and right wing philosopher Roger Scruton. The TCF brought together a good part of the team that went on to found, which, like the TCF, had the vocation of convening as broadly divergent a political conversation as possible.