Spanish Episcopal Conference

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The Spanish Episcopal Conference (SEC) is an administrative institution and permanent composed of all the bishops of the dioceses of Spain, in communion with the Roman Pontiff and under his authority, for the joint exercise certain pastoral functions of the episcopate on the faithful of their territory, under common law and statutes, in order to promote the life of the Church, to strengthen its mission of evangelization and respond more effectively to the greater good that the Church should seek to men.

Base teacher

The documents outline the very life and work of the 113 Episcopal Conferences, which are currently in the world, are: " Lumen Gentium"(23)," Christus Dominus "(37-38)," Ecclesiae Imago "(211), " Sanctae Ecclesiae "(41)," Apostolos Suos "and the Code of Canon Law (cc.447-459).

The Spanish Episcopal Conference was constituted by rescript of the Sacred Consistorial Congregation , protocol No. 1.047/64, of 03.10.1966. Public legal personality ecclesiastical and civil 2 under the Agreement on Legal Affairs of 03.01.1979 between the Holy See and the Spanish State.

His first Statute was adopted by the Constituent Assembly in the year 1966 and ratified the same year by Pope Paul VI "ad quinquenium" (five years). He received the ultimate recognition, on February 5, 1977, by decree of the Congregation for Bishops . Subsequently, the LI Plenary Assembly approved in November 1989 amending some articles, confirmed by the Congregation for Bishops, by decree of February 5 of 1991. The last renovation was approved by the Plenary Assembly XCII Spanish Episcopal Conference ( 24 - November 28, 2008) and confirmed by Decree of the Congregation for Bishops on 19 December of that year. Under Article 2 of the Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), are full members of the Archbishops and Bishops diocesan Archbishop military, the Archbishops and Bishops Coadjutor and Auxiliary, the apostolic administrators and diocesan administrator in addition to the Archbishops and Bishops emeriti members and special office at the national level, entrusted by the Holy See or the Episcopal Conference. All the Spanish Bishops pastoral office have voice and vote in the Plenary Assembly, the Bishops Emeritus (retired), without pastoral charge, only a consultative vote. 3 charges are elected for three years (three years) and may not exceed three terms, except the Secretary General is elected for five years (five years).

Presidents of the Spanish Episcopal Conference

The Chair moderates the overall activity of the conference and represents it legally. Take care of the relations of the Episcopal Conference with the Holy See and with other episcopal conferences. Convenes and chairs meetings of the Plenary Assembly and the Permanent Commission and Executive Committee. The Chairman has a duration of three years. Throughout the history of the Episcopal Conference of bishops who have presided have been:

Fernando Quiroga Palacios, Cardinal ( 1966–1969)

Casimiro Morcillo Gonzalez ( 1969–1971)

Vicente Enrique y Tarancon, Cardinal (1971–1981, completed the 1969-1972 triennium death of Casimiro Morcillo, and three year periods)

Gabino Diaz Merchan (1981–1987)

Suquía Angel Goicoechea, Cardinal (1987–1993, two terms)

Elias Yanes Alvarez (1993–1999, two terms)

Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Cardinal (1999–2005, two terms).

Ricardo Blázquez Pérez (2005–2008, three years).

Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Cardinal ( 2008 - ...)

Vice Presidents of the Spanish Episcopal Conference

Casimiro Morcillo Gonzalez (1966–1969)

Vicente Enrique y Tarancon, Cardinal (1969–1971)

José María Bueno Monreal, Cardinal (1972–1978)

José María Cirarda Lachiondo (1978–1981)

Jose Delicado Baeza (1981–1987)

Elias Yanes Alvarez (1987–1993)

Fernando Sebastian Aguilar ( 1993–1999)

Ricardo María Carles Gordo, Cardinal (1999–2002)

Fernando Sebastian Aguilar (2002–2005)

Antonio Cañizares, Cardinal (2005–2008)

Ricardo Blázquez Pérez (2008 - ...)

General Secretaries of the Spanish Episcopal Conference

1966 - 1972 - Jose Guerra Campos.

1972 - 1977 - Elias Yanes Alvarez.

1977 - 1982 - Jesus Rodriguez Iribarren.

1982 - 1988 - Fernando Sebastian Aguilar.

1988 - 1993 - Agustin Garcia-Gasco Vicente, Cardinal.

