Sensory processing disorder

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Sensory processing disorder (SPD) (formerly known as "sensory integration dysfunction") is a condition that exists when sensory signals don't integrate to provide appropriate responses, the various types of sensory information are processed by multisensory integration.[1] Different people experience a wide range of difficulties when processing input coming from a variety of senses. For example, some people find wool fabrics itchy and hard to wear while others don't and some individuals might experience motion sickness while riding amusement park rides, while their friends are having fun. However, sensory processing disorder is characterized by significant problems to organize sensation coming from the body and the environment and manifested by difficulties in the performance in one or more of the main areas of life: productivity, leisure and play[2] or activities of daily living.[3]

Sensory processing was defined by psychologist Anna Jean Ayres in 1972 as "the neurological process that organizes sensation from one's own body and from the environment and makes it possible to use the body effectively within the environment".[4][5] The senses provide information from various modalities, vision, audition, tactile, olfactory, taste, proprioception, vestibular system; in order to adequately function. The mid-brain and brain stem regions of the central nervous system are early centers in the processing pathway for multisensory integration. These brain regions are involved in processes including coordination, attention, arousal, and autonomic function. After sensory information passes through these centers, it is then routed to brain regions responsible for emotions, memory, and higher level cognitive functions.


Sensory processing disorders are classified into three broad categories: sensory modulation disorder, sensory based motor disorders and sensory discrimination disorders.[6][7][8]

  • Sensory modulation disorder (SMD) consists of over-responding,[6][9] or under-responding to sensory stimuli or seeking sensory stimulation. Sensory modulation refers to a complex central nervous system process[6][10] by which neural messages that convey information about the intensity, frequency, duration, complexity, and novelty of sensory stimuli are adjusted.[11] Subtypes are over-responsivity, under-responsivity and sensory craving (seeking)[12]
This group may include a fearful and/or anxious pattern, negative and/or stubborn behaviors, self-absorbed behaviors that are difficult to engage or creative or actively seeking sensation.[12]
  • Sensory-based motor disorder (SBMD) shows motor output that is disorganized as a result of incorrect processing of sensory information affecting postural control challenges, resulting in postural disorder, and/or developmental coordination disorder.[6][13]
  • Sensory discrimination disorder (SDD), or incorrect processing of sensory information. Incorrect processing of visual or auditory input, for example, may be seen in inattentiveness, disorganization, and poor school performance. Subtypes are: visual, auditory, tactile, taste/smell, position/movement, interoception.[6]


Current research in sensory processing is focusing on finding the neurological causes of SPD. EEG[14] and measuring event-related potential are traditionally used to explore the causes behind the behaviors observed in SPD. Some of the proposed underlying causes by current research are:

EEG recording
  • People with sensory over-responsivity might have increased D2 receptor in the striatum, related to aversion to tactile stimuli and reduced habituation. In animal models, prenatal stress significantly increased tactile avoidance.[17]
  • Recent research found an abnormal white matter microstructure in children with SPD, compared to typical children and those with other neurological disorders such as autism and ADHD.[18]

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms may vary according to the disorder's type and subtype present.

People suffering from over-responsivity might:

  • Dislike textures in fabrics, foods, grooming products or other materials found in daily living, to which most people would not react. This dislike interferes with normal function, for instance a child who refuses to wear socks or an adult who is so "picky" they can't go to restaurants with friends.
  • Get so car sick they refuse to be in a moving vehicle.
  • Refuse to kiss or hug, not because they don't like the person, but because the sensation of skin contact can be very negative.
  • Feel seriously discomforted, sick or threatened by normal sounds, lights, movements, smells, tastes, or even inner sensations as heartbeat.

People suffering from under-responsivity might:

  • Fidget excessively
  • Seek or make loud, disturbing noises
  • Suck on or bite clothing, fingers, pencils, etc.


Sensory processing disorder is not recognized as a mental disorder in any of the medical manuals, such as the ICD-10[19] or the DSM-5.[20]

Diagnosis is primarily arrived at by the use of standardized tests, standardized questionnaires, expert observational scales, and free play observation at an Occupational Therapist gym. Observation of functional activities might be carried at school and home as well. Some scales that are not exclusively used in SPD evaluations are used to measure visual perception, function, neurology and motor skills.[21]

Depending on the country, diagnosis is made by different professionals, such as occupational therapists, psychologists, learning specialists, physiotherapists and/or speech and language therapists.[22] In some countries it is recommended to have a full psychological and neurological evaluation if symptoms are too severe.


Standardized tests

  • Sensory Integration and Praxis Test. (SIPT)
  • DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration (TSI)
  • Test of Sensory Functions in Infants (TSFI)[23]

Standardized questionnaires

  • Sensory Profile, (SP)[24]
  • Infant/Toddler Sensory Profile[23]
  • Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile
  • Sensory Profile School Companion
  • Sensory Processing Measure (SPM)[25]
  • Sensory Processing Measure Preeschool (SPM-P)[26]

Other tests used


Several therapies have been developed to treat SPD.

