That's Life (magazine)

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That's Life
Categories real life
Total circulation
(June 2013)
Company Bauer
Country United Kingdom
Language English

That's Life! is a magazine aimed toward a young female demographic and specialises in gritty real life stories contributed by its readers. The magazine is published in the UK and Ireland by H Bauer Publishing, whose other titles include Take a Break and Bella.

In addition to real life stories, the magazine also includes weekly features such as 'Aren't Men Daft', for which readers send in examples of 'daft' behaviour by their male friends and relatives; lifestyle, health and beauty advice; 'tightwad tips' in which readers are invited to share their ideas for money-saving around the home and many other features relevant to a modern woman's lifestyle.

The magazine has an ethos of easy communication with its readers, with whom it prides itself upon a close and trusting relationship. Reader contribution are valued and respected, with substantial rewards paid for those willing to share their often heart-rending and moving stories.


External links

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