Taro Yamamoto

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Taro Yamamoto ( Yamamoto Tarō, born 24 November 1974 in Takarazuka, Hyōgo) is a Japanese actor and politician.

In 2008, he said on a TV show that the Liancourt Rocks, disputed between Japan and Korea, should be given to Korea.[1]

In 2011, he announced that he "would no longer be a silent accomplice of the terrorist nation Japan", and became a protester in the anti-nuclear movement.[2] Yamamoto, a resident of Tokyo, flew to Saga Prefecture and attempted to break into the governor's office to protest the restart of a power plant. He chanted phrases such as, "Protect our children!" "We don't need nuclear energy!" "Come out, Governor!" He did not get an audience with the governor, but said he was glad that he came.[3]

He attempted to run for a seat in the House of Representatives during the 2012 general election, but did not succeed, winning only 25% of the votes representing for the Tokyo 8th district.[4] He began an independent campaign (endorsed by the New Socialist Party[5]) to be elected to the House of Councillors in its 2013 election,[6][7][8][9] and was elected on July 21.

On October 31, 2013, he handed a political letter to the Emperor at a non-political garden party. The letter reportedly contained his complaints about the handling of the nuclear disaster. The Huffington Post reported that the action may have violated the Constitution of Japan, since the Emperor is not allowed to involve himself in political issues.[10] The Japanese Communist Party chairman Kazuo Shii inferred that Yamamoto "didn't understand the Constitution".[11] Various political leaders expressed their disappointment in Yamamoto's abuse of his legislative position,[12] as well as Beat Takeshi, who called the incident "somewhat of an insult".[13] However, the manga artist Kobayashi Yoshinori approved of the incident.[14]



  1. 山本太郎「竹島を韓国にあげる」発言 「謝罪文」が意味不明で騒動再燃
  2. 東京・高円寺で反原発を訴える大規模デモ、山本太郎も参加
  3. Nikkan Sports. 山本太郎 佐賀県庁突入「知事出てこい」
  4. "山本太郎: 東京8区 : プロフィル : 衆院選2012 : 衆院選 : 選挙 : YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)". Yomiuri.co.jp. Retrieved 2013-07-07. 
  5. 参議院議員選挙 新社会党が推薦・支持
  6. デイリースポーツ社 (2013-06-14). "山本太郎 市民の力で国会へ/芸能速報/デイリースポーツ online". Daily.co.jp. Retrieved 2013-07-07. 
  7. デイリースポーツ社. "山本太郎氏 円形脱毛4cmに広がった!/芸能/デイリースポーツ online". Daily.co.jp. Retrieved 2013-07-07. 
  8. デイリースポーツ社. "俳優山本太郎氏、無所属で立候補/政治/デイリースポーツ online". Daily.co.jp. Retrieved 2013-07-07. 
  9. デイリースポーツ社. "山本太郎出陣 円形脱毛は4cmに拡大/芸能速報/デイリースポーツ online". Daily.co.jp. Retrieved 2013-07-07. 
  10. 山本太郎氏、天皇陛下に直訴 園遊会で手紙を手渡し 請願法違反の可能性も Huffington Post (2013年11月1日). 2013年11月1日閲覧。
  11. “山本太郎議員手紙手渡し問題「マスコミが騒いだから」と反論”. フジニュースネットワーク (2013年11月1日). 2013年11月1日閲覧。
  12. 与野党が問題視 「政治利用なりかねず」
  13. たけし、山本太郎に苦言「失礼だよね」
  14. 山本太郎の件で、自民党議員はわしと対決せよ!

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