South Wolds Academy
The South Wolds Academy & Sixth Form (formerly known as South Wolds Community School) is a Secondary School and Sixth Form with academy status located on Church Drive in Keyworth, Nottingham. It teaches students ages 11–18, and is non-denominational. It was opened in 1967, and has about a thousand students.
The school converted to an Academy on the 1st June 2012.
The Academy is a specialist Language College, and offers French, German, Spanish and Japanese, with links to a school in Nagano, Japan. Japanese being the only exception to the vast majority of schools in England.
A new school uniform was introduced in September 2013.
Sixth Form
Sixth Form are not obliged to wear uniform, and are allowed use of their mobile phones during break and lunchtime. The "Number 6" coffee shop offers Sixth Form students more independence from the rest of the school.
Extra Curricular Activities
The Academy offers the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver Award and has partner schools in France, Germany, Spain and Japan. From September 2013 students in the sixth form can participate in the DofE Gold Award. Key Stage 3 students have the opportunity to participate in South Wolds Extra and South Wolds Pledge.
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