Stanley Praimnath

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Stanley Praimnath is a survivor of the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Praimnath worked as an executive for Fuji Bank on the 81st floor of the South Tower, the second to be attacked. He was one of four survivors from the South Tower above the 80th floor.


When the North Tower was struck by Flight 11, Praimnath started to evacuate from his 81st floor office in the South Tower, but returned when the building's security guards told everyone that the South Tower was secure, and that they should return to their office. He did not realize, at that point, that a plane had struck the North Tower. Soon after reentering his office, he saw a United Airlines jet heading directly towards him. Right before impact, he dove under his desk and exclaimed "Lord, I can't do this! You take over!" The left wing sliced through his office and became lodged in a door twenty feet from him.[1]

Praimnath was bruised and covered in debris, but when he heard Brian Clark and a group of people discussing whether to descend through the impact zone using the stairwell, which they had been told was impassable, or climb to the roof, he attracted Clark's attention. By the time Clark got Praimnath free, Clark's group was gone. (Clark's group all deceased, because they decided to go to the upper floors of the World Trade Center) The two men decided to descend the stairwell and found that, although the walls were demolished, the concrete stairs themselves were intact. They were two of only four survivors from above the impact zone.[2]


Praimnath's and others' stories were told on the BBC docudrama 9/11: The Twin Towers (a.k.a. Inside the Twin Towers). His story was also chronicled on the 2006 documentary United by 9/11. The dramatization shows Praimnath as having an office near the center, but in reality he had a southwest office.

See also


  1. Christina Lopes (September 6, 2002). "A miraculous descent". CTV News. Retrieved August 5, 2007. 
  2. Robert Kolker (August 27, 2011). "Stairwell A: The only way out". New York. 

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