Tompkins Table

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The Tompkins Table is an annual ranking that lists the Colleges of the University of Cambridge in order of their undergraduate students' performances in that year's examinations. It was created in 1981 by Peter Tompkins, then a third-year undergraduate mathematics student at Trinity College, who compiles it every year exclusively for the newspaper The Independent,[1] and is not an official University of Cambridge table.


Current rankings

Initially, it only included final year exams but since 1997 has covered all exams for which grades are allocated. The table allocates 5 points for a First Class degree, 3 points for an Upper Second (known also as a 2.i), 2 points for a Lower Second (a 2.ii), 1 point for a Third and no points for someone only granted an allowance towards an Ordinary Degree. The scores in each subject are then weighted to a common average, to avoid the bias towards colleges with higher proportions of students entered for subjects which receive higher average grades. The result is expressed as a percentage of the total number of points available. The differences between the highest places on the table are usually very slight. In the last four years Trinity College lays claim to consistently having the best results: Trinity topped the table in 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2009, as well as being second in 2010. The rankings are not officially endorsed by the University. Since Darwin College and Clare Hall admit only graduate students, they do not feature in this undergraduate ranking. Some of the mature colleges, including St. Edmund's College, Hughes Hall, Lucy Cavendish College, and Wolfson College, tend to perform relatively more poorly in the Tompkins Table, but have significantly more graduate students than undergraduate students, so the results here are not representative of the majority of the student population of each these colleges.

Most of the colleges fall within a 10% range of one another therefore the table should be taken lightly with regards to determining the academic standing of the colleges.

Below is the table for 2013:[2]

Position College Tompkins Score (%) Firsts (%)
1 Trinity College 73.66 41.7
2 Pembroke College 70.85 33.7
3 Trinity Hall 68.94 28.1
4 Emmanuel College 68.72 30.5
5 Churchill College 68.17 28.3
6 Jesus College 67.47 27.1
7 Queens' College 66.89 26.3
8 Christ's College 66.76 24.7
9 St Catharine's College 66.51 26.9
10 Peterhouse 66.41 27.8
11 Clare College 66.08 25.3
12 Downing College 66.05 23.0
13 St. John's College 65.84 25.1
14 King's College 65.49 25.9
15 Magdalene College 65.00 22.8
16 Corpus Christi College 64.94 23.9
17 Gonville and Caius College 64.85 21.1
18 Selwyn College 64.59 21.6
19 Sidney Sussex College 64.37 19.8
20 Fitzwilliam College 64.16 21.4
21 Girton College 62.92 18.5
22 Robinson College 61.95 16.2
23 Newnham College 60.92 15.8
24 Murray Edwards 60.74 13.9
25 Wolfson College 60.51 18.9
26 Homerton College 60.33 16.0
27 Hughes Hall 57.92 13.2
28 Lucy Cavendish College 57.43 13.4
29 St Edmund's College 56.35 13.4

Past rankings

College 19971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013Mean
Christ's College 32111422462813126984.9
Churchill College 15132015910919181315673105511.3
Clare College 11615963649121713188411119.6
Corpus Christi College 231881020187101688910131231612.3
Downing College 121116810812171511312151517201212.6
Emmanuel College 755322115112212242.7
Fitzwilliam College 131219211320201513191421212221192017.8
Girton College 222121181716172524222122202123222120.8
Gonville & Caius College 846128745221044111316177.8
Homerton College 252426252625252626272625.5
Hughes Hall 272729292926262727262727.3
Jesus College 2016111311910971097111687610.6
King's College 141013202114162010171819171420131415.9
Lucy Cavendish College 262627262428292929292827.4
Magdalene College 17222322221518222020135859151515.9
Murray Edwards College (formerly New Hall) 242422162324242325242323232322242423.0
Newnham College 182024242422211321232224242524232322.1
Pembroke College 591467136647106105426.2
Peterhouse 19231714192322212221251816718181018.4
Queens' College 3235555881411161217141278.6
Robinson College 21199191421231611182017191919212218.1
Selwyn College 16157712131411197413676189.8
Sidney Sussex College 417423161915181491214221816171915.1
St. Catharine's College 914101118121171351159111099.2
St. Edmund's College 292928282829282828282928.4
St. John's College 108124411131412151920142015141312.8
Trinity College 112236833563121112.9
Trinity Hall 67181715171912171616159438311.9
Wolfson College 282823272727272425252526.0

Consecutive yearly rankings 2000-2009:

Similar league tables

Baxter Tables

The University of Cambridge compiles similar tables called Baxter Tables, which rank colleges' undergraduate students by their year and subject separately and are published in September. They are compiled using published Class Lists, which do not include students who are not candidates for Honours degrees, or those who have failed to gain a degree. They are meant for internal use, being distributed to the Senior Tutors of the Colleges , with the full tables not being published publicly or outside of the Colleges or departments of the university, and some students being unaware of their existence. However, the rankings of Colleges in the Baxter Tables are sometimes referred to by the Colleges and the University in publicly available literature, and the methodology used to compile the Baxter Tables is also available. There is also a 'value-added' table, which shows how students' results improve over the course of their years at Cambridge, and is intended to give a measure or indication of the quality of teaching at the different Colleges. However, with such small sample sizes, the amount of meaningful information which can be extracted from these tables is questionable.

Norrington Table

The corresponding ranking for Oxford colleges is the Norrington Table. Since 1986, when the University of Oxford adopted split second-class degrees, the Norrington Table has adopted the same method of scoring as the Tompkins Table, but without the weighting attached to individual subject scores.

See also


External links

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