Sensory integration therapy, Jean Ayres

The main form of sensory integration therapy is a type of occupational therapy that places a child in a room specifically designed to stimulate and challenge all of the senses.

During the session, the therapist works closely with the child to provide a level of sensory stimulation that the child can cope with, and encourage movement within the room. Sensory integration therapy is driven by four main principles:

  • Just right challenge (the child must be able to successfully meet the challenges that are presented through playful activities)
  • Adaptive response (the child adapts his behavior with new and useful strategies in response to the challenges presented)
  • Active engagement (the child will want to participate because the activities are fun)
  • Child directed (the child's preferences are used to initiate therapeutic experiences within the session)

Sensory processing therapy, Lucy Jane Miller

This therapy retains all of the above-mentioned four principles and adds:[31]

  • Intensity (person attends therapy daily for a prolonged period of time)
  • Developmental approach (therapist adapts to the developmental age of the person, against actual age)
  • Test-retest systematic evaluation (all clients are evaluated before and after)
  • Process driven vs. activity driven (therapist focuses on the "Just right" emotional connection and the process the reinforces the relationship)
  • Parent education (parent education sessions are scheduled into the therapy process)
  • "joie de vivre" (happiness of life is therapy's main goal, attained through social participation, self-regulation, and self-esteem)
  • Combination of best practice interventions (is often accompanied by integrated listening system therapy, floor time, and electronic media such as Xbox Kinect, Nintendo Wii, Makoto II machine training and others)

Other methods

Some of these treatments (for example, sensorimotor handling) have a questionable rationale and no empirical evidence. Other treatments (for example, prism lenses, physical exercise, and auditory integration training) have had studies with small positive outcomes, but few conclusions can be made about them due to methodological problems with the studies.[32] Although replicable treatments have been described and valid outcome measures are known, gaps exist in knowledge related to sensory integration dysfunction and therapy.[33] Empirical support is limited, therefore systematic evaluation is needed if these interventions are used.[34]

Children with hypo-reactivity may be exposed to strong sensations such as stroking with a brush, vibrations or rubbing. Play may involve a range of materials to stimulate the senses such as play dough or finger painting.

Children with hyper-reactivity may be exposed to peaceful activities including quiet music and gentle rocking in a softly lit room. Treats and rewards may be used to encourage children to tolerate activities they would normally avoid.

While occupational therapists using a sensory integration frame of reference work on increasing a child's ability to adequately process sensory input, other OTs may focus on environmental accommodations that parents and school staff can use to enhance the child's function at home, school, and in the community.[35][36] These may include selecting soft, tag-free clothing, avoiding fluorescent lighting, and providing ear plugs for "emergency" use (such as for fire drills).

Therapy for adults

There is a growing evidence base that points to and supports the notion that adults also show signs of sensory processing difficulties. In the United Kingdom early research and improved clinical outcomes for clients assessed as having sensory processing difficulties is indicating that the therapy may be an appropriate treatment.[37] The adult clients show a range of presentations including autism and Asperger's syndrome, as well as developmental coordination disorder and some mental health difficulties.[38] Therapists suggest that these presentations may arise from the difficulties adults with sensory processing difficulties encounter trying to negotiate the challenges and demands of engaging in everyday life.[39]


Relationship to other disorders

Because comorbid conditions are common with sensory integration issues, a person may have other conditions as well. People who receive the diagnosis of sensory integration dysfunction may also have signs of anxiety problems, ADHD,[40] food intolerances, behavioral disorders and other disorders.

Autistic spectrum disorders and difficulties of sensory processing

Sensory processing disorder is a common comorbidity with autism spectrum disorders.[41][42][43][44] Although responses to sensory stimuli are more common and prominent in autistic children and adults, there is no good evidence that sensory symptoms differentiate autism from other developmental disorders.[45] Differences are greater for under-responsivity (for example, walking into things) than for over-responsivity (for example, distress from loud noises) or for sensory seeking (for example, rhythmic movements).[46] The responses may be more common in children: a pair of studies found that autistic children had impaired tactile perception while autistic adults did not.[47]

The Sensory Experiences Questionnaire has been developed to help identify the sensory processing patterns of children who may have autism.[48][49]


It is speculated that SPD may be a misdiagnosis for persons with attention problems.[40] For example, a student who fails to repeat what has been said in class (due to boredom or distraction) might be referred for evaluation for sensory integration dysfunction. The student might then be evaluated by an occupational therapist to determine why he is having difficulty focusing and attending, and perhaps also evaluated by an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist for auditory processing issues or language processing issues.[40] Similarly, a child may be mistakenly labeled "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)" because impulsivity has been observed, when actually this impulsivity is limited to sensory seeking or avoiding.[50][51] A child might regularly jump out of his seat in class despite multiple warnings and threats because his poor proprioception (body awareness) causes him to fall out of his seat, and his anxiety over this potential problem causes him to avoid sitting whenever possible. If the same child is able to remain seated after being given an inflatable bumpy cushion to sit on (which gives him more sensory input), or, is able to remain seated at home or in a particular classroom but not in his main classroom, it is a sign that more evaluation is needed to determine the cause of his impulsivity.

