Short story collection
"The Originist" is a short story by Orson Scott Card. It appears in his short story collection Maps in a Mirror. This story is set in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation universe and was first published in the short story collection Foundation's Friends (1989).
Plot summary
The events in "The Originist" take place just after the first part of Foundation and deal with Hari Seldon's establishment of the Second Foundation.
See also
- List of works by Orson Scott Card
| Book 1: |
- Eumenides in the Fourth Floor Lavatory
- Quietus
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Fat Farm
- Closing the Timelid
- Freeway Games
- A Sepulchre of Songs
- Prior Restraint
- The Changed Man and the King of Words
- Memories of My Head
- Lost Boys
| Book 2: | |
| Book 3: | |
| Book 4: | |
| Book 5: | |