Shanks transformation

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In numerical analysis, the Shanks transformation is a non-linear series acceleration method to increase the rate of convergence of a sequence. This method is named after Daniel Shanks, who rediscovered this sequence transformation in 1955. It was first derived and published by R. Schmidt in 1941.[1]

One can calculate only a few terms of a perturbation expansion, usually no more than two or three, and almost never more than seven. The resulting series is often slowly convergent, or even divergent. Yet those few terms contain a remarkable amount of information, which the investigator should do his best to extract.
This viewpoint has been persuasively set forth in a delightful paper by Shanks (1955), who displays a number of amazing examples, including several from fluid mechanics.

Milton D. Van Dyke (1975) Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics, p. 202.


For a sequence \left\{a_{m}\right\}_{{m\in {\mathbb  {N}}}} the series

A=\sum _{{m=0}}^{\infty }a_{m}\,

is to be determined. First, the partial sum A_{n} is defined as:

A_{n}=\sum _{{m=0}}^{n}a_{m}\,

and forms a new sequence \left\{A_{n}\right\}_{{n\in {\mathbb  {N}}}}. Provided the series converges, A_{n} will approach in the limit to A as n\to \infty . The Shanks transformation S(A_{n}) of the sequence A_{n} is defined as[2][3]

S(A_{n})={\frac  {A_{{n+1}}\,A_{{n-1}}\,-\,A_{n}^{2}}{A_{{n+1}}-2A_{n}+A_{{n-1}}}}

and forms a new sequence. The sequence S(A_{n}) often converges more rapidly than the sequence A_{n}. Further speed-up may be obtained by repeated use of the Shanks transformation, by computing S^{2}(A_{n})=S(S(A_{n})), S^{3}(A_{n})=S(S(S(A_{n}))), etc.

Note that the non-linear transformation as used in the Shanks transformation is of similar form as used in Aitken's delta-squared process. But while Aitken's method operates on the coefficients \left\{a_{m}\right\} of the original sequence, the Shanks transformation operates on the partial sums A_{n}.


Absolute error as a function of n in the partial sums A_{n} and after applying the Shanks transformation once or several times: S(A_{n}), S^{2}(A_{n}) and S^{3}(A_{n}). The series used is \scriptstyle 4\left(1-{\frac  13}+{\frac  15}-{\frac  17}+{\frac  19}-\cdots \right), which has the exact sum \pi .

As an example, consider the slowly convergent series[3]

4\sum _{{k=0}}^{\infty }(-1)^{k}{\frac  {1}{2k+1}}=4\left(1-{\frac  {1}{3}}+{\frac  {1}{5}}-{\frac  {1}{7}}+\cdots \right)

which has the exact sum π  3.14159265. The partial sum A_{6} has only one digit accuracy, while six-figure accuracy requires summing about 400,000 terms.

In the table below, the partial sums A_{n}, the Shanks transformation S(A_{n}) on them, as well as the repeated Shanks transformations S^{2}(A_{n}) and S^{3}(A_{n}) are given for n up to 12. The figure to the right shows the absolute error for the partial sums and Shanks transformation results, clearly showing the improved accuracy and convergence rate.

n A_{n} S(A_{n}) S^{2}(A_{n}) S^{3}(A_{n})
0 4.00000000
1 2.66666667 3.16666667
2 3.46666667 3.13333333 3.14210526
3 2.89523810 3.14523810 3.14145022 3.14159936
4 3.33968254 3.13968254 3.14164332 3.14159086
5 2.97604618 3.14271284 3.14157129 3.14159323
6 3.28373848 3.14088134 3.14160284 3.14159244
7 3.01707182 3.14207182 3.14158732 3.14159274
8 3.25236593 3.14125482 3.14159566 3.14159261
9 3.04183962 3.14183962 3.14159086 3.14159267
10 3.23231581 3.14140672 3.14159377 3.14159264
11 3.05840277 3.14173610 3.14159192 3.14159266
12 3.21840277 3.14147969 3.14159314 3.14159265

The Shanks transformation S(A_{1}) already has two-digit accuracy, while the original partial sums only establish the same accuracy at A_{{24}}. Remarkably, S^{3}(A_{3}) has six digits accuracy, obtained from repeated Shank transformations applied to the first seven terms A_{0}, ... , A_{6}. As said before, A_{n} only obtains 6-digit accuracy after about summing 400,000 terms.


