Stolarsky mean

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In mathematics, the Stolarsky mean of two positive real numbers x, y is defined as:

{\begin{aligned}S_{p}(x,y)&=\lim _{{(\xi ,\eta )\to (x,y)}}\left({{\frac  {\xi ^{p}-\eta ^{p}}{p(\xi -\eta )}}}\right)^{{1/(p-1)}}\\[10pt]&={\begin{cases}x&{\text{if }}x=y\\\left({{\frac  {x^{p}-y^{p}}{p(x-y)}}}\right)^{{1/(p-1)}}&{\text{else}}\end{cases}}\end{aligned}}

It is derived from the mean value theorem, which states that a secant line, cutting the graph of a differentiable function f at (x,f(x)) and (y,f(y)), has the same slope as a line tangent to the graph at some point \xi in the interval [x,y].

\exists \xi \in [x,y]\ f'(\xi )={\frac  {f(x)-f(y)}{x-y}}

The Stolarsky mean is obtained by

\xi =f'^{{-1}}\left({\frac  {f(x)-f(y)}{x-y}}\right)

when choosing f(x)=x^{p}.

Special cases


You can generalize the mean to n + 1 variables by considering the mean value theorem for divided differences for the nth derivative. You obtain

S_{p}(x_{0},\dots ,x_{n})={f^{{(n)}}}^{{-1}}(n!\cdot f[x_{0},\dots ,x_{n}]) for f(x)=x^{p}.

See also


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