Strategy Markup Language
Strategy Markup Language (StratML) is an XML-based American national standard vocabulary and schema for the information commonly contained in strategic and performance plans and reports. StratML Part 1, Strategic Plans (ANSI/AIIM 21:2009)[1] specifies the elements of strategic plans and Part 2, Performance Plans and Reports (ANSI/AIIM 22:2011)[2] extends Part 1 to include the additional elements required for performance plans and reports. Part 1 has been approved for publication as an international (ISO) standard.[3]
Sections 2 and 10 of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA) require U.S. federal agencies to publish their strategic and performance plans and reports in machine-readable format.[4][5] StratML is such a format.
Guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) notes that XML is a machine-readable format but does not require agencies to use an open, standard format.[6] However, OMB Circular A-119[7] directs agencies to use voluntary consensus standards whenever possible and OMB's open government directive requires the use of open data formats to the extent practicable.[8] In May 2013, President Obama issued an executive order, making openness and machine-readability the default for the information of the U.S. federal government,[9] and an accompanying OMB policy memo reiterated that data standards should be used.[10]
The vision of the StratML standard is: A worldwide web of intentions, stakeholders, and results. Its more explicit purposes include enabling strategic alignment through literal linkages between performance objectives and the business records supporting them.
Although the initial focus has been on the plans and reports that U.S. federal agencies are required to compile and maintain under Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), the standard has been specified generically so as to be applicable not only to all organizations, worldwide, but also to individuals who choose to lead mission/goal-directed lives.
Publishing strategic and performance plans and reports on the Web in open, standard, machine-readable format is a good practice not only for agencies at all levels of government worldwide but also all organizations whose plans and reports should be available to the public. Charitable, tax-exempt organizations have an obligation to their donors, as well as to taxpayers, to share their plans and performance data freely. Charity Navigator's 3.0 initiative focuses on the results being achieved by charities, as the primary means by which their performance should be evaluated.[11] Corporate social responsibility plans and reports should also be openly and freely available on the Web.
Performance management and management by objectives (MBO) are supported in a highly scalable manner by an open, machine-readable standard like StratML, thereby enabling the realization of network effects as well as interoperability among proliferating stovepipe[12] "dashboards"[13][14] reporting performance indicators to various stakeholder groups.[15]
- ↑ ANSI/AIIM 21:2009, Standard Recommended Practice - Strategy Markup Language - Part 1: StratML Core
- ↑ ANSI/AIIM 22: 2011, Standard Recommended Practice - Strategy Markup Language - Part 2: Performance Plans and Reports
- ↑ ISO/NP 17469-1, Document management -- Strategy markup language (StratML) -- Part 1: StratML core elements
- ↑ GPRAMA Sec. 2. Strategic Planning Amendments
- ↑ GPRAMA Sec. 10. Format of Performance Plans and Reports
- ↑ OMB Circular A-11, Part 6, Preparation and Submission of Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans, and Annual Program Performance Reports
- ↑ OMB Circular A-119, Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities
- ↑ Open Government Directive, Office of Management & Budget
- ↑ Executive Order 13642, Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information
- ↑ OMB M-13-13, Open Data Policy: Managing Information as an Asset
- ↑ Charity Navigator, Mission & Where We Are Headed
- ↑ Organizational Stovepipe - stovepipe (organisation)
- ↑ Management Information Systems Dashboard
- ↑ Business Dashboard
- ↑ Performance dashboards listed on
See also
- StratML home page on the website
- StratML home page on AIIM's website
- site
- Sociocracy & Holacracy
- WHY StratML?