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Skynd is a troll in a Danish legend from Skjelverod, near Ringsted. Skynd lived in a hill, and from just one man in the village of Englerup stole three wives. One evening the man was riding home from Ringsted, and as he passed the hill he saw a crowd of Hill-folk dancing round it. But on looking a little closer, he saw his three wives among them. He called to Kirsten, who had been his favourite. Skynd then approached, and asked the man why he had dared to call on Kirsten. The man explained how Kirsten had been his best loved wife, and begged Skynd to return her. The troll agreed, on condition, that he should never hurry her (skynde is Danish for 'hurry'). For many years, the husband kept his promise until one day, when Kirsten was getting something from the attic, and took a long time, he called out, "Hurry up, Kirsten!" (in Danish, "Skynd dig Kirsten!). No sooner had he spoken the words, when the woman was gone, compelled to return to the hill, which has ever since been called Kirsten's Bjerg.

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