Temporopontine fibers

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Brain: Temporopontine fibers

Coronal section through mid-brain.
1. Corpora quadrigemina.
2. Cerebral aqueduct.
3. Central gray stratum.
4. Interpeduncular space.
5. Sulcus lateralis.
6. Substantia nigra.
7. Red nucleus of tegmentum.
8. Oculomotor nerve, with 8’, its nucleus of origin. a. Lemniscus (in blue) with a’ the medial lemniscus and a" the lateral lemniscus. b. Medial longitudinal fasciculus. c. Raphé. d. Temporopontine fibers. e. Portion of medial lemniscus, which runs to the lentiform nucleus and insula. f. Cerebrospinal fibers. g. Frontopontine fibers.
Latin fibrae temporopontinae
Gray's p.802
NeuroNames ancil-384

In the human nervous system the temporopontine fibers, a component of the corticopontine tract, are lateral to the cerebrospinal fibers; they originate in the temporal lobe and end in the nuclei pontis.

This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.

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