Surface dyslexia

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Surface dyslexia is a type of acquired dyslexia, a reading disorder.[1][2] According to Marshall & Newcombe's (1973) and McCarthy & Warrington's study (1990), patients with this kind of disorder cannot recognize a word as a whole due to the damage of the left parietal or temporal lobe. This means they will make mistakes once the visual appearance—the spelling—of the word is not in accordance with the pronunciation rules. But there are no difficulties in the understanding of the meaning of the word; so, they could still understand a word's meaning whilst being unable to pronounce it correctly.

Thus, patients can read the word with regular spelling and pronounce them according to pronunciation rules such as table, tape, taste. Also, they can sound out the pronounceable non-words, like glab, trisk, chint. But they will read those irregular spelling words in the wrong way, for example: instead of reading sew, pint, and yacht, they will read like sue, pinnt, and yatchet.

See also


  1. Carlson, Neil (2010). Psychology the Science of Behaviour [4th Canadian ed.] Toronto, On. Canada: Pearson Canada Inc. p. 310. ISBN 978-0-205-64524-4. 
  2. Cherney LR (2004). "Aphasia, alexia, and oral reading". Top Stroke Rehabil 11 (1): 22–36. doi:10.1310/VUPX-WDX7-J1EU-00TB. PMID 14872397. 

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