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A substring of a string S is another string S' that occurs "in" S. For example, "the best of" is a substring of "It was the best of times". This is not to be confused with subsequence, which is a generalization of substring. For example, "Itwastimes" is a subsequence of "It was the best of times", but not a substring.

Prefix and suffix are refinements of substring. A prefix of a string S is a substring of S that occurs at the beginning of S. A suffix of a string S is a substring that occurs at the end of S.


A substring (or factor) of a string T=t_{1}\dots t_{n} is a string {\hat  T}=t_{{1+i}}\dots t_{{m+i}}, where 0\leq i and m+i\leq n. A substring of a string is a prefix of a suffix of the string, and equivalently a suffix of a prefix. If {\hat  T} is a substring of T, it is also a subsequence, which is a more general concept. Given a pattern P, you can find its occurrences in a string T with a string searching algorithm. Finding the longest string which is equal to a substring of two or more strings is known as the longest common substring problem.

Example: The string ana is equal to substrings (and subsequences) of banana at two different offsets:


In the mathematical literature, substrings are also called subwords (in America) or factors (in Europe).

Not including the empty substring, the number of substrings of a string of length n where symbols only occur once, is the number of ways to choose two distinct places between symbols to start/end the substring. Including the very beginning and very end of the string, there are n+1 such places. So there are {\tbinom  {n+1}{2}}={\tfrac  {n(n+1)}{2}} non-empty substrings.


A prefix of a string T=t_{1}\dots t_{n} is a string \widehat T=t_{1}\dots t_{{m}}, where m\leq n. A proper prefix of a string is not equal to the string itself (0\leq m<n);[1] some sources[2] in addition restrict a proper prefix to be non-empty (0<m<n). A prefix can be seen as a special case of a substring.

Example: The string ban is equal to a prefix (and substring and subsequence) of the string banana:


The square subset symbol is sometimes used to indicate a prefix, so that \widehat T\sqsubseteq T denotes that \widehat T is a prefix of T. This defines a binary relation on strings, called the prefix relation, which is a particular kind of prefix order.

In formal language theory, the term prefix of a string is also commonly understood to be the set of all prefixes of a string, with respect to that language. See the article on string functions for more details.


A suffix of a string T=t_{1}\dots t_{n} is a string {\hat  T}=t_{{n-m+1}}\dots t_{{n}}, where m\leq n. A proper suffix of a string is not equal to the string itself (0\leq m<n); again, a more restricted interpretation is that it is also not empty (0<m<n). A suffix can be seen as a special case of a substring.

Example: The string nana is equal to a suffix (and substring and subsequence) of the string banana:


A suffix tree for a string is a trie data structure that represents all of its suffixes. Suffix trees have large numbers of applications in string algorithms. The suffix array is a simplified version of this data structure that lists the start positions of the suffixes in alphabetically sorted order; it has many of the same applications.


A border is suffix and prefix of the same string, e.g. "bab" is a border of "babab".


Given a set of k strings P=\{s_{1},s_{2},s_{3},\dots s_{k}\}, a superstring of the set P is single string that contains every string in P as a substring. For example, a concatenation of the strings of P in any order gives a trivial superstring of P. For a more interesting example, let P=\{{\text{abcc}},{\text{efab}},{\text{bccla}}\}. Then {\text{bcclabccefab}} is a superstring of P, and {\text{efabccla}} is another, shorter superstring of P. Generally, we are interested in finding superstrings whose length is small.


  1. Kelley, Dean (1995). Automata and Formal Languages: An Introduction. London: Prentice-Hall International. ISBN 0-13-497777-7. 
  2. Gusfield, Dan (1999) [1997]. Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology. USA: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-58519-8. 
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