Standing committee (Canada)

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In Canada, a standing committee is a permanent committee established by Standing Orders of the House of Commons. It may study matters referred to it by special order or, within its area of responsibility in the Standing Orders, may undertake studies on its own initiative. There are currently 23 standing committees (including two standing joint committees) in the House and 18 in the Senate, many with particular responsibilities to examine the administration, policy development, and budgetary estimates of certain government departments and agencies. Certain standing committees are also given mandates to examine matters that have government-wide implications (e.g. official languages policy, multiculturalism policy) or that may not relate to a particular department (e.g. procedure of the House of Commons).

House of Commons standing committees Senate standing committees
Aboriginal Peoples About Members
Agriculture and Forestry About Members
Banking, Trade, and Commerce About Members
Conflict of Interest for Senators About Members
Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources About Members
Fisheries and Oceans About Members
Foreign Affairs and International Trade About Members
Human Rights About Members
Internal Economy, Budgets, and Administration About Members
Legal and Constitutional Affairs About Members
National Finance About Members
National Security and Defence About Members
subcommittee on Veterans Affairs About Members
Official Languages About Members
Rules, Procedure and the Rights of Parliament About Members
Selection Committee About Members
Social Affairs, Science and Technology About Members
Transport and Communication About Members

See also

  • Standing committee

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