1993 - 1998 - Jose Sanchez Gonzalez.

1998 - 2003 - Juan Jose Asenjo Pelegrina.

2003 - Juan Antonio Martinez Camino. [ edit ] Executive Committee of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (triennium 2011-2014)

The Executive Committee consists of the following members: Three by reason of his position: President, Vice President and Secretary General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. The Archbishop of Madrid, if it has one of the charges listed. Three more Bishops elected for this purpose from among the full members of the Conference, or four if the Archbishop of Madrid is one of the charges listed. These bishops may not hold office in any Episcopal Commission.

Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Articles 24 § 2. Currently it: President: Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid Cardinal. Vice President: Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, Archbishop of Valladolid . Secretary General: Juan Antonio Martinez Camino SJ, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid . Members: Juan del Rio Martin, Archbishop Military, Juan Jose Asenjo Pelegrina, Archbishop of Sevilla, Julián Barrio Barrio, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela and Francisco Pérez González, Archbishop of Pamplona and Tudela Bishop

Committees of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (triennium 2011-2014)

The Episcopal Commissions are bodies established by the Conference, the service of the Plenary Assembly for the study and treatment of some problems in a particular field of common pastoral activity of the Church in Spain, in accordance with the general guidelines adopted by the Assembly Whole. Each Episcopal Commission consist of a Chairman and a variable number of members as determined by the Plenary Assembly at the proposal of the Standing Committee. Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Articles 29 and 31 § 1. Thus, the Plenary Assembly XCVII (March 2011) found the chairs in the following bishops: President of the Lay Apostolate EC: Carlos Osoro Sierra, Archbishop of Valencia. President of the EC of the Clergy: Jesus E. Ibanez Catala, Bishop of Malaga. President of the EC for the Doctrine of the Faith: Adolfo Gonzalez Montes, Bishop of Almeria. EC President Education and Catechesis: Casimiro Lopez Llorente, Bishop of Segovia-Castellón. EC President Liturgy: Cardinal Luis María Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona. President of the European Social Media: Juan Piris Frígola, Bishop of Lerida. President of the European Migration: Ciriaco Benavente Mateos, Bishop of Albacete. EC President Mission and Cooperation between the Churches: Braulio Rodríguez Plaza, Archbishop of Toledo and primate of Spain. President of the EC's Pastoral: Sebastia Taltavull Anglada, Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona. President of the Social Pastoral EC: Santiago Garcia Aracil, Archbishop of Mérida-Barajoz. President of the European Cultural Heritage: Jesus Garcia Burillo, Bishop of Avila. EC President Interfaith Relations: Francisco Javier Martinez Fernandez, Archbishop of Granada. President of the EC for Seminaries and Universities: Josep Angel Saiz Meneses, Bishop of Terrace. EC President for Religious Life: Vicente Jimenez Zamora, Bishop of Santander].

Other Charges

Council of the Presidency

The Cardinals are members of the Conference of the Council Presidency of the same. The Papal Representative is honorary member of the Governing Board, when attending meetings of the Conference or by mandate of the Holy See, or by request of the same Conference expressed by its President, and always in the opening session of each Plenary Assembly. Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Article 5 and 7. Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid and President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. Ricardo Perez Bláquez, Archbishop of Valladolid and Vice President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid and Secretary General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. Lluís Maria Martínez Sistach, Cardinal-Archbishop of Barcelona.

Presidents of Episcopal Subcommittees

Family and Defense of Life: Juan Antonio Reig Pla, Bishop of Alcala de Henares Catechesis: Javier Salinas Viñals, Bishop of Tortosa Universities: Agustin Cortes Soriano, Bishop of Sant Feliu de Llobregat

Episcopal Board of Legal Affairs

Chairman: D. Bishop Carlos Lopez Hernandez, Bishop of Salamanca

Council of Economic


Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Cardinal Archbishop of Madrid and President of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (member equity).


Juan Antonio Martinez Camino SJ, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid and Secretary General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (member equity). Antonio Algora Hernando, Bishop of Ciudad Real . Rafael Palmero Ramos, Bishop of Orihuela-Alicante . Joan Enric Vives i SAR Sicily, Archbishop-Bishop of Urgell and Co-Prince of Andorra . Don Fernando Giménez Barriocanal, Deputy Secretary of Economic Affairs (member equity).