Other comorbidities

Various conditions can involve SPD, such as schizophrenia,[52][53][54] succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase deficiency,[55] primary nocturnal enuresis,[56] prenatal alcohol exposure, learning difficulties[17] and autism,[51][57][58] as well as people with traumatic brain injury[59] or who have had cochlear implants placed.[60] and may have genetic problems such as Fragile X syndrome. Sensory integration dysfunction is not considered to be on the autism spectrum, and a child can receive a diagnosis of sensory integration dysfunction without any comorbid conditions.



SPD is in Stanley Greenspan’s Diagnostic Manual for Infancy and Early Childhood and as Regulation Disorders of Sensory Processing part of the The Zero to Three’s Diagnostic Classification.[61] but is not recognized in the manuals ICD-10 or in the recently updated DSM-5.[62] However, unusual reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects is included as a possible but not necessary criterium for the diagnosis of autism.[63]


Some state that sensory processing disorder is a distinct diagnosis, while others argue that differences in sensory responsiveness are features of other diagnoses.[64] The American Academy of Pediatrics, for example, advises against a diagnosis of SPD unless it is a symptom due to autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder, or childhood anxiety disorder.[65] The neuroscientist David Eagleman has proposed that SPD may be a form of synesthesia, a perceptual condition in which the senses are blended.[66] Specifically, Eagleman suggests that instead of a sensory input "connecting to [a person's] color area [in the brain], it's connecting to an area involving pain or aversion or nausea".[67][68][69]

Researchers have described a treatable inherited sensory overstimulation disorder that meets diagnostic criteria for both attention deficit disorder and sensory integration dysfunction.[70]


Over 130 articles on sensory integration have been published in peer-reviewed (mostly occupational therapy) journals. The difficulties of designing double-blind research studies of sensory integration dysfunction have been addressed by Temple Grandin and others. More research is needed.

Because the amount of research regarding the effectiveness of SPD therapy is limited and inconclusive, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises pediatricians to inform families about these limitations, talk with families about a trial period for SPD therapy, and teach families how to evaluate therapy effectiveness.[65]


Sensory processing disorders were first described in-depth by occupational therapist Anna Jean Ayres (1920–1989). According to Ayres's writings, an individual with SPD would, therefore, have a decreased ability to organize sensory information as it comes in through the senses.[71]

Ayres model

Ayres theoretical frame about what she called Sensory integration was developed after 6 factor analytic studies of populations of children with learning disabilities, perceptual motor disabilities and normal developing children.[72] Ayres created the following nosology based on the patterns that appeared on her factor analysis:

  • Dyspraxia: poor motor planning (more related to the vestibular system and proprioception)
  • Poor bilateral integration: inadequate use of both sides of the body simultaneously
  • Tactile defensiveness: negative reaction to tactile stimuli
  • Visual perceptual deficits: poor form and space perception and visual motor functions
  • Somatodyspraxia: poor motor planning (related to poor information coming from the tactile and proprioceptive systems)
  • Auditory-language problems

Both visual perceptual and auditory language deficits were thought to possess a strong cognitive component and a weak relationship to underlying sensory processing deficits, so they are not considered central deficits in many models of sensory processing.

In 1998, Mulligan performed a study on 10,000 sets of data, each representing an individual child. She performed confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses and found similar patterns of deficits with her data as Ayres did.[73]

Dunn model

Dunn's nosology uses two criteria:[74] response type (passive vs active) and sensory threshold to the stimuli (low or high) creating 4 types:[75]

  • low registration, high threshold with passive response.
  • sensory avoiding, low threshold and active response.
  • sensory seeking, high threshold and active response.
  • sensory sensitive, low threshold with passive response.

Miller model

Lucy Jane Miller proposed a new nosology, where "sensory integration dysfunction" was renamed into "Sensory processing disorder" to facilitate coordinated research work with other fields such as neurology, for example "the use of the term sensory integration often applies to a neurophysiologic cellular process rather than a behavioral response to sensory input as connoted by Ayres."[6] The current nosology of sensory processing disorders was developed by Miller, based on neurological underlying principles.

Other models

A wide variety of approaches have incorporated sensation in order to influence learning and behavior.[73]

  • The Alert Program for Self-Regulation is a complementary approach that encourages cognitive awareness of alertness often with the use of sensory strategies to support learning and behavior.
  • Other approaches primarily use passive sensory experiences or sensory stimulation based on specific protocols, such as the Wilbarger Approach and the Vestibular-Oculomotor Protocol.

See also


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