The Shanks transformation is motivated by the observation that — for larger n — the partial sum A_{n} quite often behaves approximately as[2]

A_{n}=A+\alpha q^{n},\,

with |q|<1 so that the sequence converges transiently to the series result A for n\to \infty . So for n-1, n and n+1 the respective partial sums are:

A_{{n-1}}=A+\alpha q^{{n-1}}\quad ,\qquad A_{n}=A+\alpha q^{n}\qquad {\text{and}}\qquad A_{{n+1}}=A+\alpha q^{{n+1}}.

These three equations contain three unknowns: A, \alpha and q. Solving for A gives[2]

A={\frac  {A_{{n+1}}\,A_{{n-1}}\,-\,A_{n}^{2}}{A_{{n+1}}-2A_{n}+A_{{n-1}}}}.

In the (exceptional) case that the denominator is equal to zero: then A_{n}=A for all n.

Generalized Shanks transformation

The generalized kth-order Shanks transformation is given as the ratio of the determinants:[4]

S_{k}(A_{n})={\frac  {{\begin{vmatrix}A_{{n-k}}&\cdots &A_{{n-1}}&A_{n}\\\Delta A_{{n-k}}&\cdots &\Delta A_{{n-1}}&\Delta A_{{n}}\\\Delta A_{{n-k+1}}&\cdots &\Delta A_{{n}}&\Delta A_{{n+1}}\\\vdots &&\vdots &\vdots \\\Delta A_{{n-1}}&\cdots &\Delta A_{{n+k-2}}&\Delta A_{{n+k-1}}\\\end{vmatrix}}}{{\begin{vmatrix}1&\cdots &1&1\\\Delta A_{{n-k}}&\cdots &\Delta A_{{n-1}}&\Delta A_{{n}}\\\Delta A_{{n-k+1}}&\cdots &\Delta A_{{n}}&\Delta A_{{n+1}}\\\vdots &&\vdots &\vdots \\\Delta A_{{n-1}}&\cdots &\Delta A_{{n+k-2}}&\Delta A_{{n+k-1}}\\\end{vmatrix}}}},

with \Delta A_{p}=A_{{p+1}}-A_{p}. It is the solution of a model for the convergence behaviour of the partial sums A_{n} with k distinct transients:

A_{n}=A+\sum _{{p=1}}^{k}\alpha _{p}q_{p}^{n}.

This model for the convergence behaviour contains 2k+1 unknowns. By evaluating the above equation at the elements A_{{n-k}},A_{{n-k+1}},\ldots ,A_{{n+k}} and solving for A, the above expression for the kth-order Shanks transformation is obtained. The first-order generalized Shanks transformation is equal to the ordinary Shanks transformation: S_{1}(A_{n})=S(A_{n}).

The generalized Shanks transformation is closely related to Padé approximants and Padé tables.[4]

See also


  1. Weniger (2003).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bender & Orszag (1999), pp. 368–375.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Van Dyke (1975), pp. 202–205.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Bender & Orszag (1999), pp. 389–392.


  • Shanks, D. (1955), "Non-linear transformation of divergent and slowly convergent sequences", Journal of Mathematics and Physics 34: 1–42 
  • Schmidt, R. (1941), "On the numerical solution of linear simultaneous equations by an iterative method", Philosophical Magazine 32: 369–383 
  • Van Dyke, M.D. (1975), Perturbation methods in fluid mechanics (annotated ed.), Parabolic Press, ISBN 0-915760-01-0 
  • Bender, C.M.; Orszag, S.A. (1999), Advanced mathematical methods for scientists and engineers, Springer, ISBN 0-387-98931-5 
  • Weniger, E.J. (2003). "Nonlinear sequence transformations for the acceleration of convergence and the summation of divergent series". arXiv:math.NA/0306302v1.
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