Slobodan Lang

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Prof. dr. sc.
Slobodan Lang
Born (1945-10-08) 8 October 1945
Zagreb, SFR Yugoslavia, (now Croatia)
Nationality Croat
Alma mater University of Zagreb
Occupation Physician
Political party
Democratic Centre[1] (formerly: Croatian Democratic Union)
Relatives Rikard Lang

Prof. dr. sc. Slobodan Lang (born 8 October 1945 in Zagreb, Croatia) is Croatian physician, politician and former personal adviser of the first Croatian president Franjo Tuđman.

Background and education

Lang was born on 8 October 1945 in Zagreb. His father was prominent Croatian university professor Rikard Lang and his mother was from notable Dubrovnik family Sorkočević. Lang paternal grandfather Ignjat Lang was president of the Jewish community Vinkovci and his grandmother Terezija was a housewife. In 1941 Catholic priest Hijacint Bošković, distinguished Dubrovnik and Croatian Dominican, was engaged in an extraordinary attempt to rescue the Langs from Nazi persecution. Bošković traveled from Dubrovnik to Vinkovci with a special permit that allowed him to relocate the Langs to Dubrovnik. Langs grandfather refused to leave, saying that he "was the president of Jews in peace and he will stay one in the war". Both of his grandparents were killed at the Jasenovac concentration camp during the Holocaust.[2][3][4] He graduated at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine and is specialist in social medicine.

Later life and career

Since 1986 until 1990 Lang was a member of the executive council of the city of Zagreb and secretary of secretariat of health. He co-organized convoy Libertas in 1991 during the Croatian War of Independence, to bring humanitarian aid to bounded Dubrovnik. In 1991 Lang organized a protest against JNA in Zagreb and protest against anti-semitism.[5] He is the president of the Croatian Healthy Cities Network, vice president of the Croatian Association of Public Health. He is also a member of several editorial boards of medical and other journals, member of the Committee for Human Rights and Peace of Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences, honorary member of the Croatian Red Cross and honorary member of the Croatian Helsinki Committee. Lang is President of the assembly of the Croatian-American Society. He is the author of more than 100 professional and scientific articles, and has authored and co-authored several books.[6] Lang was a personal adviser to President Franjo Tuđman for humanitarian affairs in the period since 1993 until 2000. Lang considers himself to be Croat Jew[7] and believes in Jesus Christ. He stated that Jesus Christ appeared to him several times.[8] Lang is also a member of Jewish community Zagreb.[6] On February 12, 2010 Lang was seriously injured in a car accident, but fortunately he recovered from his injuries.[9]

In 2012 Lang critically resented the statements of Croatia President Ivo Josipović, when he addressed the Israel Knesset on February 2012, who apologized for the crimes committed against the Jews in Croatia during World War II. He accused Josipović for left wing Antisemitism, insulting Croats, Jews and Franjo Tuđman for not recognising the communist crimes of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia against the Croats and Jews.[10] Lang stated: "Josipović spoke in the Knesset without truth, justice, accountability and good for Croatia, Israel and the world. President Ivo Josipović was supposed to deliver a speech in Israel about the two small nations who have shown that there are no small nations. Members of the Knesset should have heard about the pride of Croats from the man whom the Croatian people entrusted to speak about the truth and good, to present the Croatian experience of suffering, trials, persecutions and slander, with the aim of joint efforts for the good of our peoples and for the good of all mankind."[7]

See also

Rikard Lang


  1. Slobodan Lang, službena stranica Demokratskog centra (In Croatian)
  2. (1992-06-21). Globus. Retrieved on 2011-04-30. "Moja baka Terezija Lang i moj djed Ignjat Lang bili su Židovi. Živjeli su u Vinkovcima. On je bio predsjednik Židovske općine, a ona vrlo poštovana domaćica i gospođa predratnih Vinkovaca. Rat su dočekali u Vinkovcima. Godine 1941. fra Hijacint Bošković, jedan od cijenjenih dubrovačkih i hrvatskih dominikanaca, izvanredno se angažirao u pokušaju da ih spasi. S tom je svrhom putovao iz Dubrovnika u Vinkovce. Sa sobom je imao posebnu dozvolu da moga djeda i baku povede u Dubrovnik. Od najranijeg djetinjstva odgajan sam u osjećaju zahvalnosti prema fra Hijacintu, dominikancima i svim fratrima. Nažalost, ponos cijele obitelji, moj djed, odbio je napustiti Vinkovce, rekavši fra Hijacintu: "Bio sam predsjednik Židova u miru i ostat ću to i u ratu." Već sam prije opisao kako je ubijen. Moja baka, zajedno s njim, odvedena je u koncentracioni logor, premda je već bolovala od zloćudne bolesti. U logoru joj, međutim, nisu dopustili ni da umre od te bolesti, nego su je na strašan način ubili."
  3. "Slobodan Lang intervju". (in Croatian) (Veritas). 
  4. "U Hrvatskoj nije prepoznato dobro". (in Croatian) (Matica hrvatska). 
  5. "'Prof. dr. sc. Slobodan Lang, dr .med.'". (in Croatian) (Zdravi gradovi). 
  6. 6.0 6.1 "'Doc.dr. Slobodan Lang, Životopis voditelja'". (in Croatian) (Međunarodni studij menadžmenta u zdravstvu). 
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Dr. Slobodan Lang o predsjednikovu govoru u Izraelu". (in Croatian) (Hrvatski list). 
  8. "Isus mi se ukazuje godinama". (in Croatian) (Tjedno). 
  9. "'Slobodan Lang teško stradao vraćajući se s mise za Stepinca'". (in Croatian) (Jutarnji list). 
  10. "Slobodan Lang: Josipovićev govor u Knessetu primjer je lijevog antisemitizma". (in Croatian). 
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