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is the body that looks after the preparation of the Plenary Assemblies and the implementation of decisions taken on them. The Standing Committee shall consist of: President, Vice President and Secretary General of the Conference, which will also Permanent Commission. The Presidents of the Episcopal Commissions of the fixed and those mentioned in Art. 17, 7, or, if this is not a member of the same Bishop. The Metropolitan Church that Province who has not, in any other capacity, any of its members in the Standing Committee. The Presidents of the Regions Ecclesiastical they do not belong in any other capacity to the Standing Committee. The bishops elected to the Executive Committee, pursuant to art. 24 § 2, 3. º. A cardinal, in order of precedence, which is a full member of the Conference and not part of the Permanent Commission for another title. The Archbishop of Madrid, if not a member of the Standing Commission for another title. Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Articles 18 and 19. Thus, members of the Standing Committee will be members of the Executive Committee and the chairmen of the committees that are: Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid (President). Ricardo Blázquez Pérez, Archbishop of Valladolid (Vice President). Juan Antonio Martinez Camino, Auxiliary Bishop of Madrid (Secretary General). Juan del Rio Martin, Archbishop Military of Spain (member of Executive Committee). Juan Jose Asenjo Pelegrina, Archbishop of Seville (Executive Committee member). Julián Barrio Barrio, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela (Executive Committee member). Francisco Pérez González, Archbishop of Pamplona and Tudela Bishop (Executive Committee member). Osoro Carlos Sierra, Archbishop of Valencia (President of the Lay Apostolate EC). Jesus E. Ibanez Catala, Bishop of Málaga (President of the EC of the Clergy). Adolfo Gonzalez Montes, Bishop of Almería (President of the EC for the Doctrine of the Faith). Casimiro Lopez Llorente, Bishop of Segovia-Castellón (President of the European Education and Catechesis). Cardinal Luis María Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona (President of the EC Liturgy). Juan Piris Frígola, Bishop of Lerida (President of the EC Social Media). Ciriaco Benavente Mateos, Bishop of Albacete (President of the European Migration). Braulio Rodríguez Plaza, Archbishop of Toledo (President of the EC Mission and Cooperation between the Churches). Sebastia Taltavull Anglada, Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona (Chairman of the Pastoral EC). Santiago García Aracil, Archbishop of Mérida-Barajoz (Chairman of the Social Pastoral EC). Jesus Garcia Burillo, Bishop of Avila (President of the European Cultural Heritage). Francisco Javier Martinez Fernandez, Archbishop of Granada (President of the Interfaith Relations EC). Josep Angel Saiz Meneses, Bishop of Terrassa (President of the European Commission for Seminaries and Universities). Vicente Jimenez Zamora, Bishop of Santander (President of the EC for Consecrated Life). Francisco Gil Hellin, Archbishop of Burgos (Representative of the Ecclesiastical Province of Burgos). Manuel Ureña Pastor, Archbishop of Zaragoza (Representative of the Ecclesiastical Province of Zaragoza).

Plenary Assembly

The Plenary Assembly is the supreme organ of the Episcopal Conference, and is composed of all members of the same. are full members of the Conference: The archbishops and diocesan bishops, Archbishop Military, Archbishops and Bishops Coadjutor and Auxiliary Managers and Administrators Diocesan Apostolic, and the Archbishops and Bishops emeriti members and to play a distinctive role in the national level, entrusted by the Holy See or the Episcopal Conference. Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Article 8 § 1 and 2. List of members of the Plenary Assembly.

Territorially, the system diocese of the Catholic Church of Spain divides the country into 70 dioceses (14 of them Archdiocese), each headed by a bishop (or Archbishop). These, in turn, meet in fourteen ecclesiastical provinces, each in charge of their respective archbishop.

List of Spanish dioceses

For complete information regarding the dioceses of Spain (address, phone, website, email address and name of the bishop) can read the List of the Roman Catholic dioceses of Spain


Maximum shareholders Radio Popular SA (COPE, Cadena 100).


Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Article 1, § 1

See Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Article 1, § 3

See Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Article 3, § 1

See Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Article 31, § 2 and Article 40, § 1

See Statutes of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Arts. 27 § 1, 27 § 1 and 28 § 1

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