Stone's Justices' Manual

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Stone's Justices' Manual is a book published by LexisNexis Butterworths. It is "the standard work on summary procedure".[1] It displaced Burn's Justices of the Peace as the standard work on that subject from 1850 onwards.[2] By 1914, it was old, well-established and formidably large.[3]


Edition Date Editor
1 to 17 1842 to 1874 Samuel Stone[4]
18 to 33 1875 to 1901 G B Kennett
34 to 53 1902 to 1921 J R Roberts
54 to 70 1922 to 1938 F B Dingle
71 to 73 1939 to 1941 F B Dingle and E J Hayward
74 to 78 1942 to 1946 E J Hayward
79 to 83 1947 to 1951 J Whiteside
84 to 100 1952 to 1968 J Whiteside and J P Wilson
101 to 105 1969 to 1973 Peter Duncan Fanner and Cecil Thomas Latham
106 to 109 1974 to 1977 Cecil Thomas Latham and John Richman
110 to 125 1978 to 1993 John Richman and A T Draycott
126 1994 A T Draycott and Stuart Baker
127 to 133 1995 to 2001 A T Draycott and A P Carr
134 to 141 2002 to 2009 A P Carr and Adrian J Turner


  • Marke, Julius J. A Catalogue of the Collection at New York University. New York University. 1953. Reprinted by the Lawbook Exchange Ltd. Page 199. (Google Books).
  • Peter Hungerford-Welch. Criminal Litigation & Sentencing. Sixth Edition. Routledge. 2004. Page 753. Digitized copy from Google Books.
  • Stone's Justices' Manual: Being the Yearly Justices' Practice for 1944. 76th Edition. Butterworth & Co. 1944. Google Books.
  • Stone's Justices Manual 2013. Lexis Nexis Butterworths.
  1. Card, Richard (editor). Card, Cross and Jones: Criminal Law. Twelfth Edition. Butterworths. 1992. ISBN 0-406-00086-7. ¶3.13.
  2. David Bentley. English Criminal Justice in the Nineteenth Century. The Hambledon Press. Continuum International Publishing Group. 1998. ISBN 9781852851354. Page 23, note 17. Digitized copy from Google Books.
  3. Alexander, G Glover. The Administration of Justice in Criminal Matters: (In England and Wales). Cambridge University Press. 1915. Reissued 1919. Reprinted 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-18348-2. Pages v and 215. Digitized copy from Google Books.
  4. Clerk to the Justices for the borough of Leceister: Charles Grevile Prideaux. A practical guide to the duties of churchwardens. 12th Ed. Shaw and Sons. London. 1871. p 2.
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